Proof China and Russia are Preparing for War with the United States in our Own Backyard

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Guest: Kevin Freeman host of Economic War Room & Proof China and Russia are preparing for war with the United States in our own backyard. Topic: Kevin gives us an update on the state of the economy, the stock market, the Federal Reserve interest rate cut on a Sunday, and where this is headed. Topic: Why is America going to the extreme measure and expense to protect the lives of Americans from the Coronavirus that could kill a few million and yet our nation is doing virtually nothing to protect the civil infrastructure and power grid from an EMP attack? Congressional studies have revealed that if an EMP attack took down the power grid for a year, 90% of Americans would be dead from diseases, starvation, and social unrest. Dr. Peter Pry has revealed on Brannon’s radio show that America could protect our power-grid for an estimated $2 billion dollars or 20 cents per American utility bill annually. Yet, America’s grid is completely vulnerable while Russia and North Korea have reportedly obtained a super-EMP weapon that could be launched from a cargo container or fishing vessel off the U.S. coast. Topic: Brannon then plays out clips from a March 11, 2020 Senate Armed Services Committee. Hear audio clips from U.S. Southern Command Admiral Faller and U.S. Northern Command General O’Shaughnessy. Ironically these two men are cousins. Listen as they warn about the threats that Russia and China are posing to the American homeland. Listen as they warn of activities by Russia and China throughout Central America. Admiral Faller warned that China is “trying to achieve a positional advantage right here in our neighborhood and that’s alarming to me.” He goes on to warn that China is obtaining space infrastructure in central America. Topic: General O’Shaughnessy warns that Russia is posing an increasing threat to our American infrastructure. He also warns of the need for the U.S military to develop increased ability to detect early any incoming missiles.



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