PRESIDENT OBAMA SAID WHAT? longer above his pay-grade
PRESIDENT OBAMA SAID WHAT? longer above his pay-grade
Less than two hours ago, Jim Geraghty from NRO reported the following:
President Obama, moments ago, during the National Prayer Breakfast: "We know there is no God who condones the killing of an innocent human being."So, let me guess, he'll wait another 24 hours before promoting the Freedom of Choice Act?
In response to this astounding and encouraging statement by radical proabortionist, President Obama, Ed Morrissey of wrote these insightful, sobering, and sagely words:
"Perhaps then President Obama would also agree that we know no God who condones the negligent killing of innocent human beings who survive abortions. Of course, Obama would have to acknowledge now that his position has changed since his days in the Illinois state legislature, when he helped protect abortionists by blocking legislation that would have required a second doctor to act on behalf of infants born alive after an abortion. God knows that those children were and are innocents, alive at birth, and left to die in abortion mills.
Perhaps that will also lead Obama to oppose the Freedom of Choice Act, which would remove all existing restrictions on the killing of innocent human beings in the womb. After all, once the sperm and egg combine, the result is a unique being, completely human, and alive. That isn't a theological determination, but a scientific fact at the moment the cell begins to multiply, within minutes of conception. Certainly that would be the apex of innocence. If no God condones the killing of an innocent human being, the condemnation for that act would begin at life itself.We will remind Presisdent Obama of his profound words at every opportunity over the next four years, and thank him for making this as clear as possible."
"The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will." (Proverbs 21:1) If President Obama's words were sincere this morning and not mere political accommodational spin to tickle the ears of gathered evangelicals at a prayer breakfast, then I say amen! Could the Lord be turning the heart of our President on this issue towards a culture of life and away from a culture of death?
So keep fervently praying beloved.
In that same chapter of Proverbs 21, Solomon ends as he began - with the Sovereignty of God over human affairs: "The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord."
Oh that we would see the demise of the abortion mill industry at every stage in our lifetime that has been tragically led by those possessing a seared conscience, and whom have delighted ethically, celebrated morally, profited financially, and participated barbarically in the murder of millions of unborn children. May this silent holocaust finally come to an end. Now that is the kind of "change" worth hoping for!
The battle is the Lord's!
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