Jimmy DeYoung: May 11, 2020

It’s easy to be overwhelmed as a deluge of news bombards us from all directions.  In this week’s boralogue, John rises above the noise and looks at where we stand, including the narrow path between fighting the virus and fighting problems that arise from a slow economy, and how progressive narratives are being uprooted in the virus’s wake.  The best way to get through all the noise, however, is with faith in God, who is our anchor point.


A new battle has erupted on an old narrative: homeschooling is bad for students.  Michael Farris (www.hslda.org), Chairman of the Homeschool Legal Defense Association, shows that educrats have always disregarded parental values in favor of the progressive ideologies of teachers.  With homeschools gaining in popularity, now these educrats are fighting back.


How are Russia and Vladimir Putin dealing with the geopolitics surrounding this pandemic?  Craig Reed (www.wcraigreed.com), former U.S. Navy Diver and Co-Founder of Us4Warriors Veterans Foundation, analyzes how Vladimir Putin navigates the global chess board as leader of Russia, how he came to power, and what Western leaders should do to compete.


Steve Elwart, Director of Systems Engineering for Ergon Refining in Mississippi, joins us for the rest of the program to examine all aspects of the oil industry from extracting it out of the ground to delivery at the gas station as well as prices on the oil market.  He and John then discuss how different the world will be when we emerge from this pandemic.


John’s quote of the week:    

With regard to public schools versus homeschools: “Do the views of the parents get reflected in what’s taught in the school or is government dictating to the students and to the parents what will be taught?  Totalitarian societies dictate.  Free societies do not.”


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