Perry, Conservatives and Gay Marriage: An Evolving View?

Perry, Conservatives and Gay Marriage: An Evolving View?
The Republican Party may be recalibrating its approach to gay marriage at the highest level since embracing the spirit of the tea party, with its deep mistrust of the federal government and support for states' rights.
Two of the most prominent social conservatives looking toward the 2012 presidential election -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann -- now have suggested deferring to the states on marriage laws. That stance meshes somewhat with former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman's view, and he is perceived to be the most socially moderate candidate in the GOP field. For a party that has in the past remained adamantly opposed to gay marriage, the coming presidential race may be the forum where that position gets a fresh look.
But it was Perry's comments Friday in Colorado that have made social conservatives uneasy, and they expect him to explain himself upon entering the presidential race.Click here for complete article:


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