The Worldview of a Nation's Leaders Reflect The Worldview of Many of Its Citizens

The Worldview of a Nation's Leaders Reflect The Worldview of Many of Its Citizens Brannon Howse<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
This is an excerpt from Brannon's book Grave Influence: 21 Radicals and their Worldviews that Rule America From The Grave. Click here to order your hard-cover copy today.

We typically lay the blame for German atrocities in World War II primarily at the feet of the country's leaders. But I contend that the worldview, values, and conduct of a vast number of Germany's populace are to blame, as much as Hitler's Nazi Party. And make no mistake, if our government begins to euthanize millions of senior citizens and the disabled through the rationing of healthcare, most of the American people will be as responsible as any doctors and politicians because we allowed the foundation to be laid with the desire for abortion on demand and the right to die. We allowed our children to be imbued with postmodernism, moral relativism, situational ethics, and the end-justifies-the-means rationalization.
Just before he died, Dr. Leo Alexander, chief medical assistant to the prosecution at the Nuremberg trials, observed about the U. S., "It is much like Germany in the Twenties and Thirties. The barriers against killing are coming down."[1]
The foundation was laid for the slaughter of five million Jews and six million non-Jews not by the Nazi Party, but by the parents of disabled children and family members of the mentally ill and disturbed. In the 1930s and 40s Germany:
the lives of hundreds of thousands of terminally ill, incurably sick and mentally incompetent patients were terminated, not by sadistic monsters but by Europe's medical elite. The history of that era is all too similar to the present to be ignored.[2]
Hugh Gallagher confirms it "would be a mistake to call [the German euthanasia experience] a Nazi program. It was not. The program was conceived by physicians and operated by them. They did the killing."[3]
To date, millions of Americans have chosen to abort their children, and millions have voted for candidates who promise to uphold a woman's legal right to kill her unborn child. The German people learned that selfishness and moral relativism laid the foundation for the slaughter of more than 11 million people. What has America's slaughter of 50 million unborn babies laid the foundation for? In 1996, Mark Rothe and Dr. Timothy Quill drafted an amicus brief that they submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court in which they argued against the legalization of physician-assisted death. They detailed how worldview of the German people allowed for the rise of killing centers:
Many parents were eager to obtain the Wohltat of physician-assisted death for their ill, deformed, or disabled children and many "wrote to hospitals to ask if their child could be relieved of his or her misery and be granted euthanasia."[4] In May 1939, an advisory group, the Committee for the Scientific Treatment of Severe and Genetically Determined Illness, was formed to determine if and how a euthanasia program for children and adults would operate.[5] The adult project was housed in Berlin at number 4 Tiergartenstrasse. It was thus code-named "T-4" and in the beginning there appeared to be a broad level of support for this throughout the country.[6]
Within a few years, there were up to thirty killing centers in Germany. "The German experience in physician-assisted death was the direct result of utilitarian, cost-benefit analysis and the view within the medical community that the value of human life is relative, that some persons are better off dead. It was not the result of jack-booted thugs in brown shirts."[7]
Keep in mind that this is German people killing German people through what they believed were "mercy killings." The practice also served as a cost-benefit analysis not unlike what the U.S. government established through the 2009 stimulus bill. "The Federal Council is modeled after a U.K board…This board approves or rejects treatments using a formula that divides the cost of treatment by the number of years the patient is likely to benefit. Treatments for young patients are more often approved than treatments for diseases that affect the elderly..."[8]
"The T-4 program was not a part of the Holocaust, rather, it was T-4 and the child euthanasia programs which preceded and served as models for the genocide of the Final Solution."[9] "In fact, even the idea of the infamous shower room gas chambers originated in the T-4 program with the killing of German Gentile patients."[10] Euthanasia was thought to be a blessing and a merciful act that was reserved for "true" Germans. That is until a few years after the German euthanasia program was established. World War II had begun and all needed resources were needed to fund the war. Jews who had been denied a "mercy death" were now going to be exterminated by what the German people and doctors had created. "Jews and other selected undesirables would be transported from the concentration camps to the same killing centers used by the T-4 program."[11] This new program was named 14f13. "After the success of T-4 and 14f13, the hospital gassing equipment and procedures were adopted by Adolf Eichmann for use in the Final Solution."[12] "The final solution to the 'Jewish problem' that was finally decided upon in early 1942, and implemented later, was chosen largely because the means to that solution already existed in the euthanasia program, killing centers, and gas chambers. Indeed, the same gassing equipment used in the T-4 and 14f13 hospital operations were dismantled, transported, and re-installed at Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Sobibor.[13] "The T-4 physicians and other personnel were also put to work in the camps."[14]
Dr. Andrew Ivy, another Nuremberg prosecutor's medical assistant, has stated that if it were not for the already established, physician-assisted death programs, "it is conceivable that the entire idea and technique of death factories for genocide would not have materialized."[15] Many experts believe if it were not for the already established death centers, the Jews might possibly have just been deported because many German soldiers that took part in firing squads either had mental breakdowns or committed suicide. The gas chambers of the T-4 program solved this "problem" of psychological casualties among the German army.
Ideas have consequences, and the nation that murders its children eventually murders itself. Fully nationalized healthcare in America will ultimately bring with it the euthanization of seniors who supported abortion on demand.
Fabian Socialist Julian Huxley became the first director general of the United Nations Educational, Science, and Cultural Organization and authored UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy (1948) in which he declared:
even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable.
It is not out of the question that a government which has already allowed the murder of 50 million babies and which now drafts legislation to permit euthanizing the disabled and senior citizens through the rationing of healthcare is also a government that would deny medical care and treatment to those deemed undesirable, unfit, and a nuisance because of their Biblical worldview.

[1] "The Real Brophy Issue," <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Boston Globe, November 18, 1985.

[2] Brief of Amicus Curia Prepared by Mark A. Rothe for the Family Research Council, October 1996, 4.

[3] Hugh Gregory Gallagher, By Trust Betrayed: Patients, Physicians, and the License to Kill in the Third Reich (Vandamere Press, 1990).

[4] Ibid., Proctor at 194; Kamisar at 470 n.213. Thereafter, the mercy killing of children became commonplace. Shortening their lives was considered to be a humane measure. 1 Nurem.Mil.Trib. at 834.

[5] Ibid., Proctor at 186

[6] Ibid., Proctor at 194.

[7] Brief of Amicus Curia prepared by Mark A. Rothe for the Family Research Council, October 1996, 27.

[8] Betsy McCaughey, "Ruin Your Health with the Obama Stimulus Plan,", February 9, 2009.

[9] Brief of Amicus Curia prepared by Mark A. Rothe for the Family Research Council, October 1996, 27. Source: See Friedlander at 284; Gallagher at 6-7; G. Sereny, Into that Darkness: From Mercy Killing to Mass Murder 34 (1974); 1 Nurem.Mil.Trib. at 794-896. Foreigners and Jews were excluded from euthanasia and screened out of T-4. 1 Nurem.Mil.Trib. at 824, 880.

[10] Brief of Amicus Curia Prepared by Mark A. Rothe for the Family Research Council, October 1996, 27, citing: Nurem.Mil.Trib. at 800-04.

[11] Ibid., 1 Nurem. Mil. Trib. At 797.

[12] Ibid., 1 Nurem. Mil. Trib. At 804.

[13] Ibid., Proctor at 212; Gallagher at 14.

[14] Ibid., 1 Nurem.Mil.Trib. at 809.

[15] Ibid., citing: Gallagher, By Trust Betrayed,  62.


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