Halderman Expert Report FINALLY Released and It's BAD News For Voting Machine Companies



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Brannon Howse: All right. Good evening and welcome to the program. Glad you are with us. Breaking news tonight. We're having to push all of our guests back a little bit tonight to bring in two very special guests, Mike Lindell,. And Garland Favorito. Breaking news tonight. For three years, we have been waiting on an expert report to be released, also sometimes known as the Halderman report named after Professor Alex Halderman. Many of you have seen his clips of him testifying before a congressional committee on the vulnerabilities of voting machines. Mike Lindell has been laboring for, well, a good two and a half plus years to have this released to the public. In fact, on the Lindell Report last hour, we were talking about a recent declaration by Professor Halderman that was just filed June 5th of this year, this month, asking for this report to be released. Well, unbeknownst to us, it actually was being released while we were on the air. It had been released a few hours earlier and it was circulating all over the place. And we didn't know it because, well, it's a busy news day lot going on, and sometimes stuff slips by us. And it's not like CBS and ABC and all of these companies are going to wave it in front of our face and tell us about it. Right. So here we go. We get off the air and we find it. Mike finds it. And we've got to push people back to talk about this huge, huge story.

Brannon Howse: We cannot underestimate the significance of this report. What it details, what it will mean for people like Mike Lindell, who have been sued for saying some of the things that are in this report, validating what Mike Lindell has been saying, who's been viciously attacked not only by voting machine companies for exposing the vulnerabilities, but by the media and other people even having his cell phone seized by the FBI, which today he was in federal court and some judges, well, they're not so happy that they still, the FBI, have his phone. So things are well, looking up. The tide seems to be turning in the direction of those that want free and fair elections and well, to get rid of these machines because of the vulnerabilities, the ability to be hacked. And hacked by outside. Well. Countries like Russia, and Iran, they're mentioned in this report tonight. I've already done a control F and put in certain words like hacking Iran, Russia and there in this expert report. So we're going to be joined tonight by Mike Lindell and Garland Favorito. Then we're going to be joined by Dr. Hasan, a first time guest, Annie Cyrus, General Michael Flynn. And another guest is going to slip in here to tell us about it. Well, some very troubling news out of South Dakota. A lot to get to. Let's start out with Mike Lindell and Garland Favorito. Mike, congratulations.

Mike Lindell: Whoa. It's a great day for America, everybody. It is a great day. I'll tell you, you talk about prayers being answered. Everybody knows just a half hour ago, I got off the air. Brannon took my tie off. I'm in the other room. And and I call my lawyers up and I said, we've got a subpoena, Alderman, to find out what what was in that report. If they haven't released it in three years and they go Mike, we have great news. It was just released. So they're all of you out there figure it's an answer to prayer. I mean, that's the fastest call to action ever. I believe you guys, it's a 96. I'm looking at it. Praise the Lord 96 page report. This vindicates anyone that's ever said anything about these machines being vulnerable, or our elections being stalled. I mean, it's just this is a mini miracle here. It is a miracle that it was released. Finally. Perfect timing, everybody, because we have the election Crime Bureau summit coming up in August 16th and 17th. Now, everybody can point to the Halden report. Do you get any naysayers out there going, oh, those machines are just fine. Ain't wrong. Here it is. For three years the government's been hiding it from us. Three years and it's finally here. I'm excited. I know we got sent a couple screenshots. Brannon Yep. I don't know if we're going to go you guys, I'm so excited about this, but over the next week, it could even be longer than that. We're going to pull out parts of this. This vindicates and it helps in any of the lawfare going on out there. Um, the my lawyers were sending me screenshots. They're very excited going now finally we get the report remember this was a warning and it will have to have Garland come on. He knows more about it from back then you know crooked Brad down in Georgia the I wonder how Brad Rastenburg is feeling tonight.

Brannon Howse: Brannon Probably not too good because this does not make his state look all that good. In fact, no, it sure doesn't. I'll tell you something, Mike. I went to the PDF and I did control F to show my screen real quick. Logan, please control F for those of you who don't know, that's where you can search search terms. Many of you know that. And I did this hacking. I thought I wonder if that word is used in here. Sure enough. There you go. It talks about hacking. Yeah, it talks about the ability to change votes. Domestic political actors, in addition to the threat from foreign governments. You mean like China, George? China.

Mike Lindell: China, China.

Brannon Howse: George, Georgia's election system faces increasing risks from the domestic political actors. Politically motivated attackers might seek to directly or alter individual votes and thereby change the outcome of a future election through hacking.

Mike Lindell: Right. It's a miracle. Everybody, that this report was released tonight. What a miracle. Um, Brannon, this changes everything. This is it. Just everybody now can point. Wonder if the media I wonder if the media, Fox News, Fox News, everybody should you wonder why Fox News made the dirty deal they did with Dominion. All they had to do was wait, you know, a couple more weeks. Sorry, Fox. You blew it. Everybody knows you made a dirty, rotten deal with Dominion. We don't know why you gave them $780 million. You knew those machines were vulnerable. You knew that. You knew that everything that everyone was saying was true. There was no defamation out there that people were saying about this company. They knew Brannon. They knew that there was a reason Dominion never wanted you to look inside the machine. That's right. All machine companies, nobody wanted to look in. They wouldn't let you look inside. Well, they let Halderman look inside. And that other fella and this is what they found. A 96 page report. I want everybody to know this report. What was the date on this Halderman report that they've been holding and how many years, Brannon? I'm going to.

Brannon Howse: Go back to the top and look, let's see here.

Mike Lindell: Let me see if I can find it here. Uh, the date on this is on this report, July.

Brannon Howse: 1st, 2021.

Mike Lindell: July 1st of 2021. Everybody but but this case and think Garlin will come on and tell us this case with Brad Ratzenberger I believe started before the 2020 election. This is just a I kind of recall this and they were advised not to use these Dominion machines, but not to use electronic voting machines. Um, I mean, what This is amazing. I'm looking at this table of contents.

Brannon Howse: Let me. Let me. Let me bring you up the screensho?ts you sent me. Mike Here are main conclusions. The beds are not sufficiently secured against technical compromise to withstand vote-altering attacks by bad actors who are likely to attack future elections in Georgia. And it talks about being hostile. Foreign governments such as Russia, which has targeted Georgia's election system in the past, and domestic political actors. The IC bmds can be compromised to the same extent and as or more easily than other voting systems that they replaced. Both systems have similar weaknesses, including readily bypassed user authentication and software validation and susceptibility to malware that spreads from a central point to machines throughout a jurisdiction. Yet with the bmds, these vulnerabilities tend to be even easier to exploit. Despite the addition of a paper trail, I see malware can still change individual votes and most election outcomes without detection.

Mike Lindell: Wo wo wo wo wo wo hope Brannan does the fake news. Do they watch your show as much as they watch mine?

Brannon Howse: I doubt it.

Mike Lindell: human-readableI doubt it. I want all of you business insiders of the world and you and you Washington Post people, you reporters, you journalists that you call yourselves. All of you should be ashamed. Now you can report something. Now you can report the Halderman report that vindicates all the garbage you've been saying and attacking me for for two and a half years and attacking my company and attacking my employees. Shame on you all. Now write something because you know what it's got. It's too late to close the gate now. The cows are out of the barn. It's over. This vindicates anyone who's ever said anything about these machine companies and about the vulnerabilities that they've had and that they and that they are election of 2020 that was completely stalled and other elections. Brennan Pull up a couple Here's.

Brannon Howse: Another one says that they got these election results are determined from ballot QR codes which malware can modify. Yet voters cannot check that the QR codes match their intent, nor does the state compare them to the human readable ballot text. Although outcome-changing fraud conducted in this manner could be detected by a risk limiting audit, Georgia requires a risk limiting audit only of only one contest every two years, so the vast majority of elections and contests have no assurance. Here is about the foot down the footnote. Over the past six months, I've repeatedly offered, repeatedly offered to meet with Dominion and share my findings so that the company could begin developing software fixes with possible where possible. But they yet have yet to take up on this offer.

Mike Lindell: Okay. Want to warn everybody? I'm going to put this warning out. Everybody to the whole country. If everybody knows over the past month or month and a half, whatever it was when Fox sued, I mean when Fox made their dirty deal with Dominion. Okay. That was on a Monday about a month or so ago. They make this deal for $780 million. They pay him the next day. The news come out at that saying, oh, $5 million to some cyber guy that said the evidence is no good. Wrong. I took him to court. That's in court now to the big lie. Then they get rid of Tucker on Friday. Okay. Fox does Now you're missing one piece in here. Brannon, the CEO of Dominion, made a statement publicly that their company, you know, that was what were 30 million That just got 780 million. We might we probably won't be around, you know, with all the attacks and stuff or whatever. Well, isn't this funny? Now, this Halderman report comes out. Now, here's my warning to all of you out there, all you commissioners, all you counties in the country do not think for one minute that just because the name Dominion is on this report, you could change that to any other machine, any other machine brand, period.

Mike Lindell: They're all vulnerable. We have it on tape and maybe Logan could find it where the where the and says that all machines are vulnerable. This is a hearing that was had down in Louisiana was there. We got it. One of the owners said all machines are vulnerable. So if you are out there talking to your county clerks or your commissioners or whoever is in charge of your elections, everybody, you tell them, if they say, Oh, yeah, we use dominion machines, you got to get rid of them. No, you got to get rid of every machine, every single computer used in our elections. This is going to go a long way to save our country. We have the whole plan on August 16th and 17th. Everybody out there go to Lindellevent.com and get signed up so you can get the word out Lindellevent.com. Brannon, do you have that tape before we do Garland?

Brannon Howse: Yep Go ahead and roll it. Roll it.

Mike Lindell: This is USS.

Halderman (in video): Have claimed Academic election system experts have claimed that ballot marking devices are inherently vulnerable to hacking or malware or tampering with all technology, whether it's your laptop, your phone, an ATM or an x-ray machine can have vulnerabilities.

Mike Lindell: There it is, everybody. They said this were it's one of the owners out of Omaha, Nebraska, the good old machine boys. Well, guess what, everybody, they haven't shown what's inside their machines either. But here. Halderman, this expert, another guy, got to look inside and get this full report that we've been waiting for three years, three years. The government has tried to hide it from all of you. They've tried to hide it from every single person in this country. But now it's out. And you know what, Brannon? This is perfect timing. I mean, boy, what you talk about prayers being answered. Just 45 minutes ago on my show, we were telling everyone what Halderman said. If we don't get this report out there, states are going to make bad decisions. Remember when he said that, Brannon? Yes, I do. Said they're going to make very bad decisions. He said we need to go to hand-counted paper ballots. Now, this guy is a cyber expert. This guy has no, I believe no, he's not a Trump supporter. He's far from that. Everybody, he's I believe he's a Democrat. But that you know, because people say, well, he's a he's this or this. No, he's a cyber guy that loves his job or loves his like all them cyber guys do. They're just they get into their work. And this guy did he got to look where basically not too many people have ever been able to see what goes on inside these electronic voting machines and computers. And it's got a 96-page report that just came out. Brannon can't tell you this is a great day for our country. Great day for America. Absolutely. One of the greatest days. What a what a gift for our country on our great real president's birthday. What a great gift. You know, we get these election platforms fixed. And you know what? Donald Trump wins by 75% in this country. 75% of this country will vote for him.

Brannon Howse: Here's another thing in the report. Show this, because all these states say, oh, Mike, we do logic and accuracy testing and we do all these risk-limiting audits. Well, this report says as as Holderman says, I explain how such malware can alter voters' votes while subverting all of the protocol, protections, or procedural protections practiced by the state, including acceptance testing, logic and accuracy testing, external firmware validation, and risk-limiting audits. Doesn't matter. They can bypass all that.

Mike Lindell: Wow. Wow. It's yeah, it's a this is amazing. I'm just reading more of this report here. This. What a great day! Do you have Garland?

Brannon Howse: Hey, Garland, what do you make of this news tonight out of Georgia? Woo woo!

Mike Lindell: Got about $7 billion tied up in this Garland. Remember, they pile it up on me. Oh, come on. You're. You're defaming these machine companies. They're not online. They can't be hacked. Come on, now.

Garland Favorito: Uh, yeah. So, Brannon, this is something that. And Mike, we've. We've known about this for a long time. It's been two years in the making. Um, as as as devastating as it is, it's not anything that we didn't already know, right? It's just. And it's what you've been saying for the last two years, what we've all been saying. And so this was based on the curling Raffensberger case. I think, as Mike alluded to earlier, that started back in 2018. Um, and it was probably even before that, I think it was 2000, 2017. I believe this case has been going on for years. The judge had had had originally banned the old paperless system and Brad Raffensperger went out and found this new system that this US District Court judge, Amy Totenberg has already found that the new system that we're talking about here violates two Georgia statutes. So and this this particular report has been, um, as you know, under under seal for the last two years, as y'all have already said. So that's just a little background for the folks at home to know. And here's what's interesting. This report only talks about the security vulnerabilities of the ballot marking device. It doesn't even talk about the scanners, which is a whole nother area of vulnerability, we've already proven at voter were manipulated and ballot images were manipulated before the certification of the 2020 results. So all that said is a background on Brian Brennan. I tried to get some statements and you've already covered quite a few of them, so that's okay. You can steal my thunder. But I was going to walk through a few of these statements. Um, and you hit on, on several of them already. Uh, I'm on the principal findings in that and up in the first paragraph, which you already read the last part of that paragraph, it says that Dr.

Garland Favorito: Halderman said to show that the IC suffers from critical vulnerabilities that can be exploited to subvert all of its security mechanisms, including user authentication, data, integrity, protection, access control, privilege, separation audit logs, protective candidates, hash validation, and external firmware validation. So the IC, which is the ballot marking device, can be exploited to subvert all of that. And he goes into a lot of detail about Georgia. He says, I demonstrate that these vulnerabilities provide multiple routes by which attackers can install malicious software on Georgia's beds, either with temporary physical access or remotely from election management systems. And we know here in Georgia that it could also be remotely through the server, the central server. The secretary of State uses, which we found in 2017, was wide open and exposed to the Internet for virtually anyone to come in and hack and put this type of malware that Dr. Halderman is talking about on the central Georgia voting server. Now, he says that attackers can alter the QR codes on printed ballots to modify voter selections. This is what we've been arguing about and claiming for for two years. And then he goes on and gets into Georgia. He says the software update that Georgia installed in October 2020, just before the November 2020 election. Left Georgia's beds in a state where anyone can install malware with only brief physical access to the machine. I showed that this problem can potentially be exploited in the polling place, even by non-technical voters. So that's how vulnerable this is. And this is corroborating the CSO report, which came out earlier, which was not anywhere near to the level of detail as what Dr. Handleman has done.

Mike Lindell: Hey, Galan Galan, I want to ask you two things. So the people know you said this case started in 2017.

Garland Favorito: Right? The original case was against the old voting system, which was these were the old.

Mike Lindell: The old was crooked, rather. Defendant, He's been the defendant all along. Crooked.

Garland Favorito: Brad Ratzenberger Now, at that time that was before Brad Raffensperger became Secretary of State, and that was originally filed against now Governor Brian Kemp, who was. Whoa, whoa.

Mike Lindell: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You mean they're both involved? And then what did Kemp do? And then Kemp. Then after this is filed, didn't he buy another $119 million worth of Dominion machines in 2019? This is what we've heard.

Garland Favorito: Brad Raffensperger signed the contract. He and Gabriel, he and Gabriel Sterling's names are on the actual contract itself. But what's interesting, what's interesting about the old machines is when Judge Totenberg made that finding, that was the exact same thing that I wrote back in 2002 to the assistant secretary of state. And the system evaluators said that the systems are not verifiable, they're not auditable, and I believe they're unconstitutional. I still have that letter from February of 2000 and garlic Garland.

Mike Lindell: So this is amazing. Everybody wants everybody to understand this. When you talk about these lawsuits that are out there, like the ones that they've all sued me and my pillow and just attacked us. You know, I've said it from the beginning, All these are they're big. They want to just drag these out past the first. They want to go past the 2020 election, then pass the 2022 election. And what's their big home run? Let's take our country down for the last shot in the 2024 election. We read something earlier, Garland on my show before we realize this had been released a couple of hours ago, we we we heard from all from Halderman in his thing on June 5th. He said Brad Ratzenberger wants to just delay that. This is delayed past the 2024 election. You know, so isn't this so I'm asking you, you've seen this unfold in Georgia. I've seen it unfold around the country. Um. You know, it's like this is to me, this is perfect timing. It's God's timing here because maybe not to be revealed back then. Maybe it would have got squashed. Now, people now people understand everything that's been done in our country over the past two and a half years that we have learned and that has been revealed. This is perfect timing for our Election Crime Bureau summit in August, where we lay out the plan for the country. And no would be no excuses now for these commissioners or these county people to go, oh, we've got good machines here. They're nice. I love computers in elections. Nobody can now say this and want one more thing. I got to ask you, Garland, do you think the media how do you think they should what, Brannon What we should do is have a contest to see who can write the most heartfelt apology to the American people who can write the best apology to Garland Favorito, Mike Lindell, Brannon Howse, and all the American people that have worked so hard to reveal the truth about these computers in our elections and these electronic voting machines.

Garland Favorito: So, Mike, what's interesting about that, is I think you should you should probably count the number of national news media articles that are about the Halderman report tomorrow. I imagine you will not only need maybe one hand to count those reports. Wow.

Mike Lindell: Exactly what he's saying. And we pray that's everybody. This is what we leave it up to. You all the people watching you have to spread the news about this. Take it on social media, Brannon. I know we're going to try and get it up here on Frank's page, spread it out over social media, everybody. And by the way, we're going to be showing everybody tomorrow. Frank Social, our sister platform here. We now have it available in two other languages, Spanish and Portuguese. You know, we got we were very concerned with Brazil down there that they took their country. But now we have it in Spanish. So, Brannon, you're going to can you speak Spanish? Brannon?

Brannon Howse: I got a D in high school. Spanish.

Mike Lindell: That's okay. But we want to get the word out to everyone. And I just want to let people know that and by the way, if you don't have the Frank social app or the Frank speech app, go to the app stores and get that. But it's up to you all to spread the word. This is because of Garland's right. I will be surprised if there's even one news outlet that all they watch right now. They're all watching the horrible journalists that are there. And a lot of them are. A lot of them are pretty good people, but they're just as guilty because they know their boss is telling them what to do and it's all about their dollar. I've told many of them to come over here at Frank's Beach and we'll hire them, hire them and let's leave the evil people they're working for. And you know, Brannon will find a spot for him, won't you, Brannon? All the journalists out there. Yeah.

Brannon Howse: We'll find a spot for them. Absolutely.

Mike Lindell: Yeah, we'll see. We'll see who reports. We're going to tell everyone. We're going to talk up whoever reports the Halderman report tomorrow of the news outlets out there. And other than your ones that we for sure will you know, it'll be here. It'll be on War Room. It's going to be on Gateway Pundit and all the other things. We want to see it on CNN, Fox News, Newsmax, and Newsmax should this should be all over Salem Media, right? This should be the biggest report ever, right? Absolutely.

Brannon Howse: Absolutely.

Mike Lindell: We've been waiting three years. When did Halderman when first got involved, in his investigation, Do you know when that started? When they hired him to do that investigation? When the judge when put him on the to look at that?

Garland Favorito: Well, yeah, that was probably back around 2017. But Dr. Halderman goes the way he goes way, way back. He goes Dr. Halderman goes back to 2006 when he worked for Professor Felten at Princeton University. And they demonstrated a hack before the United States House Committee in Congress live in 2006. And that was on the old paperless voting system. That was what is now the system.

Mike Lindell: Wow. Wow. So what? So and so. I know. Brannon, we got to go. You got your other guests, But thanks for letting us come on. You bet. This is the big news. This is the big news. And by the way, Garland, did you hear was in federal court today on my cell phone? The judges went after the government and said, how come you're keeping his phone? He's done nothing wrong. This isn't a criminal thing here. You've had it for why didn't you just do a 12-minute, 12-second download? She didn't have an answer. How long are you going to keep it? She says, indefinitely. He goes, You can't do that. People rely on their phones. It's not like 20 years ago when you confiscate a phone. Big deal. You buy a new one. Your whole life's on these phones. So really, I think really good things are going to come out of that, too. Today, everybody. And we'll let you know. We'll let you know. So I think we're winning. I know we're winning. We're winning, everybody.

Garland Favorito: I'll come back next week and we'll go through this point by point. I think it'd be really good.

Mike Lindell: I'll be on my show. Yeah, I'll be on my show all week. This is too big. We got to do it in multiple episodes. And. But thanks. Thanks a lot.

Brannon Howse: We'll grab screenshots, and start going through this tomorrow night, folks, starting at 6 p.m. Central Time on the Lindell Report. We'll start grabbing these screenshots and going through them. Lots, lots of information and well, what Garland Favorito and Mike Lindell have been telling you guys for years. It only took Mike Lindell getting sued for $8 Million to finally get this report out, right?

Mike Lindell: Mike Yeah, that's it. You know, I hope they, I hope, get apologies from, you know, you know, this is a day of vindication. It's like a few Are those machine companies you just said they should just fold up right now and apologize to the country? The media should apologize and, you know, apologize to my employees. They got sued. Brannon Mypillow, an employee-owned company, got sued. What did they have to do with it? They're worried. They've been worried for a couple of years now about their families and stuff, attacked all the time. And, you know, if it hadn't been for people out there supporting Mypillow, you know, all the box stores left and everything because you talk about Lawfare and you talk about cancel culture, this is what these machine companies were behind all this of going of threatening people and suing people for what? Because want to get the word out. I want to get the word out of and fix our election crimes or fix our election platforms. You know but.

Brannon Howse: This is good. Anyway.

Mike Lindell: Great news. Yeah, it is great news. And you know what? I've said it before. You know those lawsuits, they're so frivolous, but they're not frivolous in the fact that it's worked for a lot of people that won't speak out about this. I hope that Salem Media now this is shout out Salem Media, Newsmax, and Fox start talking about these machine companies and fix our election. There's there it is especially Salem Media.

Brannon Howse: Absolutely Garland Favorito of voter Georg and Mike Lindell of course of Lindell TV and frank speech and his big election Crime Bureau summit coming up the middle of August. Full details at Lindellevents.com. Thank you, guys.

Mike Lindell: Thanks. Thanks, Brannon.

Brannon Howse: Great news tonight. Breaking news worthy of pushing back our guest and we thank them for their patience because that is big news tonight. Again, 6 p.m. Central Time tomorrow night. Start covering this in greater detail with screenshots after we've had time to make those screenshots and go through this report even more.

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