U.S. Millennials, Aged 25-44, Experienced a Record-Setting 84% Increase in Excess Mortality During the Final Four Months of 2021: Worldview Report Transcript For June 7, 2022

INTRO: More election shenanigans in Georgia uncovered, and this time it’s the Democrats who are complaining about the crooked voting machines.

More data is out on death rates for the first quarter of 2022, and it looks as bad as 2021, with the stunning increase in deaths among Americans in the 25 to 44 age group.

Reports of a string of mysterious, targeted attacks against people in concert halls and nightclubs across France continue to baffle medical and law enforcement investigators. The weapon used? Needles that are injected into unsuspecting bodies.

And America’s culture continues to sink into the abyss as mothers, yes, mothers, bring their own children as young as five years old to interact with drag-queen perverts in Dallas, Texas. We’ll show you how a group of Christian parents responded.

We’ll also show you why your favorite gun store could be harassed out of existence by the Biden administration’s latest strategy to strip Americans of their Second Amendment rights.

All this and more when the Worldview Report begins right now.


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse.

Back in March, equity investment executive Ed Dowd told Steve Bannon’s War Room audience that U.S. millennials, aged 25-44, experienced a record-setting 84% increase in excess mortality during the final four months of 2021.

These numbers were gleaned from funeral homes and life insurance companies.

On Friday, June 3rd, Dowd gave an update after first-quarter numbers were released.

Dowd said, “The overarching theme is excessive mortality remains elevated to the surprise of many executives…We have excess deaths running around 20% in the first quarter. We’ll see if that continues into Q2.”

The corporate-owned mainstream media continues to ignore these disturbing numbers.

The Gateway Pundit noted that Dowd pointed out another stunning statistic that is not making any headlines.

The rise in the permanently disabled has soared during the COVID pandemic.

So it’s not just the number of unexplained deaths and adverse medical events from the vaccine, but it now appears that thousands of Americans are getting on disability following the introduction of the COVID vaccines.

VAERS data released last Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1.3 million reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 28,532 deaths and over 235,000 serious injuries between December 14, 2020, and May 27, 2022.


Some good news to report tonight.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced during a press conference that the Special Olympics decided to reverse its vaccine mandate for its annual games scheduled to be held in Orlando this summer, allowing thousands of uninjected athletes to compete.

This monumental win for the athletes, came after Florida threatened event organizers with a $27.5 million fine if they didn’t back off their threats to ban unvaxxed athletes.

The Special Olympics issued a statement on Friday saying it will lift its mandate as directed by state officials on May 27 “based upon the Florida Department of Health’s interpretation of Florida law.”

This year’s Special Olympics USA Games are set to kick off Sunday and will wrap up on June 12. The event is expected to attract 4,000 athletes.


Meanwhile, the shenanigans of the global predators playing fast and loose with our children’s health continues unabated.

Covid vaccinations for children under age 5 could begin as early as June 21, the White House said over the weekend.

The data on these vaccines is in and available for all to see, no thanks to the mainstream media. It’s only due to reports by Edward Dowd, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Naomi Wolf and others who have looked at the Pfizer data, which by the way the FDA wanted to keep hidden from the American public for 75 years, we know from this data that people are dying en masse from these shots.

The plight of the vaxxed is still relatively unknown, however, because the mainstream corporate media refuses to report on it.

But Drs. Fauci, Francis Collins, Walensky, the CDC, NIH, they all know they are engaged in criminal activity that will lead to healthy kids dying or being left with permanent injuries. There’s no way they could not know at this point.

In a new Substack post, Dr. Paul Alexander, the famed Covid researcher and consultant who served in the Trump administration, writes:

“They all know they are about this for greed, power, cannot let up for the goal is to get these in the arms of adults…going around the process for FDA CANNOT grant these COVID mRNA shots full approval based on the existing efficacy/effectiveness and poor safety…that’s why it has remained on EUA…only on EUA is there liability protection and as an approved child vaccine…it gets liability protection.”

Alexander cited “terribly poor study methodology, based on antibody levels that is a bogus proxy of immunity. They did not study deaths, ICU, infection, hospitalization. You cannot study outcome if the risk is zero (0) in the control baseline group. How would you get less than zero in the treatment/vaccine group? You cannot. There is no need for this.”

Alexander referred to the trials as a scam and the sad part is they know healthy kids will be harmed and die from this. Adults, teens and pre-teens already have.

Alexander concluded his post writing, “You are bypassing their immunological protective mechanisms via their potent pre-activated innate immune system where such respiratory viruses land and where the immune response is potent and ready, and needed at a mucosal level, and as such, by vaccinating into the deltoid, driving antibodies systemically where they are not needed and when we know the content of the vaccine and spike protein (the toxic portion) enters the bloodstream and damages the vasculature walls as an endothelial pathogen, causing clots and bleeding. The data is there, published. They do not care.”


Another Georgia election and another example of voting machines causing problems to the tune of thousands of votes. This time it’s Democrats who are losing faith in the voting system.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that, based on the initial results posted on May 24, Dekalb County commission candidate Michelle Long Spears, a Democrat, came in third place, and thus did not qualify for a runoff.

“Spears and her team, though, noticed that initial results showed her receiving zero election votes at most precincts in the district,” according to the Atlanta newspaper.

After a hand count was conducted over Memorial Day weekend, Spears picked up over 3,600 votes and went from being in third place to first.

She will now advance to the June 21 runoff.

Marshall Orson, who was in first place after the machine count, is now in third.

In a Thursday letter to the local election board Orson wrote, “There is no rational basis for believing that there are not continuing issues with the results, and the results should not be certified with the continuing existence of multiple substantive issues and concerns.”

“Doing so would pose a substantial risk not only to the confidence the public will have in the overall election results from this race but could extend to the entire primary as well as the general election,” he added.

The Georgia secretary of state’s office admitted to making several programming mistakes in their Dominion Voting Systems machines.

A hand count conducted in the entire state of Georgia following the 2020 general election also revealed that thousands of ballots had not been counted.


More than 300 people in France have reported being randomly stuck with needles at nightclubs or concerts in recent months.

According to Sky News, no one knows who's doing it or why, and whether the victims have been injected with drugs or any substance at all.

People from Paris, Toulouse and at least three other cities around France have reported being pricked with a needle without their knowledge or permission.

The targeted individuals, mostly women, show the visible marks of an injection, including bruises, and report symptoms such as dizziness and a feeling of lethargy.

Club owners and police are trying to raise awareness, and a rapper even interrupted his recent show to warn concert-goers about the risk of surprise needle attacks.

The problem is not happening just in France.

The UK government is studying a spate of "needle spiking" there, and police in Belgium and the Netherlands are investigating scattered cases too.

On May 4th, 18-year-old Tomas Laux attended a rap concert in Lille in northern France, where he smoked some marijuana and drank some alcohol during the show.

When he came home, he said he felt dizzy and had a headache - and he spotted a little skin puncture on his arm and a bruise.

The next morning, the symptoms didn't disappear and Laux went to a doctor and later an emergency room, where medics confirmed evidence of a needle prick.


America is about to have a lot fewer gun stores.

The Biden regime is zealously targeting firearm retailers to drive them out of business, scrutinizing them so closely that even a typo on a federal form could get them closed down, reports The Federalist.

Federal firearm license revocations for retailers have increased 500 percent over previous years. That’s got gun control groups excited, but it is casting a pall over the cooperative relationship firearm retailers maintain with law enforcement.

Biden never hid the fact that he intended to use the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to drive his gun control agenda. He campaigned on a platform of targeting the firearm industry instead of focusing on criminals.

“Our enemy is the gun manufacturers, not the NRA, the gun manufacturers,” Biden said from the presidential campaign debate stage.

The Federalist writes:

“That hostility produced a platform that turned the ATF from the bureau that regulates the firearm industry and enforces federal gun laws into the hammer and anvil by which the Biden administration is pummeling flat firearm retailers. Instead of compliance inspections by ATF Industry Operations Investigators to work to ensure firearm retailers remain within federal firearm regulations, those inspections are now driving firearm retailers out of business.”


England’s national soccer team made the trip to the Puskas Arena Saturday for their UEFA Nations League tournament, in a contest that was to be played behind closed doors after hosts Hungary were issued a three-match spectator ban, which was punishment for allegations of racism among Hungary’s fans.

While officially being played behind closed doors, the Hungarian team used a UEFA regulation that allowed children to attend, accompanied by an adult. The association said over 30,000 children registered for tickets for Saturday’s match.

So when England’s players took a knee for Black Lives Matter, here’s how the Hungarian fans reacted. Take a look.



The loud chorus of boos was in reaction to their virtue signaling for a U.S.-based Marxist organization, BLM, that could care less about black lives.

It’s nice to see every nation is not deceived by BLM’s race baiting leaders, who have profited mightily off of their propaganda campaign against police and the rule of law.


A secretive international organization of some of the most important movers and shakers from North America and Europe met this past weekend to discuss issues that affect the lives of American citizens, as well as those of citizens in Europe and the rest of North America.

We’re talking about the 68th annual Bilderberg meeting, with 120 participants from 21 countries.

The New American reports that the topics for discussion at this year’s Bilderberg meeting included geopolitical realignments, NATO challenges, China, Indo-Pacific Realignment, Sino-U.S relations. Tech Competition, Russia, Continuity of Government and the Economy, Disruption of the Global Financial System, Disinformation, Energy Security and Sustainability, Post Pandemic Health, Fragmentation of Democratic Societies, Trade and Deglobalization, and war in Ukraine.

According to their website, they operate under the “Chatham House Rule,” which states that participants “are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speakers nor any other participant may be revealed.”

So, what do they do at this conference? According to the Bilderbergers, they “take time to listen, reflect and gather insights. There is no detailed agenda, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken and no policy statements are issued.”

If one reads that statement carefully, one can get a pretty good idea of the purpose of the annual meeting. They gather insights. In other words, they are told what the globalist position is on the various issues that are discussed.

While the official statement is that there is no detailed agenda, this does not mean that there is no agenda. This year they discussed “disinformation.” The fact that Joe Biden attempted to establish an office of disinformation — and that his administration considers opposing viewpoints on gun control, Covid vaccines and climate change to be “disinformation” — provides clues as to what Biden’s fellow globalists consider to be disinformation.

Bilderberg attendees from the government sector included the minister of foreign affairs for the European Union; the director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency; the ambassador of Ukraine to the United States; the president of the European Council; the secretary of commerce; a U.S. senator; members of the House of Commons; heads of militaries; and the vice president of the European Commission.


This next story contains content that is not advisable for children, even though it involves children, so please remove them from the room before we play the video. It shows just how perverted the left is and how low it is willing to go in order to destroy our culture by polluting the minds of our youth.

A Dallas, Texas, drag queen show attended over the weekend by parents and their children, where children as young as 5 were encouraged to walk on stage with the perverted drag queens.



There were more videos posted on this event that show the drag queens taking money from the kids and performing lude acts but they’re too grotesque to show on this program.

But some parents did not take kindly to this event being held in their city and confronted the drag queens outside the venue.

Take a look.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 1:10, or play the whole video and bleep out the parents shouting back at the Christians with curse words)



A celebrity Hollywood doctor died suddenly of a heart attack while hiking in a Los Angeles park last weekend.

Jay Goldberg, an OBGYN at a Cedar-Sinai’s Beverly Hills, was found dead Sunday by first responders inside Will Rogers State Park, Fox News reported.

It was determined that Goldberg, 53, died of a heart attack. He had no previously known heart issues.

Goldberg’s celebrity clients took to social media on Friday to mourn the beloved doctor’s untimely death after he was identified as the hiker.

Teddi Mellencamp, star of “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,” wrote an emotional post mourning the passing of “an incredible doctor” who delivered her children.

She posted a video of Goldberg’s appearance on the reality TV show with her family.

As a doctor at Cedar Sinai, Goldberg would have been fully vaccinated.

But, as usual, the cause of his heart attack was not addressed by the articles in Fox News, the New York Post, or in any other mainstream publication.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Another mass shooting occurred over the weekend, this time in Philadelphia, but you won’t hear much in the mainstream media about this one.

Four people were killed and three others injured on Philly’s South Street Saturday night when a man opened fire.

He was a black man shooting other black people so the corporate media didn’t care about this one. It didn’t fit their political narrative, a narrative that equates mass shooters and the need for gun control to a rise in white supremacy.

But the facts don’t matter so the media and the celebrities are still focusing on Uvalde, Texas. Rather than demanding answers to why the local police refused to go in and save the children from a crazed 18-year-old shooter, they continue to use the tragedy to push for more gun laws. They repeatedly refer to “gun violence” as though the guns are responsible for the killings, not the person who misused the gun. Was it not, after all, a guy with a gun who stopped the mass shooter in Uvalde? It was an off-duty border patrol agent who grabbed a shotgun from his barber and stormed into the school to put down the shooter. If not for him and his gun, the killer would have just kept killing.

The progressives call for background checks. We already have them. They call for a limit on the size of certain magazines. In Democrat-run cities like Chicago, San Francisco and Philadelphia, such magazines are already banned.

Here’s a report from the corporate media in which San Antonio Spurs Coach Greg Popovich, a longtime progressive political nutjob, rails against guns.



They talk about saving our children while they lobby for ever more expansive abortion laws, allowing for the murder of a baby right up to the moment of birth, and even after in some blue states. Where’s your outrage about that, Coach Popovich?

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in. From everyone here at the Worldview Report team, good night and God bless.


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