Jimmy DeYoung: June 13, 2018

A Middle East News Update is essential for all interested in the prophetic scenario that is found in the Bible. God's Word lays out the plan that the Lord has in mind for the end of times. We must put the two together, the Biblical scenario and the current events happening on a daily basis around the world, especially those events in the Middle East. This is the reason Jimmy DeYoung has Dave Dolan on PTIB on a weekly basis for the purpose of getting these updates to all of our listeners. This time Jimmy and Dave will discuss the marking of the re-unification of Jerusalem which happened on June 7, 1967; the Israeli PM visiting the EU leaders and presenting the problems with a nuke-powered Iran; the warning from Netanyahu to Syria that if they attack Israel the IDF will destroy the Syrian military and take out Basher Assad; and the PM's warning that Iran wants a nuclear  WMD so they can annihilate Israel.

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