A Serious Conflict Of Interest!

Date: Thursday, January 1st, 2009A Serious Conflict Of Interest!The silence in the Black American Church regarding the evil of  abortion is killing us.  The numbers reflecting the impact of  abortion in the Black American community are horrifying. From 1882 until 1968, 3,446 Black Americans were lynched here in the  U.S. Today, that number is surpassed in 2.8 days by abortion in the  Black community. [1]The abortion rate for black women is almost five times that for white  women [2].  Sixty-nine percent (69%) of pregnancies among black women  are unintended. [3]  Every 1.2 minutes of every single day of the  year in America, a black baby is aborted.According to the U.S. Census Report of 2006, which is given to the  Senate and the Congress, Black Americans need 2.1 live births to  replace themselves.  At this point Black Americans are currently  below the replacement level at 1.9.  This means Black Americans are  no longer replacing themselves because there are more deaths than  live births. [4]It has been reported that the abortion rate for black women is 543  abortions for every 1000 births.  In other words a black baby has  less than a fifty percent (50%) chance of being born alive.  Yet  Black American leadership continues to support the pro-choice movement.Why?Why did ninety-six percent (96%) of Black America vote for our  President-Elect, Barack Obama, a man who supports abortion, the very  action that is killing five percent (5%) of the black population?   This is a very serious conflict of interest.Is Black American leadership afraid to acknowledge how dangerous the  President-Elect's support of abortion is?Are Black American leader's too un-informed to be outraged that for  years our President-Elect has been supporting and currently is  supported by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., an  organization that is the leading provider of surgical abortions in  the United States of America?Is it possible that Black Americans really believe the product of a  human father and a human mother can be anything other than a human  being?Do Black Americans really believe a man or a woman has the right to  kill their child?Can it be true that Black Americans really believe it is best to  allow our babies to be physically dismembered and sucked out of their  mother's womb into biohazardous waste bags because the child's  parents income is below the federal poverty level?Do Black Americans really believe the reason a Black woman kills her  child is because she understands the value of an education, the  benefits of a job and the responsibilities of parenthood and family  life?Do Black Americans really believe that if a Black woman does not have  the love and support of a man, she should consider terminating the  life of her baby?Do Black Americans really believe there is a "time and place" to  suspend the constitutional rights of our offspring?The statistics would say "yes" to all of the above and as a Black  American man of the cloth, I am ashamed of the Black Church's  unwillingness to opening, publicly and forthrightly, address the  morally reprehensible impact of abortion in the Black community.According to Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-Life  Union, abortion is the number one killer of Black Americans.   Abortion kills more black people than heart attacks, stroke, HIV- AIDS, accidents, cancer, violent crime and all other deaths combined.According to Star Parker, President of the Coalition on Urban Renewal  & Education (CURE), Abortion is now the number one killer of black  women between 25 and 34.Yet our pulpits, if not supporting pro-choice leaders, have been  criminally silent on the issue of abortion and negligent in providing  tangible and practical help such as Post Abortion Counseling and  Education (PACE) programs to men, women and families in the pews who  have been deceived by the lies of a pro-death society and horribly  hurt by a rabid abortion industry.God has ordained the man of God to serve this present age and given  him the power to speak truth in to the hearts of people.  In the  Black community no one has more influence than the Pastor and  brothers we have willfully allowed ourselves to be deceived by our  own self-interests.Abortion is clearly a moral issue and the Word of God requires us to  stand up and speak out against it. [5]Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in his "Letter from Birmingham Jail,"  dated April 16, 1963, wrote:"Whenever the early Christians entered a town the power structure  got disturbed and immediately sought to convict them for being  'disturbers of the peace' and 'outside agitators.' But they  went on with the conviction that they were 'a colony of heaven,'  and had to obey God rather than man. They were small in number but  big in commitment. They were too God-intoxicated to be  'astronomically intimidated.'  They brought an end to such ancient  evils as infanticide and gladiatorial contest."Let us face this new year without fear.Let us humble ourselves and seek God's face.Let us repent of our sins and ask God to forgive us.Let us like the early Christians boldly choose to obey God rather  than man and bring an end to abortion anywhere and everywhere it exists.Footnotes:[1] Statistics provided  by the Archives at Tuskegee Institute  [http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/shipp/ lynchingsstate.html], accessed January 1, 2009.[2] The Alan Guttmacher Institute Policy Review: Summer 2008, Volume  11, Number 3 [http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/gpr/11/3/ gpr110302.html], accessed January 1, 2009.[3] The Alan Guttmacher Institute: Facts on Induced Abortion in the  United States [http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/ fb_induced_abortion.html], accessed January 1, 2009.[4] U.S. Census Report of 2006 and refer to chart 77 [http:// www.census.gov/prod/2005pubs/06statab/vitstat.pdf], accessed January  1, 2009[5] King James Version of the Bible: Leviticus 18:3, 20:21-24; 21;  20:1-5; Deuteronomy 12:29-31; 2 Kings 23:10; Jeremiah 7:31,32 ;  19:4-6; Ezekiel 16:20,21; 23:36,37.  This is a partial list of  scripture references.======================|For more information contact the Issues4Life Foundation via email  ([email protected]) or at (510) 225-4055, extension 4.|---Issues4Life FoundationWebsite: http://www.issues4life.orgBlog: http://issues4lifefoundation.wordpress.comConfidentiality Note: The information contained in this message, and  any attachments is confidential and/or privileged material.|---Issues4Life FoundationWebsite: http://www.issues4life.orgBlog: http://issues4lifefoundation.wordpress.com


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