Will Americans Approve $10 Per Gallon Gas Prices?

Will Americans Approve $10 Per Gallon Gas Prices?United Nations Meeting, Poznañ, Poland Eagle Forum Correspondent Cathie Adams reporting from Poznañ, Poland
Congressman James Sensenbrenner, R-WI, told a group attending the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Poznan, Poland on Monday that if the U.S. adopts a UN treaty that causes huge increases in the costs of energy as well as massive increases in foreign aid, it would lead to Republicans regaining control of the U.S. Congress in 2010.
Sensenbrenner is the ranking Republican member on the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. He explained that if $4 per gallon for gasoline was the final straw for Americans last fall, imagine their reaction to the proposals in the 2009 Copenhagen "global warming" treaty that would raise the price to $10 per gallon!
The Congressman's aim was to remind U.S. negotiators in Poland of the two tenets of the 1997 U.S. Senate's unanimously-passed resolution stipulating that any treaty must include ALL countries and that it must not be a major hit on the U.S. economy. He also warned negotiators to beware of China's willingness to make commitments quoting former President Ronald Reagan's advice to "trust, but verify."
Mark Helmke is attending the UNFCCC representing Senator Richard Lugar, R-IN, ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. During a meeting entitled, "U.S. Action in Copenhagen and Beyond," Helmke said, "The proposed climate change treaty will present a basic reordering of the U.S. economy and the world economy. The new treaty will be an economic, finance and trade treaty all in one."
While President-elect Obama embraces the theory of "global warming" and believes that it is human caused, it remains to be seen whether he will set the U.S. economy on a collision course. Obama does support "cap & trade" legislation to impose mandatory caps on greenhouse gas emissions, which is dubbed "cap & tax" by Congressman Sensenbrenner. He added that the U.S. reduced our greenhouse gas emissions in 2005-2006 without "cap & tax" legislation, while other countries that have signed the "global warming" treaty have been unable to meet such requirements.
Even so, when Obama takes office, Senator John Kerry, D-MA, will become the new chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that would consider the 2009 Copenhagen treaty on "global warming." A Kerry staff member told an audience in Poznan that she was upbeat about passing legislation next year due to the Senator's comments made during an earlier conference call:

Kerry told conference call participants that he thinks America's ailing economy can be restored by using the $700 billion bailout bill to create a "green economy," which is consistent with President-elect Obama's plan to create 5 million new "green jobs" for alternative and renewable energy production using joint ventures that link businesses with government. To entice businesses, Kerry suggested socializing the American medical system to offset higher energy costs.
Sensenbrenner refuted the notion that the "green economy" proposals would create new jobs saying the devil is in the details simply calling it "wrong." Instead, he said the economic fallout of such a treaty would hit an already wounded economy, triggering a depression.
Will American taxpayers be forced to provide "economic assistance and technology transfers" to foreign nations? Will American industries accept penalties for non-compliance of a treaty that is not based on sound science?
The UN negotiators meeting in Poland are drafting treaty language that will be debated during interim meetings and supposedly settled in Copenhagen next year. Negotiations will be a face-off between free markets and centrally planned economics. Even if the UN is not convinced by the abysmal failure of the 70-year experiment in the former U.S.S.R., I hope Americans never forget. http://www.eagleforum.org/un/2008/08-12-08.html


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