Turning Churches into Social Justice, Social Service Centers, 
Purchasing Pastors & Setting Up True Conservatives For Persecution

Note: The following is an excerpt from Brannon’s latest best-selling book, Marxianity, that you can order now at marxianity.com The book is 336 pages with almost 400 footnotes to back up what he is reporting.

You can also order sabotagethemovie.com in which the last of the six hours is an overview of Marxianity, and further reveals the biblical compromise of groups such as Together For the Gospel, The Gospel Coalition, and men such as Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, Tim Keller, Matt Chandler and Mark Dever, among others. 

These video clips will also help you understand what is occuring:

Alice Bailey & Revelation 18 Predicted World Government Religious Leaders Are Helping Build 

How "Pastors" Are Feeding Americans Socialism Disguised As Christianity 



At the beginning of this chapter, I noted that I believe the Roman Catholic Church created the model for siphoning government money into church coffers. Now, though, many Protestant leaders are accepting Catholic strategies for leadership by adopting Rome’s methodology.  In case you doubt the success of the Church of Rome in this regard, consider that a 2013 article in PolitiFact reported that:

[quote] [I]ndeed, the government even foots a notable share of the bill for Catholic charitable work through social service contracts. According to Network, a Catholic social justice lobbying group, the federal government sent more than 1.5 billion dollars to Catholic organizations over a recent two-year period. In 2012, The Economist reported that 62 percent of Catholic charity’s support came from local, state and federal government agencies. [end quote] 

The Economist article referenced by PolitiFact also noted that:

[quote] The [Catholic Church] is the largest single charitable organization in the country. Catholic Charities USA, its main charity, and its subsidiaries employ over 65,000 paid staff and serve over 10 million people. These organizations distributed 4.7 billion to the poor in 2010, of which 62 percent came from local, state and federal government agencies. [end quote] 

The Catholic Church is serving as middleman, a contractor. Government funds pass through and the church “gets a piece of the action.” The same article also reports that:


[quote] The American [Catholic] church may account for as much as 60 percent of the global institution’s wealth. Little surprise then that it’s the biggest contributor to the head office. . . ahead of Germany, Italy and France. Everything from renovations to St. Peter’s basilica in Rome to the Pontifical Gregorian University, the church’s version of West Point, is largely paid for with American money. [end quote]

A tremendous amount of money is changing hands through social programs, and that’s why I believe people like Rick Warren, Tim Keller and others want to get in the receiving line. 

There are also less direct ways of grabbing government money. The article explains that another source of revenue is Medicare and Medicaid patients in Catholic hospitals, and also students who receive government loans to attend Catholic universities. In November 2015, Breitbart ran an article called “Unholy Alliance. Christian Charities Profit from 1 Billion Federal Program to Resettle Refugees.” It explained that:

[quote] Though they are officially nonprofit, organizations, Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and several other Christian organizations are profiting from lucrative contracts with the federal government to resettle refugees in the United States. . . 

[I]n fiscal year 2015, the state department, through the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration and the Office of Refugee Resettlement spent more than 1 billion on these programs which settled international refugees “vetted” by the United Nations High Commission on International Refugees in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. . . 

Much of this 1 billion in annual revenue goes to voluntary agencies, several of which are Christian nonprofits such as Catholic Charities, Lutheran Immigration, Refugee Service, World Relief Corporation, Church World Service and Domestic and Foreign Missionary Service of the Episcopal Church of the USA. [end quote] 

Notice that Protestant groups from the Episcopal and Lutheran churches are getting a share. So, you see, the model has been set and is working even beyond the walls of the Roman Church. But anyone who buys in is automatically compromised because of government restrictions against proselytizing. 

Churches in bed with the federal, state, and local governments will be the new face of Christianity. These are the “tolerant Christians,” the ones who are benevolent social justice warriors. Which means that folks like you and me—the fundamentalist, capitalist Christians—are the problem. I guarantee you that this false dominant church will give cover to the government and to implement hate crime and hate speech laws, fairness doctrines, removal of freedom of speech, religion, and assembly for those of us who are true, conservative Christians. 

It’s a great ruse. The new Christians can point at conservatives—the “fake Christians”—and vilify them as the troublemakers. A 2016 article at RecklesslyAlive.com shares “12 Reasons Millennials Are Over Church” that show the attitude laying the groundwork for this abandonment of real Christians and their faith. Here’s what the millennial writer recommends:

[quote] [I]t’s time to focus on changing the public perception of the church within the community. The neighbors, the city and the people around our church building should be audibly thankful the congregation is part of their neighborhood. We should be serving the crap out of them. We desperately need to be calling the schools and the city, knocking on doors, asking everyone around us how we can make their world better. [end quote] 

You see, church leaders, our generation just isn’t interested in playing church anymore. And there are real possible solutions to filling our congregations with young adults. It’s obvious you’re not understanding the gravity of the problem at hand and aren’t nearly as alarmed as you should be about the crossroads we’re at. You’re complacent, irrelevant and approaching extinction. A smattering of mostly older people doing mostly the same things they’ve always done isn’t going to turn the tide. Feel free to write me off as just another angry self-addicted millennial. Believe me, at this point I’m beyond used to being abandoned and ignored. 

To this, globalists, internationalists, statists, Neo-Marxists, and the government are saying, “We’ll give you the money to do it.” That’s why so many churches have gone from traditional to transitional to transformational, and now you’re being set up to be the problem. It’s not pretty, but that’s the way it is.

 A document called “Civilitas” reveals what’s happening. Supported by a host of influential Christians including Richard Mouw, president emeritus of Fuller Theological Seminary, Tim Keller, Rick Warren, Eric Metaxas, John Ortberg, and Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, “Civilitas” describes the church as the largest “social entity” in the country. It views the 100 million church members in the United States as potential volunteers for community service and articulates “a simple model” to convene “civil conversations” in some of America’s most influential cities. Plans are underway to convene “conversations” in 25 American cities including New York, Los Angeles, Washington, Seattle, Chicago, and Boston. Civilitas plans to facilitate dinner meetings in which five or six Christian leaders meet with five or six cultural elites. In New York, for instance, this would likely include Tim Keller and (Roman Catholic) Cardinal Dolan. The cultural elite would be represented by journalists and officials like former presidential aide George Stephanopoulos and New York Times writer David Brookes. 

Civilitas seeks to engage a national network of Christian leaders and cultural elites in networks and dialogues that identify issues for “the common good of our culture.” Notice the key term, “common good.” It’s communitarian-speak for social justice, human flourishing, and sustainable development—all of which are collectivist, globalist concepts. Theirs is an astounding grab for influence. 

The document enumerates the targeted issues: the welfare of children, the public school crisis, the prevalence of violence in our society, the breakdown of families, community life, and cultural cohesion. It even purports to manage our “future democracy” in an increasingly diverse population. Here’s how Civilitas will proceed:

[quote]  “Civilitas” will then seek to connect the best minds and the most creative entities in the country to work on our most intractable challenges in pursuit of solutions for the common good. This will include churches, colleges and seminaries, mission leaders and social entrepreneurs, together with Christians who have earned trust and exerted influence in every sector of society to collaborate in pursuit of the common good. (emphases mine) [end quote]

Notice the term “social entrepreneurs.” It’s simply a masking term for “community organizer.” In my books Grave Influence and The Coming Religious Reich, I detail the dark side of this concept—an idea crafted by Saul Alinsky and developed by Michelle and Barack Obama before they found their way to the White House. 

The document outlines a shared vision and strategy for collaborative initiatives to deal with the most pressing social and cultural challenges in each city, and it explains who the churches will be working with. A key organization is the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture. The connection is troubling because the website of the institute states clearly where its perspective comes from: the Frankfurt School. And now they’re getting hold of churches through “Civilitas” to carry out cultural Marxism. Instead of fighting churches like old school communists have done, they simply bring them in as willing participants in the introduction of cultural Marxism. 


Note: The following is an excerpt from Brannon’s latest best-selling book, Marxianity, that you can order now at marxianity.com The book is 336 pages with almost 400 footnotes to back up what he is reporting.

You can also order sabotagethemovie.com in which the last of the six hours is an overview of Marxianity, and further reveals the biblical compromise of groups such as Together For the Gospel, The Gospel Coalition, and men such as Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, Tim Keller, Matt Chandler and Mark Dever, among others. 

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