Chris Pinto: March 20, 2019

Chris discusses the recent stories surrounding the recent attack on mosques in New Zealand, in contrast to the persecution of Christians in Nigeria, and the destruction of churches in many parts of the world. Why does Western media continue to ignore or marginalize the suffering of Christians? Will Western Civilization shake itself out of its slumber and begin to reassert its Christian heritage? Also discussed is the controversy involving Judge Jeanine Pirro, whose remarks against the Congresswoman, Ilhan Omar caused her show to be cancelled last week. Judge Jeanine confronted Omar’s anti-Semitic remarks, questioning their origin, since they are contrary to the beliefs of the Democratic Party; and questioned whether Omar’s wearing of the hijab was indicative of her adherence to Sharia law. Hear audio of Omar explaining to a Muslim journalist why she chooses to wear the hijab in America.

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