Exposing The Muslim Brotherhood in America & Their Murderous Partnership With Nazi Adolf Hitler



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Exposing The Muslim Brotherhood in America & Their Murderous Partnership With Nazi Adolf Hitler. Learn how the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini and Al-Banna were involved in helping to create the final solution of Adolf Hitler and the murder of 6 million Jews in Nazi Germany. Learn how Muslim Brotherhood desires to continue what Adolf Hitler started. What is the worldview of Memphis Imam Yasir Qadhi that many say is one of the leading voices in America for the Muslim Brotherhood and their agenda. What are the goals of Muslim Brotherhood for America and the world. Why would any so-called evangelical enter into a spiritual enterprise, such as an interfaith dialogue, with a Muslim Brotherhood proponent and declare that they sense a kindred spirit with him, seek common ground with him, and desire that Christians learn Islam from such a person? What are the similarities between the "German Christians" in Germany that were not opposing Nazism and the "American Christians" that are not opposing Islamo-Nazism today but are in fact giving it a path forward?

Tags: Muslim Brotherhood, ISNA, MSA, CAIR, NAIT, IIIT, Islamic Society of North America, North American Islamic Trust, Council on American Islamic Relations, Muslim Student Association, Adolf Hitler, Grand Muffti, Al-Banna, Nazis, Final Solution, Holocaust, Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, Yasir Qadhi, James White, Interfaith Dialogue, 



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