Brannon Reviews The News of June 2023



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Brannon Howse: I want to play a quick video, guys. Get the video of that oven real quick with you. I wanted to play it. I had to keep moving everybody in. But we're going to try to still get cold. But let's go to that video. Can you play that video?

Brannon Howse: Okay. Here we go.

Brannon Howse: All right, folks, check that out. Check it all out. Let me go here real quick before I share some news items. I just got a text we're moving Dr. Cole after the 4th of July. I just got a text. I didn't see that earlier. Let me take you real quick to this page before I share a couple of other news stories before we wrap up tonight. Look at this. We got some big deals going on over at, the Giza elegance, my pillows, normally 69.98, now only 1998. You get a big deal here, folks. That's a big savings on the queen as well as the king-size the Giza elegance, my pillows as low as 1998. So check that out. Put in the price. Let's see. Choose an option queen that gives it to you. Choose an option for King. And it doesn't change. I don't know. So maybe, that's an error. I don't know. Because it says here it's 2998. But anyway, you might want to take advantage of that if that's an error because Mike always honors that. So you might have to check that out. Use the promo code B66 to get savings. Introducing exclusive four pack special regularly to 59.92 now only 9998 to queen size to go anywhere the my pillow. That's a big deal. Use the coupon code B66. You get savings, and we get credit, which helps us keep afloat.

Brannon Howse: My pillow 2.0. Buy one, get one free of my pillow with the coolest technology. Of course, there's a big sale on the Giza dream sheets, luxurious Giza dream sheets as low as 2998. And of course, don't forget about my mattress topper, 2.03in coil hybrid topper. We've got sheets, towels, blankets, pet beds, slippers, sandals, mattresses, mattress toppers, robes, and more. And dog beds go to a wide shot. Pull down the lower third and you will see our beautiful yellow lab delta on her. Beautiful, comfortable. My pillow pet bed. Fast asleep and enjoying the broadcast at the same time, picking it up subconsciously. The smartest lab in conservative talk radio and TV as she gets trained subconsciously while she sleeps under my pillow pet bed. If you want to get your dog, your cat, or your pet a pet bed from my pillow, go to Use the promo code B66 B66. You get savings, we get credit. It is a big part of what keeps this broadcast going. What a beautiful studio, by the way. Gorgeous. Or as Tony Bennett would say, beautiful. Some of you don't even know who Tony Bennett is. All right. Well, that's a shame in itself, by the way. Another way you can support us is by simply going to Think of us as your conservative alternative to NPR, the National Public Television. National Public Radio. We put out our programs, folks for free.

Brannon Howse: Many people put them all behind a paywall. If you don't pay, you don't see we push them out. The report I put out every night is the Worldview Report. That takes a team of about seven of us 15 man hours a day, folks to put together that costs a lot of money to put together. And yet we put it out for free. We let Bright Dot carry it. We let Vcy America carry it. Of course, Lindell TV carries it. Frank's speech carries it. My channel carries it. We put it at Rumble. Uh, I didn't say Bright. I'll say Brighton again. It's there. All those networks can carry it for free. That's what we do. We push out free content to help people understand the times through the lens of a Christian worldview. If you appreciate the conservative Judeo-Christian alternative to PBS and NPR. Well, they have supporters. Will you support us? You can do that by simply going to Let me show you something else we do, by the way. Do you know what else we do? We put out not only free TV shows and new shows but also put out free articles. If you go over to This is based on the interview I did for an hour yesterday with Susan Swift organs harvested from babies while they're alive to develop vaccines. Now, some of you may say, I don't have time to listen to an hour of that.

Brannon Howse: All right. Click on that at Send them a little article on it, and then maybe they'll click down here at the bottom and they'll listen to the entire thing. Okay, so you guys must help us get out the truth. All right. Help us get out the truth. This is Free Articles It's just under our news section. Of course, we do provide radio and we take all of our shows, by the way, and we turn them into MP3s under the radio tab. So Brandon Hall's life? Yeah, it's a TV show, but you know that we take it and we turn it into an MP3 right there for you to listen to. We do the same thing with the Worldview Report. We turn it into an MP3 podcast for audio-only. And then, of course, my daily radio show. Look at that, folks. All free. So just go to Worldview When you get there, you can click on radio or TV news. It's all free and your support helps make it possible by going and making a contribution at Worldview. We'd love it if you would become a regular monthly contributor. We need some more, more monthly regular contributors. Worldview If you go to the TV site again, you'll see that we're constantly updating this page and that takes well, like our associate producer, Annie.

Brannon Howse: And we have to pay people to do that. But then you find the radio, the TV show we carry every day at of the New American. I'm one of the sponsors and producers of that show, The New American TV. The TV show of Dr. Andy Woods of Rob Linstead, Ivan Rachlin, Dan Eastman, and Alex Newman. All right there. Click view, all TV episodes and more are going to pop up. Get all that you know, that cost me 12 grand a month to store it, to stream it, to compress the files, to give it away. 12 grand. 12 grand a month to give away free programming brought to you in part by WVW Foundation. That's our ministry side. You appreciate that. We appreciate your support. WVW Then if you just go to worldview worldview What do you find there folks find all kinds of free articles it's been a busy news day. Look at all these new articles up top. Let me cover a few of these before we leave. Good news tonight. 6 to 3 Supreme Court strikes down Colorado's compelled speech statute. So if you don't want to make a cake for an LGBTQ event, the Supreme Court says you don't have to do that. Wow. Praise the Lord for that tonight. Right. Supreme Court also says no to Biden's. Big boondoggle related to student loans. Supreme Court strikes down Biden's 430 $30 billion student loan forgiveness plan.

Brannon Howse: The old dude waddled out within five hours to offer up an alternative. Here's one for you. Scorching heat wave leaves 13 lives, claims 13 lives across the Southeast. Us strains power grid. Boy, it's hot, hot, hot. Let me tell you about that. Strains the power grid. Well, you know what? We had a storm here in the mid-South a week ago, a week ago this Sunday. Some folks are still without power. Well, that might give them a little lesson in what it's going to be like if the power goes down for weeks or months on end again. Another reason they might want to shop a little bit at I dealt with this tonight on the Lindell Report. The United Nations is saying we need seven years of accelerated. Transformative action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Isn't that interesting? It's the UN seven years. Here's another one. Un has a seven-year plan to achieve global goals. Isn't that interesting? Huh? You think about seven years. A seven-year plan. What kind of plan are they talking about? A seven-year plan. That sounds like the seven-year plan of the Antichrist. The Antichrist comes to the peace treaties confirmed with Israel seven years kicks off you. Makes you wonder, can you believe all these things are happening, folks? Well, there's a lot of news over there. A lot of news over there tonight.

Brannon Howse: We also dealt with this tonight. The governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem, is an investor in the ethanol plant, partnered with the Corbin Carbon Pipeline Company. I've been on that now for a couple of months. I knew something didn't smell quite right. I didn't think it did. Now maybe we're finding out more. I interviewed a state rep on that tonight that will be posted later tonight on frank and Well, I'm going to be taking off some time next week. I know it's hard to believe because I just never do take off time, but I'm going to take off some time because, well, I just need a break. I need to do some reading and some research and get geared up for more programming. So because of where the 4th of July falls, I'm going to take a few days off. Breaking news means I come back to the news desk if that's necessary. But other than that, I hope you have a safe and wonderful 4th of July. Let's celebrate our freedoms while we still have them. Thanks so much for all your support for you guys who encourage us. Support us both with your purchases at Those of you that support our foundation Let me thank all of you this coming 4th of July freedom week for what you do to help us defend faith and freedom and to stay out here offering this up as a public service and a ministry, a broadcast service to so many for free.

Brannon Howse: Without you, it wouldn't happen. So thank you for all the ways you support us in the way you can support us, including and promo code B 66. Again, I want to take a little rest. But if there are big stories and breaking news, I'll be right back here at this desk. I'm always just a few feet away anyway, so if it happens, I'll be back. But I don't want you to worry whenever I'm not on the air. For some reason, we get a lot of texts and emails, and phone calls. He's never off the air. He's a workaholic. He's off the air. There must be something wrong. Is he okay? Thanks for your concern. I'm letting you know in advance I'm going to take a few days off around the 4th of July. I also have to spend a little time working with my attorneys, preparing for the next deposition. I'm not being sued, but I have been drawn in on some of this, been another subpoena. Got to get ready for that. So, again, your support is needed and appreciated now more than ever to help with those attorney fees. So thanks again. Have a great 4th of July. Thanks for all you do to keep us here and keep us going and encouraging us to keep going. So the next time I'm Brannon Howse. Take care.

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