Central Bankers Plan to Steal Your Property Through Tokenization and Taxation



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Brannon Howse: Joining us now is attorney Tom Renz. Tom, welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.

Tom Renz: Brannon Howse, been a long time.

Brannon Howse: It has been a little while, hasn't my friend? Glad to have you with us. Sorry, we're running a little behind here. Let's get right to it. I don't know if you saw any of the programs earlier, but I did open up this file from the Bank for International Settlements and was also talking to attorney and economist and financial expert Rebecca Walzer. And she was just hammering this tonight. Both of you have this both of you have read it. The tokenization. I mean, they're going to take our private property and give us tokens in return for our private property and then tie it to a social credit score. I mean, this new 34-page document that came out yesterday from the Bank for International Settlements, a group I've been talking about for 15 years now, the central bank of central bankers. This is a dangerous thing. You want to talk about this tokenization and pro programmable platforms. Attorney Tom Renz.

Tom Renz: Yeah, I got to tell you. So, you know, here's the thing. So I used to be a banker, right? I ran a credit union. And when you look at things as a banker, everything is just a line on a ledger. Right. So what they want to do is they want to be able to take everything that you own and make it a line on a ledger. And they want to centralize that. Right. So. So you own your house. What is your house? What does that mean, that you own your house? Well, symbolically, it means that you've got a deed somewhere that's got your name on it. Right? That's recorded somewhere that's at another. Well, you know what? What they want to do is they want to say that that is an asset, right? So that asset, if there's any liquidity in it, if it's in the market, if it's here, if it's there, it becomes a token. It becomes a line on a ledger, right? It's just something that's on a spreadsheet somewhere. And all they want to take every asset out there. So if you're a business, you've got a fleet of trucks line on the ledger, you've got a commercial property line on the ledger, and this is their way of rounding out CDCs, right? So CDCs is about the liquid asset. It's about cash. What do you do with cash? What do you want to buy? What do you want to do? You know, are we going to let you buy this? Are we going to let you buy that? This.

Tom Renz: This is about your hard assets. This is how they make sure that you own nothing and you love it. See, when they take this, what they do is they, well, you want to buy a house, right? So you've got your CDCs, you got your social credit score, and you're going to be eligible to buy a house while you're buying this house. It's a token on a spreadsheet. And if you know, if your social credit score falls too far, well, you lose your house. That's the way that it is, right? So everything just becomes a digital asset and controllable. Between CDCs and the tokenization of assets, it essentially means every part of your life. Is nothing more than a line on a ledger. And here's the thing. House. When we look at it as bankers, everything's aligned on the ledger anyways to some extent. But that line on the ledger requires the transfer of something physical. Now we got rid of the gold standard, so now we just transfer pieces of paper with numbers on it. When we go to this, what we're doing is we're eliminating even the need to move those dollar bills. There's nothing. It's just a fictional line on a ledger. And that would be bad enough, except we're going to put that line on that ledger for everyone running through a single bank that is controlled by a handful of lunatics.

Tom Renz: Now. You may say, well, you know, what's the difference? That's going to make the transfer of property transfer this, it'll all be real easy. And they talk about a lot of this. They were talking about security and how, you know, they protect your privacy. Do you trust them? Do you trust that much power in the hands of a couple of people? People who have talked about the Green New Deal, but they want to eliminate car ownership. They want to eliminate private property. They want to eliminate this. They want to eliminate that. I mean, these guys are going to try and take control of our property, of our financial systems, of our economic systems, and then they're going to tell us how to live and they're going to do it. There are some neat legal loopholes that they intend to work on to kind of get this pushed through. Um, but, you know, I'm going to tell you how this is scary stuff because, from a lawyer's perspective, this is wildly unconstitutional. But there's enough legal holes and loopholes and enough room that, you know, with the wrong activist court, they might allow it. And, you know, do we trust the courts to do the right thing at this point? And frankly, I don't.

Brannon Howse: No, I don't. I want to flesh this out a little bit. So what if you have your So you're saying and I and I kind of propose this to Rebecca earlier. I said, so if you have your house paid for in return, you get a deed. So they're going to take that deed. This is what I was surmising and it sounds like I was right. They're going to take that deed and then they're going to turn that deed into tokenization and they're going to store that tokenization somewhere. The value of your house. 250, 350 whatever your house is. Then I said, well, what if you all of a sudden under social credit scores, you say something you're not supposed to say, post something you're not supposed to post? Now all of a sudden some tokens come out, and you get fined. Now it's kind of like a reverse mortgage. Money is coming out for your fines and now you're back to making a mortgage, which means now you don't own that house. So that is that even feasible, what I just proposed?

Tom Renz: Well, here's the thing. Here's what I think they will do. So they're going to try and thread a needle and use the tax and spending power of the government to make this look legal. Right. So if the government's got everything right in place, think about this house. You know, I was I got to visit you at your beautiful home, Right? If you don't pay property tax on that home, how long is it yours? Not very. About a year, right? Yeah. Yeah. They're going to take it. They're going to seize it. So you rent that house from our government in an odd sort of way, Right? So now think about this. When everything is something that they can seize with nothing more than a keystroke. Now, if they want to seize your physical property right now, they have to take ownership of that deed. They have to go to this place and file this. They have to go to that place and file that they have to do this. There's a whole process. So all sorts of legal steps. There are all sorts of things. Now, imagine them streamlining that process by calling these tax issues. Right? Everything's a tax and spend issue. So, you know, your social credit score, you know, we call it a social credit score in the conservative world. But what it's going to look like, I would say, from a legal perspective is a little more like a tax.

Tom Renz: Right. So they say, well, listen, this is a use tax. Have you heard about the use tax? They're saying, you know, electronic vehicles, you know, they're short, we're getting less gas tax. So, you know, we're going to start taxing them by usage. Right. Same sort of thing. Well, listen, you drove you use three tanks of gas this week and you know that that's that's carbon footprint. Right. So we're going to we're going to tax you based on the fact that you use those three. So your tax rate is going to go up. And in the United States, that's what I think is going to happen. You're going to see your tax rate tied to certain behaviors and they're going to increase your tax based on certain behaviors or decrease your tax. And that's an impossible thing to implement when you have private dollars and private ownership. But when everything's digital and they can run it through one giant computer system, everything becomes a taxable action. They can start taxing you basing based on your actions. You want to drive a bunch, you pay more taxes, and you want to go buy ammo. Well, your taxes on that are going to be pretty crazy. You know, you know.

Brannon Howse: You buy meat, you buy too much meat, you buy too much meat, and you keep your house too cool with air conditioning. Right. And then, of course, they could tie social credit scores to it, and start digging you for fines and penalties. What you say. This is very interesting what you're talking about right now. I've heard out in California, I think it's California, one of those states, Oregon, Washington, they were talking about a tax for people who have an overcompensation tax over compensation tax, people that are over compensated for their job pay and over compensation tax.

Tom Renz: Well, I wouldn't have to worry about that one. The advantages of being a patriot lawyer, right? Uh, no. Right. You know. Yeah, that's it. Right. So they can. They can do anything they want. And remember, they're all about outcomes. They're all about outcomes. Another side, the people that we fight, the people who hate freedom, are all about outcomes. They want to claim that it's about equal outcomes, but what it's really about is preserving and protecting power. Now, do you think that Bill Gates is going to get hit with that n Hell no? He's got a bunch of lawyers like me who are figuring out ways so that he pays nothing. Warren Buffett, you know, pays less taxes than his secretary. None of this will apply to them, Right? The elites always get out of it. But what they're going to do is they're going to it's going to be all about behavioral control, Right? Oh, you want to go to church? Well, you know those Christian extremists, that's going to be extra tax. Oh, you want to do this? Do you want to Do medical care? Well, you know, you're 80 years old and, you know, the death panels are coming for you and, you know, you're not contributing to society. You're not doing Your treatment options are limited to A, B, and C, Right? Um, yeah. Did you get your vaccine, by the way, if you didn't think you're going to have to pay a health tax because guess what? You know, you're costing the government money by making other people sick.

Brannon Howse: So basically what you're saying is if you say to the federal government, go or the local, state or federal government, go pound sand on all these taxes, they've already tokenized your deed. And even if your house is paid off, they're going to start draining down and you're going to get a tax bill. And if you don't pay it, it's going to come off the equity in your house. And then pretty soon, like a reverse mortgage, you're going to start making payments or they're going to take your stuff. I mean, this is stuff out of Nazi. I am more and more convinced, by the way, that most of the Republicans are Nazis and the Democrats are communists. And I wrote a book called The Coming Religious Right in 2015. And I most of your Republicans, the globalist Republicans, most of them are Nazis, big government, big business, corporate fascists. That's what Hitler was into fascism, corporate fascism. And I think you got the Rockefeller, the Rockefeller Republicans, the George H. Bush's daddy, Prescott Bush, working with the Nazis. You wonder you got all these Republicans working with the Nazis, Why they were into eugenics.

Brannon Howse: They were, into a population They were into these things. Right. Anti-semitism, globalism. And a lot of them were working with Hitler. We have a lot of corporation leaders for the Ford Motor Company. Henry Ford loved Hitler, you know. Right. IBM was IBMking with Hitler. Go read Edwin Black's book, IBM and the Holocaust. I mean, I could go on and on. I am more and more convinced that the Republicans, not all of them, but a lot of your big muckety muck Republicans are corporate, fascist, neo-Nazi your Democrats are the Marxists. In Germany, it was a fight between the National Nationalists Socialist Workers Party, the Nazis, and the Communists. That,s what's going on largely in America. I think most of the globalists are also neo-Nazi. That's Ineo-Nazie the book The Coming Religious. Reich All of what you're describing fits with that. Of course, they confiscated the Jews' property left and Jews'st. I mean, they took they went in with ledger sheets and they did a ledger on all of their hard assets. You know that. I know that.

Tom Renz: Yep. Well, let me put two other things out there that are big related to this. First of all. Um, one is let's think about Donald Trump. All right. If all currency is digital and if your assets are digital. And if you think about Donald Trump in this situation. So you got a guy who's he's an outsider, he's fighting for the election, he's fighting for the campaign, and he's not playing by the globalist rulebook. How long do you think that Trump would still be a billionaire if this was in place? How long do you think it would take to seize everything he's got and wrap it up in some sort of legal proceeding, some sort of, no pun intended, trumped-up charges? You know, trumped-upump's doing this, we got to investigate. And in the meantime, we're taking control of his assets. We're doing this. We're doing that. There will never be another legitimate political candidate again if this goes through properly, because there will be no one. If you speak out, you lose that. You're going to lose everything and you'll be censored. Because guess what? The media.

Tom Renz: The media will be controlled by the same people. And if they let you speak out, they lose everything. There's no more house TV. There's no more Lindell TV. There's no more Mypillow. This is a mechanism of complete control. Now, they will have not only control of the currency but control of the assets. And if you do anything, they will be able to with a swipe of a key, wipe out whatever you own. Now, you may say that seems like, you know, a stretch, or how do you do this? How do you do that? Well, how's my response would be this in 2019, if I told you they were going to create a fake disease that was going to kill millions of people globally and that they were going to then force you to take fake vaccines that killed people right and left, they were going to force you to wear masks. They're going to force you to do this, do that, all while using it as a pretense to steal an election. Would you have said I was nuts? Of course, you would have.

Brannon Howse: Now and then, Of course. And then you mentioned also, as I did earlier, t are ripping up us. Rins Law.com. Thank you, Tom.

Tom Renz: Thanks, us. Hey dude. Tom Com as well.

Brannon Howse: Tamarins.com as well. Tom Wrens.com didn't even have time for a commercial promoting anything tonight folks. Too much important stuff. So will you just go to mypillow.com and use the promo code B66 for sheets, towels, blankets, pet bed slippers, sandals, and mattresses? How about WVWTVstore.com? Lots of stuff on sale there. Emergency supplies and more. Wstore.com. Folks, we did stop for I didn't stop and promote one thing tonight right? I think I mentioned the Lake of the Ozarks event but again we had so much to put out which I think shows you what our true commitment is to truth and getting it out. But we do have to have your support. Mypillow.com Promo code B66 also WVWTVstore.com and WVWfoundation.com. If you'd like to just simply contribute. Thanks for watching. I'm Brannon Howse May God save America and take care.

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