Piper Tweets What?

Piper Tweeted on January 19, 2012:
Muslims, Jews, Christians! Allah and Adonai are only known and loved through the crucified and risen Christ. Jn 8:19; 5:42-43
What is John Piper talking about? The Allah of the Koran is Satan and none of the verses Piper gives clearly explain what he is trying to say. Allah is not known and loved through the crucified and risen Christ. Allah, (Satan) was defeated through the crucified and risen Jesus Christ. If Piper meant "Allah"; the name used by Arab Christians, as some are trying to say, then Piper should not have addressed the Muslims at the start of his statement.

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Piper has been very clear over the years that Allah of the Koran and the God of the Bible are not the same and I don't think he has changed his opinion on this.

I think Piper has just put out a silly tweet that is very confusing. This is the problem with pastors tweeting doctrinal and theological discussions in one confusing sentence. Piper has over 252,000 people following him on twitter and most people do not know that Arab Christians call God "Allah". Piper makes it more confusing when he addresses the Muslim in his tweet because the Allah of the Koran is not God. It is Piper's responsibility to be clear with his tweets so we don't have to guess what he means. If he cannot do this then Piper should stop tweeting.


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