G. Edward Griffin on Why Federal Reserve Was Created and Why They Only Want Digital Dollars
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Brannon Howse: The black and white documentary on communism and how they would use black Americans for communism. Highest ranking black communist ever. Flipped. Turned against communism. Wrote a document back in the 1950s. How the Communists were using black Americans and stirring up racial strife in America. Color, communism, and common Sense, I think was the title of the book Off the Top of My head. Color, Communism and Common Sense. Manning Johnson. The highest ranking ever, I think at the time. Black, Communist. Became a great anti-communist and wrote that book Color, Communism and Common Sense to Warn. You're going to use race and racism to stir up the people. And to label as the source of all suffering and oppression Christianity in the free market system. Also going to be joined tonight by Todd Bensman, who was supposed to be with us last night. Couldn't make it. A shocking story where the FBI let a lady come on into the FBI to be an analyst, even though she was already having regular communications with people that were tied to terrorist groups or individuals. They didn't vet her. And guess what? She reportedly kept using her position once she got in the FBI to help the jihadi. And then Leo Hoffman joins us with, well, a long list of things we're going to talk about, too many to even name tonight.
Brannon Howse: So we'll get to that in just one moment. But first, G. Edward Griffin. He's been writing and warning for decades. I hate I hate to say it well, I don't hate to say it because I'm glad he is going to be close to 90. He's already he's getting real close to 90 if he hasn't already hit it. But I, I don't want to make a big deal of his age. Some people don't like that. But I think once you get to that, hey, look, folks, if I make it to be 90, I'm going to make a big deal out of it. But he's been doing this a long time before well before I was born. And I'm 54 before a lot of us were born. He was out there warning. Some of you have been following all of him, all of these many, many decades. And he's become a really a pop culture celebrity in some regards. Is his documentary or his interview with Yuri Bezmenov from 84 been put into video games and all kinds of stuff. And it's an honor to have him back with us. He joins us tonight by phone. Mr. Griffin, welcome back. Thanks for joining us.
Edward Griffin: Well, thank you, Brandon. It's nice to be back and thanks for that very kind introduction. And also, yes, you're quite right. When you hit 90, it is a big deal. I want to tell everybody about it. Yeah, because I'm I'm 91 now. And, um, I, I never thought I would get past 60 or 65. I thought that would be when you hang it up. But anyway, I'm still here, so we're happy.
Brannon Howse: We're all happy. We're all happy you're still here. And I didn't realize you'd made it into 91 now. So we're going to go for 100. That's awesome. Well, let's talk about, first of all, your big event coming up. I want to go right to your website. We'll show it on the screen here. I had it up here. There it is. There it is. There it is. Red Pill Expo. Before we get into some specifics, you got your red pill expo coming up in Des Moines, Iowa, August 12th and 13th, August 12th and 13th. And of course, there's his picture, folks. There's Mr. G. Edward Griffin right there. And then, of course, we see a lot of faces. We recognize there is Dr. Brian artist. There is our buddy Alex Newman. There's my friend Dr. Lee Merritt. Look it there. There's Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, my buddy, Dr. Doug Frank. Well, he's got a lot of our regulars that we have on this broadcast with him at this event, centrally located there in the United States of America, in Des Moines, Iowa, on August 12th. And 13th. You can find out more about it at Red pill Red Pill university.org red pill university.org. How many years you've been doing this, Mr. Griffin.
Edward Griffin: Well, let's see. Our first one was in 2017. So there you have it.
Brannon Howse: There you have it. All right. So what kind of topics will you be covering there?
Edward Griffin: Well, you know, it's a red pill expo, so that tells you a lot. The red pill is all about discovering reality and dispelling illusions and seeing the world the way it really is. So that's kind of a broad umbrella that you can get a lot of topics under that thing. But the ones that we're choosing to put under that umbrella are those topics that really make a profound difference in our lives. It's not just, uh oh, what's, what's happening at the North Pole or something like that. And there's plenty probably going on at the South Pole that we don't know about, but I don't know how that affects our lives. But when we talk about our health and our monetary system and, um, and our educational system and, and all of that sort of thing, those things affect our lives. And so we specialize in those things. So naturally we're talking about what's happening to modern medicine, the dominance of the pharmaceutical industry over medicine, not only in the United States, but around the world and the dire consequences of that act. We see how the medical profession has gradually transitioned away from healing to treating because there's no money in healing. If you heal a patient or their illness, then you lose the patient. They're happy. They don't come back to see you. But if you treat them and you don't heal them and you just keep them well enough to to work, but they're always sick and they have to take your medications every day for the rest of your life. Now you're a cash cow.
Edward Griffin: And so we've seen the transition, you know, from healing to treating. And it's a business model, and that affects our lives profoundly, especially in this day of Covid and all of those things. So those are the kinds of topics we have. We've got. Dr.. You mentioned already several of them, Mickey, Mickey Willis, by the way, is going to be there. He's the producer of that wonderful documentary called The Great Awakening. And he'll be there talking about the the impact of that documentary on the growing awakening of the people around the world as to what's really going on. And let me see what's looking down the list. Here's a little one that's a little bit different. John Moore, who's a retired intelligence officer from the United States government, and his title is very provocative. It says the government is preparing for the return of Planet X and the cataclysmic reset of civilization. Now, he's not saying that it's going to happen. He's just saying that when he was in the government, he was aware because of his unique position in the intelligence field that there was a lot of activity and a lot of money being spent by the federal government and the United States and other governments as well because they're convinced that Planet X or something is on its way back to visit Earth pretty soon. And when it happens, it's going to shake things up pretty badly. And, you know, it'll reset all of civilization. So things like that are, you know, they really, you know.
Brannon Howse: They want to stop you right there because that that's so fascinating that you brought that up. Okay. So we did not rehearse this interview. Okay. And folks, we are live. Okay. We're live. If you're watching it at, you know, what is it, 742 Central Time on what is today, Thursday night? We didn't we haven't rehearsed this. He he doesn't know what I'm going to ask tonight. I don't know what he's going to say tonight. But I do know a question I had ready for him. He didn't know I had this question ready. But my next question that I was going to ask him was, what do you make of this headline here, which is top US officials have firsthand knowledge of secret UFO program. And my question was going to be to him, what are these characters planning? What kind of deception are they planning? And then here you bring this up, which I think is so fascinating because, without talking about it, you and I are on the same page. So with that being what one of your speakers is going to talk about, it just leads me right into the question why all of a sudden in the last five years and certainly in the last 24 months is Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, Tucker Carlson And so many talking about UFOs all the time. What are these people planning? What kind of deception or fake event, or false flag are they planning?
Edward Griffin: Well, I think you've just answered it there with the last few words you added to it. It's a fake event, a false flag or something. But they are planning something. And that's at least my opinion. Now, to be perfectly honest, I do not know that that they're planning to put on a great show of a phony invasion from outer space. But I do know that they've talked about that as a possibility in the past because there are government documents that have. In leaked books that have been written about that, where their high level strategy officials the in the government, particularly in the military and in the State Department, sit around all day long thinking of calamities that they can create or aggravate to place the population into a state of fear and panic so that they will not question the solutions. You know, if you're if you're drowning, if you're ten feet underwater, you're not really interested in discussing constitutional limitations in government. You're interested only in one thing. You want to get to the surface where you can breathe and live. And so they talk about ways to submerge people in water, figuratively speaking, of course, psychologically, so that all they worry about is survival and they're scared to death of this.
Edward Griffin: That and the other thing might be pandemics. It might be terrorism. Heck, it might be a planet X, it might be it might even be UFO invasion. And so they discuss these things. This I know is true. And they're always looking for something to use to cause people to be passive when new regulations and limitations on their freedom is imposed upon them to make them grateful. Oh, well, thank you for taking away my freedom in the name of defending me against this, this terrible, terrible threat. So that's how I look at it. And that's one of the things I was talking about a moment ago. The items which we put on stage at Red Pill Expo are those kinds of items that have a profound impact on our future. And now some of them are probably not true. We don't really know which ones are true, but one thing is for certain we'll never know which ones are true or not if we never hear about them, and if we don't think about the possibility that they might be phony. Now, that doesn't mean we're conspiracy theorists, because if we know anything about conspiracies if anybody's read a history book, they know that conspiracies are the most common thing in history. Every major event of history was launched in in some way by either one or a combination of conspiracies.
Edward Griffin: So, anybody who laughs and scoffs at the idea of a conspiracy, I feel sorry for them because they've never read a history book. But anyway, it doesn't mean that we're just conspiracy theorists. We're we're looking at the possibility that we're being taken for a ride by people who really don't have our best interests in mind, but who simply are interested in keeping us in control, taking away our liberties and taking away our money and our independence and our liberty so we can just exist as more or less as servants and slaves for the ruling class. Now, this is a reality. Now, some people would say, Well, I don't believe that. Well, too bad. That's the way it is. And we're just trying to show that that there's a lot of evidence to support that. That really is what's going on. So it's serious business and we try and have fun with it along the way. That's why we call it the Red Pill Expo, because it's based on a on a, you know, a movie, a sci-fi movie that's become kind of a cult classic over the years. But the topic itself is deadly, deadly serious.
Brannon Howse: Indeed it is. Let's talk about global, a global digital compact. Here's an article, a global digital compact, you in promoting censorship, social credit and much more. Now, you wrote a book. I don't know what year you wrote it. You maybe you remember the year. I don't. But it's a it's a classic. The Creature from Jekyll Island. And you began to warn about in that book how the Federal Reserve was formed, why it was formed, what it was going to do. It seems as though now the powers that be want to get rid of that paper money, and now they want to go to something new, and that is a digital global digital currency or a central bank, digital dollar, if you will. I mean, did you even have in mind the idea of a cashless digital society when you wrote the book The Creature from Jekyll Island?
Edward Griffin: No, that was not on my radar at that time. It didn't seem like it was feasible. I didn't understand that there was technology being worked on at that very time, but it was not yet developed, as far as I know. I just it was not on my radar. So that all came to my attention, I think, to the attention of most people who were observing the the field. It happened in the last couple of years. So it's new.
Brannon Howse: How will how do you see the old template of the Federal Reserve being used with this new technology? How are they able to continue to expand? What was their original goal with the Federal Reserve?
Edward Griffin: An interesting question. I think that the original goal of the Federal Reserve was simply to make as much money as possible and to do it in a legal, legalized plunder way. They wanted to get the power of the government to issue money and put it in the hands of the private banks, which is what the Federal Reserve System really is. And just in case any of your listeners are not aware of that fact, the Federal Reserve is not an agency of the federal government. It is the proper name for it is it's a cartel. It's really no different in structure and purpose and operation than an oil cartel or a banana cartel. It just happens to be a banking cartel, which means it's it's owned and operated and totally controlled by the members of the cartel, which are corporations, which are business enterprises. And they have, um. Utilized their tremendous leverage of the banking position because they do control credit and they make loans and they get their people on boards of directors of all major corporations who like to get loans at a good low interest rate. So their banking officials wind up as boards of directors, members and all the great corporations. The first thing you know, the banks are controlling the corporations. And then so anyway, what happened with the Federal Reserve is that back in 1913, they passed what was called the Federal Reserve Act, and it was a law.
Edward Griffin: But basically what it was underneath the name of law, it was a cartel agreement between all of the banks, the largest banks in the United States, And they agreed not to compete with each other, to be in lockstep. And they agreed to keep the competition out so that no new contenders, serious contenders, would come into the fore there and provide competition. So they wanted to eliminate competition and lock up the whole field of banking. And it was all kind of a legalized plunder ploy. Let's make more money. Let's get our hands on the public treasury and so forth. Since that time, since 1910, I think that the objective has changed. So there's no longer just making money and having financial influence over society and over politicians being able to buy politicians and so forth. But now they're going for broke. They want to change the system completely, not just the monetary system, but the social system as well. The the life in general. They do not want a constitutional republic. They do not want people with any political influence over theirpolitical destinies. They want to allow the people to continue to go to the polls and vote for candidates who have been selected by them very carefully selected, and they'll allow them to compete with each other with the knowledge that both sides are really owned by the same investors, you might call them both.
Edward Griffin: Is it like owning two wrestlers in a wrestling match? There are managers and owners of these wrestlers and quite often the same manager will have two of his wrestlers climb into the ring and put on a good fight and they don't care which one wins because the point is just to control the fight. And they time usually they determine ahead of time. Okay, Joe, this is your term turn to win. And next time, Hank, you can win. And so politics has become kind of like a phony wrestling match. And they can put on a good show. They can throw each other around the ring and yell at each other and scare each other and so forth. But the show is always just a show. So anyway, it's become more like that now. They don't really want they don't want people having money in the sense of it's their money that they can put in the mattress or bury in the backyard or keep in a vault. Because if you have a sufficient amount of money, you save some money, it gives you independence. You can do what you wish because, well, money is a means of of a measure of the degree to which you can acquire the services of other people. So if you have lots of money, you can acquire the services of a lot of other people.
Edward Griffin: And if you have a lot of money, you can control the services of entire governments, bureaucracies, politicians. You can buy them, you can buy armies, you can run the world that way. But now you finally come to the point, which was the dream of all these bankers for many, many decades, is how to get rid of money entirely and force people to use something that looks like money, but it belongs to the banks instead of to the people. And this is the difference of what we're seeing happening right now, which is a transition from the old form of money which previously belonged to the people, to a new form of money which does not belong to the people but belongs to the banks. And this is a very important distinction that most people have not even noticed when you, let's say, 20 years ago or 30 years ago, if you had $1,000 and you put it in the bank, it was on deposit and the bank promised to give it back to you on demand, it was called a demand deposit. It's your money. You demand it back, they'll have to give it to you. Or you could put it on a time deposit where you could earn a little interest on it and say, Well, it's still your money, but if you if you want it, we reserve the right to take a little time to cash it out so that we can get your money out of the investments and then we'll return it to you.
Edward Griffin: But always the understanding was it's your money. And the banks were merely, you know, protecting it and maybe putting it to work for you a little bit. Now, that transition has been. Made and whether people know it or not, when you put money into the bank today, it is no longer your money. It belongs to the bank. They look at it now and they got laws passed to justify this. Laws passed by politicians who have been bought by the bankers. So they pass the laws. And so now when you put money into a bank, it's considered as an investment, like you're buying stock in a corporation now, you're an investor, you're not an owner of the money. You're given the money to the corporation for them to do with as they wish. And if the bank loses your money, it's too bad. It's your investment was not so good. It wasn't your money. It belonged to the banks. So people don't realize that. And the final stage in that process is to get money away from the people entirely so they cannot even put it in a coffee can or in their mattress because it never gets out of the digital world.
Edward Griffin: You can you can get certain you get a card, maybe like a credit card. It looks like a regular another credit card, but this one doesn't have any money that you can take out and put in your pocket. It just has units or numbers on it. And those numbers are not determined by what you put in, but what the what the bank puts in because it's their money and they'll put in enough units or numbers so that you can eat and maybe have a place to sleep and some and have shelter. As long as you're obedient and you do exactly as the government and the bankers instruct you to do, the minute you step out of line or criticize or complain or rebel in any way, all of a sudden you are cut off and you cannot you cannot buy food, shelter, clothing. You cannot have transportation. You will be sitting on the sidewalk with a tin cup for people to put money in your tin cup, but nobody will have any money to put into your tin cup because it's all digital. And that's where we're headed now. That's the ultimate stage. So the transition is made completely away from the old style of money to the new style, which is completely digital. And it doesn't belong to you, it belongs to them, which means that you belong to them.
Brannon Howse: Well, he's 100% right, folks. Go look at the small print on your bank statement. You have agreed that it's their money, which is why many of you have reported back to us that you've tried to get your money out of the bank and they won't give it to you. They tell you that we don't think that's a good decision. We don't think that's a sound choice. And they're denying people the right to take their money out. They're asking, well, why are you taking this money out? Why are you wiring such a large sum of money? We've had people in this audience report this stuff back to us. We've actually had West Peters, who you hear you hear on the show with me with Swiss America, people trying to get their money out of the bank and put it in precious metals with Swiss America. And he gets he has to get on the phone with those institutions and help the client try to get their money out of the bank. I mean, so we know what he's saying is true.
Edward Griffin: Go read their money.
Brannon Howse: So let me ask you this, Mr. Griffin, is 91 years old. You've been doing this since the 1950s, right?
Edward Griffin: Well, 1960 is when the fire started to burn in my belly.
Brannon Howse: Okay. 1960. All right. So you've been doing this a long time. Tell me this. What has shocked you the most?
Edward Griffin: Ha ha. That's interesting. Shocked me the most. Let me think about that. I suppose what has shocked me the most is this fairly recent experience under the guise of protecting us against. A pandemic of a virus that's never been seen or photographed or tested or proven to exist under the guise of of of a virus that's supposed to be so deadly that at best, 1% of the population might die from it, which is is even better than than the death rate from the common cold. Anyway, under the guise of this terrible threat, that is not a threat at all. The American people have agreed to surrender every one of their human rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. Every one of them, they just blindly accepted because it was in our self-interest to protect us and our families and our neighbors from this dread disease which doesn't exist. But anyway, that's another issue. And nobody complained, not even an objection to it. The only, only right in the Bill of Rights that has still remained is the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms. And but all the others, if you notice, even even the right to religion, you couldn't go to church because you might spread the virus, you know? And now that you can't even express an opinion, that's what I'm talking about. They'll censor you or maybe fine you or put you in prison because you're you're now a domestic terrorist and so forth. And people.
Brannon Howse: And by the way, maybe you don't know. I'm interrupting you real quick just because I want to add to what you're saying. Maybe you don't know Right now in Michigan, the House has passed a bill. It's headed for the Senate where it will pass and the governor will sign it in Michigan, where they're passing a hate crime laws where if you hurt the feelings of a sexual minority, you can not only be sued civilly, but you can be prosecuted and sent to jail for a decade and or be forced to reeducation training by the state of Michigan. Can you believe this? Because it's exactly what you're saying.
Edward Griffin: Yeah, of course, I believe it, because that's the trend and that's the reason for these changes. And this is not accidental. Those things you just described are the goal. And the things they're doing are the means to achieve that goal, have absolute control over every one of us. So, yeah, I understand that and I've been aware of it for a long time. But the most shocking thing is how easily the average person has stood by and cooperated with it and said, Yes, yeah, that's a good idea. We have to stand in line. We have to wear masks, we have to get shots in some substance that's never even been tested for safety or effectiveness, never even been tested, mind you. But we're going to do it because we're told it's going to help us and we believe everything they say. And that's the biggest shocker to me because that means that we've got a lot of work to do if we want to save save humanity from itself.
Brannon Howse: So, in other words, a virus. A quote virus. End quote. You're shocked at how easily the American people were fooled, how easily the American people were duped by something completely unscientific. Wear a mask when we know the virus, so-called virus was smaller than the pores of a mask. As a doctor said, it's like throwing up a chain link fence thinking you're stopping mosquitoes. So you're shocked at how easily the American people were fooled and duped to do stupid things and give up liberties and freedoms as easily as they were? That what? In other words, the American people's. Easily manipulated behavior and surrender shocked you?
Edward Griffin: Yes, absolutely. And there was more to it than that, actually. It's not only how easily people were fooled, but how how passive people were who were not fooled, but went along with it anyway because they didn't want to be controversial. They didn't want to stand up against popular opinion. They'd rather go along with evil and stupidity and slavery than to stand out in the crowd.
Brannon Howse: Yeah. Peer pressure here. The old group. Peer pressure group. Consensus. Group consensus. Fear Factor. Yes, sir. Let me ask you about the border.
Brannon Howse: Let me ask you about the border. I mean, this border wide open, 200,000 a month are still pouring over. You know, they have every intention to make us a North American Union merging America, Canada and Mexico. We know the UN. We know that the European Commission, the Club of Rome, they've all had their promotion of a ten federation nation. Ten federations coming together to create a world government. You know, have you been at all shocked at how fast that has been accepted by the American people just opening the border and letting people flood over, filling up our hospitals, filling up our jails and prisons, filling up, filling up our schools, getting on the public dole, kicking veterans out of the hotels so they can pay to put illegal immigrants in the hotels in various cities, bussing them all over the United States of America, changing the culture of the American landscape up, providing. Creating a massive housing crisis in some places, without a doubt. I mean, it's shocking. Again, the American people just take it, because if you dare say anything, you must be xenophobia or racist, right?
Edward Griffin: Yeah, that's it. Exactly. So and this is a result of the educational system, I believe. I mean, they're changing the culture. They've been working on it for quite a while. And frankly, they've already changed it to a large degree. I still think the backbone of the American public is still strong, but it's getting weaker because every new generation that goes through the school system comes out with these ideas that, well, even if it's not even if it's not good for the country, who cares? It's good for poor people. And we only care about helping the poor. And we can do we can do any idiocy. We can destroy our own system as long as we can say, well, we're helping the poor. You know, it's kind of like take any of the major cities right now in this country and take a look at their program that they have for, uh, the well, the poor people, The people, the homeless people. Well, let's say in Los Angeles, I've forgotten the numbers now, but let's say they have let's say they have 50,000 homeless people spread out over the city. And so they said, well, we got to take care of these poor people because we care for them. We're we're humanitarians and we cannot just let that suffering go by.
Edward Griffin: So let's vote for some money. Let's vote for another 2 or $3 million so we can provide food and shelter and better tents and maybe we can provide bathrooms for these people and health care so that because we care for them. And so we do that. And to do that, of course, we have to have money. So the taxes go up and we have to hire a lot of people. So the bureaucracy is living high now. The bureaucracy's budget has doubled and they've got instead of 50 people in the department, they've got 150 people in the department and they have a growing empire and they feed some more people and they make the conditions better for the for the homeless and the homeless. Send letters to their friends back in the Midwest and say, Hey, guys, come on out here. This is cool. We're getting better care here than we did back in Michigan. So the first thing, you know, their cousins are coming out and we have twice the number of homeless in Los Angeles. And so we've got to take care of them. The taxes go up. We have to hire more people. The bureaucracy grows.
Edward Griffin: So what I'm trying to say is it always works out so that the bureaucracy grows on the problem and that they ever solve the problem. You can be sure they would stop solving it because that means they would have to get rid of their budgets and their employees and their empires so the bureaucracies in government never are motivated to solve problems. They're motivated to create problems and expand problems because that's the justification for their existence. And so the end of that process is that they hurt the homeless people by preventing a real genuine solution to the problem. They just make it worse because they're putting more and more people into the homeless position because taxes are squeezing people out of their homes. So it's a circle. It's a vicious cycle, you might say. And until you see it, you can fall. You can fall into that trap and think that because you want to help these people, the best way to do it is to is to take care of them and give them benefits. When, you know, the old saying is that if you want to help somebody hungry, don't give him food, teach him how to fish. And that's sort of what we're talking about.
Brannon Howse: Excellent. Excellent. Look at this. Look at this website again, folks. Red Pill University. Org. Red Pill University, dawg. Mr. Griffin, thank you for your time tonight. Thank you for your life's work. You're a great, great patriot. And we have all learned so much from your books, your documentaries, your interviews, your conferences. And I know my audience, many of them told me they were very excited when they heard I was having you on again. So thank you again for making time for us.
Edward Griffin: And thank you for inviting me. And thanks also for mentioning our upcoming Red Pill Expo. If anybody wants to hear more about these issues, but not just about the problems, but the solutions to the problems, that's the starting point. Red Pill Expo and then the Red Pill University. And from there,we form campuses in every county in the United States, and we start building a grassroots movement, and we're on the way to real solutions and not just bureaucratic meddling.
Brannon Howse: Love it. Thank you so much, sir. Have a great night.
Edward Griffin: All right. Thank you. And same to you. Bye bye.
Brannon Howse: Thank you. There you go, folks. Edward Griffin checking in. Check out his site RedPilluniversity.org.
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