Suspect arrested in Charlene Downes case 13 years after Muslims murdered her and sold her body as kebab meat

In England, 14-year-old Charlene Downes was murdered by two Muslim Jordanians and turned into kebab meat and sold. And British police, surprise surprise, blew the whole process. The two were released.

Geller Report reader John comments from the UK: “Of course, the Sharia controllers don’t even mention the Asian word here, let alone the fact they were 2 Muslims who allegedly raped, murdered, chopped her up and fed her to the locals in their kebabs. Police had recordings of them discussing the crime and how they got rid of the body but failed to get a conviction, really?…Many groups have campaigned for justice tirelessly for Charlene God bless her and this might just be a result, but beware the UK Sharia…£230k each these bastards got for compensation. Scum bags all of them, the Muz, the coppers, the government.”

“Charlene Downes murder suspect arrested after 13 years,” by Ceren Senkul, Sky News, August 1, 2017 (thanks to John):


A man has been arrested on suspicion of murdering Charlene Downes, more than 13 years after she vanished in Blackpool, Lancashire.

Charlene has not been seen since she kissed her mother goodbye before going to see friends in 2003.

The 51-year-old suspect, who lived in the area at the time of the teenager’s disappearance, is being questioned in custody.

Charlene’s body has never been found and the case has become Lancashire Police’s largest and longest investigation.

Two men were arrested and tried on suspicion of Charlene’s murder in 2007, with prosecutors claiming Charlene’s body was chopped up and had “gone into kebabs”.

The men, who owned a takeaway, were given more than £230,000 of compensation after a 2008 retrial collapsed with the prosecution offering no evidence.

Police reopened the investigation into her death in 2013, the 10th anniversary of when she was last seen alive.

Several arrests were made by investigators last year for historical sex offences, but they are said to not be directly related to as Charlene’s disappearance.

A £100,000 reward remains on offer for information leading to the conviction of Charlene’s killer or killers….

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