Rick Warren Teams up with Swedenborg Cult Follower Dr. Oz

Rick Warren Teams up with Swedenborg Cult Follower Dr. Oz

Contact: Christian Investigator, 608-469-7956
MADISON, Wis., Jan. 13, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- On January 15, Rick Warren will kick-off a 52-week Daniel Plan to become healthier with Dr. Mehmet Oz, a follower of cult leader Emmanuel Swedenborg.According to Warren's website, his church will host a 52-week course to stress losing weight and becoming healthier. The kick-off event will include Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Daniel Amen, and Dr. Mark Hyman. All three have Eastern spiritual connections.
Dr. Mehmert Oz is a follower of Emmanuel Swedenborg according to The New Church website. He has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show and is Professor of Cardiac Surgery at Columbia University.He is inspired by Emmanuel Swedenborg, a cult leader who died in 1772 in Sweden. Swedenborgianism has up to 50,000 members worldwide according to the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry website. They deny the atonement, the trinity, and the deity of the Holy Spirit.They believe all religions lead to God and that Christianity must go through a rebirth. Also, they do not believe in a personal devil. They believe the Bible is not inspired and that when people die, they become an angel or an evil spirit.Emmanuel Swedenborg had a vision in 1745 where he supposedly saw creatures crawling on the walls. He believed God then appeared to him as a man and told him that he would be the person to promote the new teachings to the world.The other two speakers are Dr. Daniel Amen and Dr. Mark Hyman. Dr. Amen teaches tantric sex, a Hindu mystical approach to sex. He teaches Eastern religion meditation and energy-based Reiki, a New Age practice. Dr. Mark Hyman promotes mystical meditation based on Buddhist principles.Christian Investigator President Steve McConkey says, "It is troubling for a top pastor in the United States to promote false teachers. We are living at an all-time low spiritually in the United States with weak leaders. We need to teach basic Bible principles without legalism."Steve McConkey is the President/Founder of 4 WINDS which offers the news/apologetics site ChristianInvestigator.com (CI). Also, CI produces articles that are distributed worldwide on important issues. CI is the first news/apologetics site offered by a sports ministry. Steve and his wife have been in world-class track and field ministries since 1981. 4 WINDS was started in 1988 and encourages athletes to grow in their Christian faith.


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