John Whitcomb: March 5, 2018

Can you imagine Dr. John Whitcomb—one of the founders of the modern Biblical creation movement—ever being an evolutionist? Well, he was at one time—many years ago—an unconverted evolutionist! But God had a different plan, and our speaker begins to unfold that story today On this edition of “Encounter God’s Truth,” we begin a four-part look at how God worked providentially in the life of our speaker—first to bring him to faith in Christ and then to give him a foundation for a lifetime of study, service and teaching of creationism and apologetics. We trust that you will be encouraged by our program this week. Whitcomb Ministries presents it with appreciation to Grace Bible Church in Elkhart, Indiana, where this message was first given. We also bring it to you in the hope that it will strengthen your conviction that God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end.

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