Two Tracks to Globalism Merge

Two Tracks to Globalism MergeBy Brannon HowseThe following is an excerpt from the just released book by Brannon Howse, Grave Influence: 21 Radicals and Their Worldviews That Rule America From The Grave (368 pages, hard-cover)Click here to order your copy today:
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There have been two tracks to globalism for many years-political and spiritual. Now the two tracks have become one as politicians use religion to promote globalism and religious leaders become partners with politicians and promote the United Nations.

In July 2009, Pope Benedict XVI issued a 30,000-word encyclical, and this time even the New York Times understood the seriousness of what the Pope was calling for:
Pope Benedict XVI on Tuesday called for a radical rethinking of the global economy, criticizing a growing divide between rich and poor and urging the establishment of a "true world political authority" to oversee the economy and work for the "common good…Indeed, sometimes Benedict sounds like an old-school European socialist, lamenting the decline of the social welfare state and praising the "importance" of labor unions to protect workers. Without stable work, he noted, people lose hope and tend not to get married and have children…Benedict also called for a reform of the United Nations so there could be a unified "global political body" that allowed the less powerful of the earth to have a voice, and he called on rich nations to help less fortunate ones.[1]

Just as Alice Bailey said would occur (see Chapter 10), many Church leaders-even pastors and "Christian" authors-promote globalism and pagan spirituality. This has been coming from the Vatican and Catholic leaders for some time and has now affected Protestants as well. Just as I now speak out against the agenda of these Protestant leaders, some of my Catholic friends are laudably doing the same about the Vatican and other Catholic globalists. Many Catholics have even called in to my radio program to thank me for exposing globalists in both the Protestant and Catholic worlds.
Secularists see a useful parallel in Church influence. Former U.N. Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold noted that there are "two Popes on this planet, a spiritual Pope in Rome and a civilian Pope in New York, namely, the Secretary-General of the UN."[2]
Even President Obama's science czar, John Holdren, envisions a "planetary regime." Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media and columnist at reviewed a paper by Holdren:
That Holdren endorsed the concept of a "planetary regime" is shocking, considering that he is now a top White House official. In fairness, however, it doesn't seem much different from Pope Benedict XVI's endorsement of a "World Political Authority," which was included in his recent encyclical. Devotion to some form of world government seems popular in religious and government circles these days, especially in the age of Obama.[3]
Globalism has always been tied to occultism, so don't be surprised to see more and more politicians calling for globalism and embracing pagan spirituality. And don't be surprised when you hear politicians using New Age language. A few years ago, for example, Henry Kissinger appeared on the Charlie Rose Program and declared …"we have to bring about together with other countries a different consciousness of what a world order is." New Agers have been using "consciousness" and "world order" language for years.

Tony Blair, the former prime minister of Great Britain and member of the Fabian socialist Labor Party, is another example of a politician who uses the language of pagan spirituality. As he tours the world promoting the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, he has given numerous interviews about globalism and the need for the religions of the world to "come together." Blair mobilizes young people between the ages of 18 and 25 to become "Faith Act Fellows." His website encourages them:
The newly selected Faith Act Fellows are representative of Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist faiths and hail from across the US, Canada and UK. From Saskatoon to Michigan to Belfast they will work in interfaith pairs, reaching up to tens of thousands of people of faith, informing them about the devastating impact of malaria and the opportunities open to faith communities to work together to save millions of lives.[4]
Blair was featured speaker at the leadership conference of seeker-friendly, mega-church Pastor Bill Hybels in a Chicago suburb in August of 2009. Pastor Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life, has also endorsed the Tony Blair Foundation. In a statement on Blair's website, Warren explained:
I honestly don't know of anyone better suited for this challenge. It's why I agreed to serve on the Advisory Board. The Tony Blair Faith Foundation's potential for doing good is staggering.[5]
Jan Markell, a columnist for, put the leadership conference in perspective with her article, "When Evangelicals Dine with the Wicked":
Blair is one of the chief players on the globalistic, one-world religion agenda. The Tony Blair Faith Foundation screams "unity" with every sentence, and not biblical unity. Blair states, "God's Spirit moves through us and the world at a pace that can never be constricted by any one religious paradigm. Be very wary of people who think theirs is the only way." Members of his board include a Zen Buddhist, a Hindu from Minnesota, an Anglican, Rick Warren, a Rabbi, and others. A goal is to "heal the divisiveness in the world." This feeds into the end-time ecumenical effort predicted in the Bible. Just as troubling is the appearance of rock star Bono. His U2 band was blatantly Satanic. Bono is seen [on a video on the internet] holding an upside down cross and singing praises to Charles Manson with the song Helter Skelter. Did Bono have a conversion experience? If he did, he has not changed the name of his music affiliation, which remains U2 from the days of blatant Satanism. orship." U2's 2005 Vertigo tour promoted Bono's New Age, all-faith agenda. The word 'coexist' appeared on a giant screen-the 'c' represented by the Islamic crescent, the 'x' by the Star of David, and the 't' by the Christian cross. Then the big screen displayed the favorite mantra/lie of the Emergent/New Age Church, "Everything you know is wrong." Bono led the audience in a chant, "Jesus, Jew, Mohammed-all true!"[6]
Many "evangelicals" today are promoting a social gospel which is really nothing more than socialism. They call for bigger government, a more involved United Nations, the redistribution of wealth, and the Gospel is not mentioned for fear of offending someone. This is not so shocking since Bill Hybels, Rick Warren, Jim Wallis, and dozens of other "evangelicals" have all signed on to a document produced by the Yale Center for Faith that asserts that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Strangely, Muslims themselves do not even believe that the God of the Bible is Allah. As you continue to watch events unfold you may find yourself shocked at who jumps on the pluralism bandwagon in the move towards a one-world religion.
The following was an excerpt from the just released book by Brannon Howse, Grave Influence: 21 Radicals and Their Worldviews That Rule America From The Grave (368 pages, hard-cover)Click here to order your copy today:

[1] Rachel Donadio and Laurie Goodstein, “Pope Urges Forming New World Economic Order to Work for the ‘Common Good'," New York Times, July 7, 2009.

[2] Robert Muller, New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality (Anacortest, WA: World Happiness and Cooperation, 1982), 101.

[3] Cliff Kincaid, “Is Obama's Science Czar a Crackpot?",, July 15, 2009.

[4] Found at website of

[5] Ibid.

[6] Jan Markell, “When Evangelicals Dine with the Wicked,", August 6, 2009.


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