Similarities Between Mormonism and Islam

Similarities Between Mormonism and Islam By Brannon S. Howse<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
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Here is a description of today's Worldview Matters radio program. Even if you do not have time to listen to the program then I believe the show description below will be something you will want to read and share with your friends.
Topic One: "Mormonism, America's Islam" is a book written in 1912 by Bruce Kinney You can print out a copy of the book here. What do Mormons and Muslims have in common? Similarities of Muhammad and Joseph Smith: - Visited by an angel.- Given visions. - Told that no true religion existed on the earth.- Was sent to restore the long lost faith as the one true religion.- A book produced from their teachings claimed to be "inspired by God."- Each claimed to be illiterate or uneducated and used this as proof the book was inspired.- Each claimed the Bible was lost, altered, corrupted and unreliable. - Each claimed his new holy book was the most correct and perfect book on earth. - Each claimed to be a final prophet of God.- Each claimed he was persecuted because of his pure faith. - Was a polygamist who had many wives. - Immediately after his death a fight broke out from among the "faithful converts" as to who would succeed him.- Both religions have those who follow the "original doctrine" of the founding leaders and like these founding leaders, have been violent, polygamists, and have revelations justifying their evil actions. - Each has progressive revelation. ("New" revelation always replaces older revelation that became inconvenient to the prophet.)
The list above was compiled by one of my radio guests today, Eric Barger. The list below was compiled by my other guest on today's program, former Mormon, Ed Decker:  Both belief systems teach that they have the only true and complete religion on face of the earth. Both reject Christianity as corrupted.  Both taught the plurality of wives, both on earth and in here-after.Both teach that the Bible is corrupt and mistranslated.Both revealed God's true scripture.Both reject original sin and the doctrine of the trinity.Both teach a salvation by good works.Both use a lay clergy.Both founded by a holy uneducated prophet.Both founding prophets had angelic visitations that they were to restore Adamic religion.Both prophets' words were above scripture or earlier prophets.Both teach a theocratic form of government.Both teach a here-after with graded rewards for works.Both claim to be the world's fastest growing religion. Glenn Beck, a Mormon, was able to get Christians to lock arms with Muslims in a spiritual endeavor that was looking to "one god". Topic Two: September 11, 1857, Mormons slaughter 120 men, women, and children in the name of "God" and then years later the Mormons worked to build a Mormon memorial on the ground of the Mountain Meadow Massacre against the wishes of family members of the slain. On September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists murdered American citizens in the name of God and now seek to build a memorial to their religion in the form of a Mosque only a stone throw from where the Twin Towers once stood. Topic Three: Hear the real story behind the Mormon War in Missouri in 1883. Topic Four: Biblically committed Christians must understand the spiritual deception of these last days and how Satan will move among false religions and cults to deceive Christians as well as non-Christians as he seeks to build his one-world religion. Satan is seeking to destroy Biblical Christianity for a humanistic "Christianity". Satan wants to embarrass and compromise Christian pastors and leaders. Satan is seeking to infiltrate Bible-based churches with false teaching and turn them toward his goal of pagan spirituality and pluralism-in the name of tolerance-and a social gospel. Satan will use that which has a form of godliness but denies the God of the Bible. (2 Timothy 3:5)
Do not be shocked when most "Christians" do not understand this huge spiritual compromise and ridicule you.  Topic Five: Southern Baptist leader Richard Land calls Mormonism the Fourth Abrahamic religion. The problem is that Mormonism does not believe in one god but millions of gods making them a polytheistic religion. The other three religions are monotheistic; meaning they only believe in one god. So how does that make Mormonism a fourth Abrahamic religion? This is basic religion 101. This statement by Land is not really shocking since he is a guy that sits on the Council for Foreign Relations, is pushing for Amnesty, (by another name), sat on the U.S.- Muslim Engagement Project to dialogue and build bridges to Muslims, and the list could go on and on but we will stop here.
Click here to listen to today's program:


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