Hamas Setting Up Israel For a PR Mess and Why Are Some Liberal Jews So Hostile to Brannon Howse When He Is So Diligent in Fighting Antisemitism?



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In this compelling episode of "Worldview Radio," host Brannon Howse and guest Aharon Levarko discuss the intense and ongoing conflicts in Israel, particularly focusing on the recent violent engagements between Hamas and the IDF. The episode is framed within the solemn observance of Holocaust Remembrance Day, adding a deep historical resonance to the discussion of current events.

Aharon, providing insights from the ground in Israel, shares distressing updates about Hamas's tactics, including manipulating ceasefires and the emotional impact on Israeli citizens. They delve into the details of Hamas's attacks, including a tragic incident where an ambulance was targeted, highlighting the brutality and strategic manipulations in the conflict.

Throughout the episode, Howse and Levarko critique the international and media responses to the situation, pointing out the biases and misunderstandings that often cloud global perceptions of the conflict. They discuss the complex interplay of media influence, political narratives, and the harsh realities faced by those directly impacted by the violence.

The conversation also touches on the broader geopolitical implications, including the role of the U.S., the United Nations, and other international actors. Levarko emphasizes the strategic and often cynical use of media by Hamas to shape international opinion, and the need for truthful, unfiltered reporting to counteract this.

Brannon Howse brings the discussion back to a spiritual and moral examination, questioning the commitment of various global players to truth and justice. The episode serves as a sobering reminder of the stakes involved, not only for Israel but for the principles of sovereignty and moral clarity on the international stage.


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