Shahram Hadian: November 6, 2017

Erroneous Interfaith Dialogue: A Call Back to Biblical Evangelism Part 5

Has the church lost its way when it comes to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Biblical evangelism. Has compromise and the social gospel so infected the church that it is no longer effective and fruitful for the Kingdom of God? 

Shahram discusses the ongoing erroneous interfaith, ecumenical practices that we see happening both in the mainline denominational liberal churches and now the biblically conservative churches. 

He also begins dissecting the unbiblical interfaith dialogue between Christian apologist James White & Jihadi Imam Yasir Qadhi. There are so many problems with this dialogue, that occurred in a church, that it is hard to know where to begin. We need to wake up and realize that Christianity, the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ itself is under attack from Islam and the interfaith fools who are defending it. 

Let us say no to interfaith dialogue and yes to Biblical evangelism!!!

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