Wars and Rumors of Wars

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From: Jonathan Falwell
Date:  June 20, 2008
Wars and Rumors of Wars
This week, the Associated Press reported that a recent Israeli military exercise may have been intended to show the nation's abilities to attack Iranian nuclear facilities.
The International Herald Tribune called it a "major military exercise" that "appeared to be a rehearsal for a potential bombing attack on Iran's nuclear facilities," with more than 100 F-16 and F-15 fighters joining the maneuvers over the eastern Mediterranean earlier this month.
The reason for this training mission is Israel's belief that Iran is attempting to build nuclear weapons that could be used against it.  Iran - whose president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the earth - counters that its nuclear enrichment facility is simply generating power for the nation.
There is no doubt that the drama is mounting in the Middle East and the eyes of the world are again focused on this volatile region.
As a Christian, I look at these reports with thoughts geared on biblical prophecy, which foretell of an invasion against Israel during the "last days."  Most specifically, Ezekiel 38:16 forecasts the following: "You will come up against My people Israel like a cloud, to cover the land …."
There has been ongoing speculation as to who all of these nations are that will rise up against Israel in this future event.  One thing is certain, as Dr. Ed Hindson of Liberty University has pointed out: "they are united in their determination to destroy Israel."
And so, as wars and rumors of wars persist in the Middle East, we are reminded that the Bible appeals to Christians to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:6, NKJV).
As an aside, note that the Bible twice recounts occasions when Jesus cried.  We see that He "wept" when told of Lazarus's death (prior to raising him from the grave) in John 11:35.  And then we see that Jesus was also driven to tears in Luke 19:41 as He approached Jerusalem.  The passage says that "as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it."
My friends, if Jesus loved Jerusalem this much, should we not be taking seriously our responsibility to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, especially in these perilous times?
I believe that the prophetic "last days" are rapidly approaching.  As Christians we are instructed to be about the works of the Father while there is still time (John 9:4).
And at such a time as this, we must also heed the Savior's words: "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near" (Luke 21:28).
While the world continues in unrest and the future sometimes appears bleak, this Scripture passage gives us the ultimate hope.  Our faith is not in vain.  Our Savior will one day return to right all wrongs and claim His children unto Himself.
Until then, remember those great words from Luke: "look up!"  For one day we will "see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory" (Luke 21:27).
NOTE: I referred to Dr. Ed Hindson in this column.  I am happy to report that after experiencing a near fatal infection following heart surgery that Ed returned home last week and is undergoing therapy to boost his strength and stamina.  He has told friends and family that he plans to teach at Liberty this fall.  Ed, one of our nation's most eloquent Bible and prophecy scholars, has been a longtime friend of this ministry and my family.  I fully believe that his greatest ministry is yet to come.


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