John Loeffler: February 6, 2017

Can fake news, alternative facts, and postmodern relative truths all exist simultaneously?  Of course not.  In this week’s boralogue, John shows that postmodernists for years have denied absolute truth but are now proclaiming the reality of alternative facts and fake news.  Alternative facts could be flagged as lies but if truth is relative, who gets to determine what’s true?  It’s a rickety narrative that threatens to torpedo the postmodernist ideal.   

Why are we seeing postmodern thought take such a hit following Brexit and Trump’s election as President?  David Ernst (, Board Member of the Robertson Foundation for Government examines the contradictions and hypocrisy behind postmodern views and points out that the ideology is crumbling because people are not content swimming in a sea of relative truths.

Multiculturalism grows directly out of postmodern thought.  We welcome back John Zmirak (, Senior Editor at The Stream who shows that secularism in Europe and multicultural ideologies around the world have been popular of late but Europeans and Americans are beginning to notice the bankruptcy behind the narrative.

For years, many people labeled as right wing extremists have embraced the prepper lifestyle, but now that Donald Trump has taken office, those on the left are following suit.  Shane Kavanaugh (, West Coast Bureau Chief at Vocativ Magazine joins us to discuss various reactions to the impending so-called Trumpocalypse.

John’s quote of the week:

“Why is it that postmodernists don’t like strict constructionists (like Judge Neil Gorsuch)?  Because they make confident assertions about what the Constitution says.  Postmodernists want it to be a living breathing document so they can change it whenever they feel like it needs to be changed.”

As always, join us online for our Section 6 intelligence briefing featuring analysis by John on important stories highlighting emerging geopolitical trends around the world.

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