Andy Woods Rally – “Signs of the Times” | February 26, 2025

Dr. Andy Woods is the president of Chafer Theological Seminary and senior pastor of Sugar Land Bible Church.  He’s contributed to numerous theological journals and Christian books and has spoken on a variety of topics at Christian conferences.  He’s the author of The Middle East MeltdownThe Falling Away, as well as other books. Dr. Woods spoke at a VCY America spring rally in Southeast Wisconsin in April of this year.      

Dr. Woods began by describing how Jesus rebuked the religious leaders of his day because they should have been able to recognize who he was based on the signs of the times.  In spite of this, they refused to pay attention.  They completely failed to recognize the messianic time period they were living in.

Dr. Woods reminded listeners that throughout history we see that when God sets something up, there are signs of the times that people are to be aware of and to pay close attention to them.  This is especially important in our day because there are more signs pointing to Christ’s second coming than his first. 

In this broadcast, Dr. Woods analyzes numerous signs that point to this return, beginning with the regathering of the Jews to Israel, the nation that’s the modern miracle and focal point of biblical prophecy.  He also looks at the third Temple, the red heifers, an invasion by Turkey/Russia/Iran and much more.  


More Information

Call 1-800-729-9829 and ask for the DVD or CD of Signs of the Times.


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