Should Christians Vote for Romney?

Should Christians Vote for Romney?

By Gregg JacksonCo-author of "We Won't Get Fooled Again
The most frequent question I have been asked in interviews discussing my new book co-authored with nationally syndicated radio host, Steve Deace, We Won't Get Fooled Again: Where the Christian Right Went Wrong and How to Make America Right Again, is whether or not a Christian can support Mitt Romney if he becomes the GOP nominee.
As somebody who covered Mitt Romney on the radio in Boston when he was governor, I know too much about his pro-abortion,pro-homosexual "marriage," pro-Big Government far left wing record to vote for him. But I would not condemn anybody else who chooses to given the fact that the current occupant in the White House is clearly hell bent on destroying any vestige of what currently is left of America.
Frequently, the questioner will respond that despite Romney's liberal record that he won't be as bad as Obama and that we need to support "anybody but Obama."
While that may or may not be true, (I think a valid argument that a Romney presidency would actually be far worse for America)there are certain non-negotiables that, in my opinion, disqualify any candidate running for any public office but especially the presidency.
Here are 10 questions that I recommend posing to any candidate for whom you may be considering voting. As far as I am concerned, if they can't answer these fundamental foundational questions concerning civil government and the rule-of-law correctly they are not qualified for any public office in any branch and at any level of government.
1. Do all of our rights come from God? (If "no" then candidate disqualified.")
2. Is the primary purpose of civil government to protect inalienable rights? (If "no" then candidate disqualified.
3. Is the Supreme Court the final arbiter of what is/isn't constitutional/legal? (If "yes" then candidate disqualified.)
4. Is Roe v. Wade the "law of the land?" (If "yes" then candidate disqualified.)
5. Do governors and presidents (and all other civil magistrates) have a constitutional obligation to ignore unconstitutional court opinions such as Roe, Kelo, Lawrence, Goodridge, California re:Marriage,Varnum, etc…? (If "no" then candidate disqualified.)
6. Is the inalienable right to life from conception to natural death the most fundamental right we as human beings possess? (If "no"then candidate disqualified.)
7. Does the president possess the Constitutional obligation, as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the United States of America, to enforce the inalienable right to life (as guaranteed in the 5th and14th Amendments) for all innocent human persons from conception to natural death when individual states fail to do so? (If "no" then candidate disqualified.)
8. Do state governors, possess the Constitutional obligation, as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of their individual sovereign state, to enforce the inalienable right to life (as guaranteed in the 5th and 14th Amendments) for all innocent human persons from conception to natural death? (If "no" then candidate disqualified.)
7. Can any law contrary to God's Natural Law ever be constitutional or legal? (If "yes" then candidate disqualified.)
8. Can "homosexual marriage" or child murder by abortion ever be legal even if "voter approved" since no law contrary to God's Natural Law can ever be "legal?" (If "yes" then candidate disqualified.)
9. Can any bill that ends with the 6 words, "then you can kill the baby" such as the "ban" on partial birth abortion (which has never actually banned the procedure and never saved even 1 baby despite raising a quarter of a billion dollars for many of the leading "Christian" and "conservative"pro-life, pro family and legal organizations) ever be considered "pro-lifelegislation?" (If "yes" then candidate disqualified.)
10. Will you advance/support state/federal Personhood Human Life Amendment to the Constitution that would outlaw all abortions from the very moment of conception since Personhood (written into the GOP platform by Ronald Reagan) is the core plank of the GOP platform? (If "no" then candidate disqualified.)
Some may call me a "purist" for setting such unreasonably high standards and focusing too narrowly on "social issues." But I don't think it's unreasonable or "puritanical" for "we the people" to merely expect that our elected public officials be able to articulate who the Supreme Law giver is, what civil government's central purpose is, and the role and enumerated limitations of each of the 3 branches of government.
Pretty basic Civics 101 stuff.
If conservative Christians want authentically pro-life,pro-family, pro-rule of law representatives, isn't it up to "we the people" to hold them accountable to ensure they uphold their sworn Constitutional oaths? Isn't that the main requirement for self-government?
At the end of the day, if we have immoral and compromised politicians in office, we must acknowledge that we bear a significant portion of the blame for placing them in power, knowing even before we pull the lever for them, that they have no intention of abiding by their oaths of office based on their own records and public statements.
Do we not?


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