Chris Pinto: July 11, 2019

Chris discusses the story of Tommy Robinson, the conservative defender of British culture who has been speaking against the Muslim rape gangs in the United Kingdom. He has been recently arrested and convicted by a British court, for reporting on these gangs, and now he is appealing to President Donald Trump to grant him political asylum in the United States. Is free speech dead in the United Kingdom? And could these issues gain ground in America? Also, a new story from Front-page Mag that strongly suggests Islamic Jihadis have infiltrated the FBI. Could this be the case? The evidence is overwhelming and can be traced back to the September 11 attacks, after which the FBI oversaw the evacuation of the Bin Laden family. Also, we consider the role of then FBI director, Robert Mueller, who was instrumental in purging materials from the FBI records that would associate Islam with acts of terrorism. Have Islamic radicals infiltrated the FBI?

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