Shahram Hadian: January 3, 2018

Vanishing Freedom of Religion for Christians Part 2 

“Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:10 NASB

As we begin 2018, we continue to see the rights and freedoms of Christians trampled in America and around the world. While the Bible clearly prepares us for persecution, if we are to live Godly lives and stand for Jesus Christ, many Christians are either unprepared for this increased persecution or in denial of it. 

We cover what the 1st Amendment enshrines about the Freedom of Religion and how the rights of Christians are completely in the crosshairs now. There is in effect a vanishing Freedom of Religion for Christians who are living in America now. 

Please pray, listen and share these critical programs to wake up our Christian brethren to what is literally happening before our very eyes.

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