What Should Christians Do, Try and Get Unbelievers to Act Like Christians or Become Christians by Preaching the Gospel? John McArthur Reveals The Deadly Dangers of Moralism


The Deadly Dangers of MoralismBy John McArthur

There are people who think that if America becomes moral, God will bless America. There are people who think if America becomes moral and religious, then God will doubly bless America. So, let's put God back in the public discourse, let's put prayer back in the schools, let's put the Ten Commandments up on the wall in public places, in courtrooms. Let's stop abortion. Let's stop rampant homosexuality. Let's stop pornography, etc. And if we can just bring about some kind of morality, and better yet, some kind of commitment to God, then we will be blessed.
Well let me make a very clear point at the outset here. Morality and religion will not invite or secure the blessing of God. They never have and they never will. A more moral America, a more moral and religious America does not advance in divine favor one inch. A more moral and a more religious America will not escape divine judgment any more than Pharisaic Judaism in Jesus' time escaped the devastating judgment of God in 70 A.D. when hundreds of thousands of Jews were slaughtered by godless Romans. And Jesus warned about that on several occasions.
There's only one thing God blesses, just one and that is He blesses saving faith in and love for His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. That's the only thing He blesses. Anybody who does not believe in and love the Lord Jesus Christ is among the cursed, right? As Christians, of course we are for morality. We're not for immorality. And we can do some topical, some superficial good, we can through political means because we live in a republic and a democracy, we can mitigate public indecency in some ways. We can mitigate public scandal, can use our democratic privileges. But that does not advance us in divine favor either individually or collectively. In fact, in 1 Corinthians 16:22 it is said, unmistakably, "If any man doesn't love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema," cursed, judged, damned, condemned. There's only one thing God will bless and that's faith in and love for His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Click here for complete transcript:http://www.gty.org/Resources/Sermons/80-257


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