Obama's Assault on the Church, via the EPA

Obama's Assault on the Church, via the EPA 

http://investigatingobama.blogspot.com/2010/05/obamas-assault-on-church-via-epa.htmlIn the kind of move forseen last year by Brannon Howse, the Obama administration is attempting to gain a foothold of ministerial (pardon the pun) influence over American churches, this by means of the pagan god, Gaia and the religion of environmentalism. It is to be accomplished through the EPA, a tender thought from souls of the likes of Marxist tacticians, Joel Rogers, Van Jones, and that old fellow sojourner, Jim Wallis.Do we need to care for the earth? Yes, that is among Adam's charges. Do we need the Church to be directed by government, to fulfill the deceitful schemes of thieving profiteers seeking global, Marxofascist governance? I know you can answer that question, too.

Alas, the above were only a few minutes of Glenn Beck's program, Tuesday 5/18/2010. His guests, Liberty University President, Jerry Falwell, Jr., J.D. and Peter Lillback,, Ph.D., President of Westminster Seminary and author of George Washington's Secret Fire, were excellent. Lilliback suggests to Christians which, unlike the aforementioned Wallis, generally accept the actual words of the Bible, in the order God had them put, that they look into the Manhattan Declaration regarding Christians' role in our society (something I signed a few weeks or months ago, or so, thank the drafters). I am writing this just after the 1am Central Time rerun of Beck and manhattandeclaration.org is not coming up for me. I think it is very busy. Excellent.Another suggestion, to fight man-made global Marxofascism, please ask and promote The Three SOVEREIGNTY NOW Questions meekly offered you. I mean please ask these questions of your politicians and candidates and promote them to electoral action groups and to your compatriots, so they may do the same. Thank you. Kentucky's Rand Paul talks about the importance of upholding the critical American sovereignties and how they are being attacked by global, anti-American interests, and look how he just won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senator. Americans can welcome real solutions, when they are presented.Now, Christians in all congregations must be informed of this new strategic attack and church leaders must be called out, on it. They must be asked, "Do you support our freedom of religion and the constitutional, equal justice which is the authorized political principle of this land, or do you favor knuckling under to the counterfeit 'social justice' of statist, neo-Marxist rebellion."Or, use your own words, but please do not mince words. If that is done and in response to this threat, sensible, God-responsible care is "freely given," by individual Christians acting in concert, for the actual and most acute needs in our society and world, then the Obamunists will be doing us a favor. - AW


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