Iran Planning Multiple Terrorist Attacks in U.S. After 2024 Elections?



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Brannon Howse: All right. Joining me now is Anni Cyrus. I reached out to Anni today because over at tonight, I posted an article about Iran and a couple of other things the US envoy for Afghanistan is discussing with the secretary, the NRC secretary general, and humanitarian support for Afghanistan. Wait a minute. Isn't Afghanistan being run by the Taliban? What do we want to give them humanitarian aid for? Taliban's defense minister meets with the UAE prime minister to talk about that. But the one specifically that I wanted to talk to you about was the IRGC commander saying the US has yet to receive the final blow. This just came out 11 hours ago. In this article, Anni Cyrus is born and was born and raised in Iran. She's a broadcaster with us, and an associate producer with us. Annie, welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.

Anni Cyrus: Thank you so much for having me Brannon.

Brannon Howse: Anni, what do they what is the Iranian Revolutionary Guard leader believe and to be meaning here when he says that America has yet to receive the quote, the final blow, the end quote? What do you think the final blow will be? What will it be for? Will it be for killing the general, General Soleimani? Somali. Somali salami, or however you say his name, would it be for killing him? Is Trump doing that? What will it be for? When will it happen? And how will this so-called final blow come to America? Because I know you have very specific thoughts on this.

Anni Cyrus: Yes. So the reason it's all it's just all playing started 44 years ago. And is everything going on added to their agenda or their reasoning? Yes. But at the end of the day, we just need to realize. Islamic Republic of Iran, Supreme Leader Khamenei said on the first day he arrived in Iran in 1979. Let the plan begin. We will take down the Great Satan, America, and wipe Israel off the map. Now, yes, Ghasem Soleimani is the reason Trump walked away from Iran. The deal is another reason. Putting sanctions on Iran is another reason. All of those are. But the main reason is an issue. Fatwa was issued by Khamenei 44 years ago and it needs to happen. That's just the base of it or the root of it. Um, if we go back to when the negotiation was going on, me and you, Brandon, we covered it almost every day when this was going on. We talked about it before the American government even announced their meeting because were getting the information from Iran. They kept saying that they have one and one condition only, and unless that condition is met, they're not going to make a deal with the Biden regime. And their only condition was to remove IRGC from the terrorist list, which didn't happen. How? I don't know. I'm amazed.

Anni Cyrus: But that didn't happen. And when that didn't happen, when the final answer was no, the IRGC commander, one of the commanders, came out and said, if they're not going to remove our IRGC from their terrorist list, we will show them what terrorism IRGC can provide from there. This was about, I want to say September, somewhere about September of last year after the visit of Raisi to New York. From there on, every week they're making threats. They're getting more and more graphic about it. They issuing videos on how they're going to do it. And then we get the news from, you know, Todd Benjamin and you talking about, you know, IRGC members and Iranians being arrested at the border, in the trunk of the car or in the back of the car this way and that way. So plan. They believe they have enough soldiers in America right now and they're just standing by for the order. It's going to be a series of coordinated attacks. I would say most likely it will not be bombing because IRGC does not operate as bombing. They're more of you know, they use weapons of guns. If we call that it's going to be in big cities, busy days, and it's not going to take place until next year just because of the election situation here.

Brannon Howse: So and if you had to guess what the targets you think will be restaurants, movie theaters, churches, synagogues, what?

Anni Cyrus: I would say most likely churches and high schools.

Brannon Howse:  Okay. That fits with the perfect day, as it was called, that we've been talking about since about 2010 or so. That's not that. Yes. Look at this here. Taliban's. Yep.

Anni Cyrus: One second before we go to that. Don't know if you heard or not, but since two days ago, the Dallas area is on high alert for a phone call that was made with a threat toward all the schools in the Dallas area and the greater Dallas area. No, did not today, as I.

Brannon Howse: Did not know that.

Anni Cyrus: So a week ago, there was a triangle shooting that took place in Dallas. It was in Allen McKinney and the Frisco Dallas area. Funny enough, it was a triangle around me and three malls. There was shooting going on, five shooters involved, only two captured who were killed, and three got away. And since then, there have been nonstop, constant threats of shooting going on in this area. Now, this may not have necessarily anything to do with IRGC, but none of the shooters as of right now have been identified as Americans, neither white nor black, but they there have been Mexicans and Middle Easterners. I just figured I should put this out there.

Brannon Howse: Very interesting. Taliban's defense minister meets with United Arab Emirates. Prime Minister, tell me about this, please.

Anni Cyrus: Uh, this caught me extremely off guard, even though when President Trump was in office and managed to do a lot of peace agreements between Israel and some of the Arab countries, when UAE was one of the countries to sign an agreement, peace agreement back then said, I'm surprised because there are too small, too scared to do this. But they still did. But Interestingly enough, when the Taliban reached out to their prime minister to have some sort of discussion, to have military support because Iran is starting to pick a fight with the Taliban, they accepted the invitation and they're meeting up. And regardless of the peace deal they have with Israel active as of right now, they're still meeting up with the Taliban to give them military support. These are the Times said, please don't take any of these Islamic country's peace agreements seriously. They will make the deal. But when it comes to it, they will not honor that deal. And what kind of support is it going to be? Financial support? Don't know. I don't have all the details on it, but I will keep my eyes on it to see what is it that they are going to give the Taliban as there's going to be the start of the Taliban trying to fight the regime in Iran. I doubt it. Just because they don't even if I don't know, unless Saudi Arabia or China gets behind the Taliban, they don't have what it takes to go up against Iran's regime. But it looks like some sort of new chaos is about to happen in that area.

Brannon Howse: Look at this other headline. Here's the headline. But here's what the article says. Thomas West. Thomas West, the US special representative for Afghanistan, met John England. John England Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council. West said that he discussed with Egeland or Egeland the international community's support for Afghans in humanitarian needs in a principled manner. When you say Afghans, are we talking Taliban? If so is this the US special representative for Afghanistan running around trying to raise money and support for the terrorist group Taliban?

Anni Cyrus: Bingo. Exactly. Yes. More money. They want to give more money to the Taliban under cover of, you know, wars. Okay. Let me just say this. I had a very wonderful discussion with an Afghan woman today. And the discussion went exactly like this. Are they ever going to help my people instead of funding the terrorists, dictators who are killing my people? That is what this friend of mine said today. An Afghan woman who's not there, but she's got family members there. She said that. Are they ever going to help my people instead of this terrorist dictator who took over the country?

Brannon Howse: They already got $85 Billion in military hardware. I think they sold a lot of that off to Iran and other places. What do they need more money for?

Anni Cyrus: Uh, as I said, first of all, it seems like they're trying to build some sort of, you know, bigger military capability. Possibilities of Iran. Because even back then said if anything happens in either Iraq or Afghanistan, the mullahs are going to try to take that area. And they are. Within the last month, they have hanged and executed seven Afghan people for no crime whatsoever, just crime. You're an Afghan. And they have agreed to release 200 Afghan prisoners from Iran to the Taliban. Um, and then, on the other hand, they have given Afghanistan Taliban 30 days to agree to give Iran control of water in Afghanistan. I mean, I don't know. I don't know if you can make any sense out of this. I can't. What I do know is Taliban is getting ready to try to push back against the Islamic regime of Iran.

Brannon Howse: Because they don't want them to have a cornerstone. Oh, wow. All right.

Anni Cyrus: I wouldn't either.

Brannon Howse: Any other updates you want to bring us, Anni?

Anni Cyrus: I do want to talk about it very quickly. Even though the revolution in Iran has quieted down. But last night our time, they hung three more of the young Iranians who were arrested during the uprising. And they have 12 more to come next week. I know we don't have we can't do anything here, but would greatly appreciate it if anybody would pick up the phone and call your representatives as we're pushing to put the final sanction on the regime in Iran, which is their business partnership with South Korea. If you could pick up the phone, call your representative, and ask them to push for that, that might stop them or at least, you know, keep them busy for a while. So stop them from killing more Iranians until there's a better solution for the problem.

Brannon Howse: Thank you, Anni. Your show is on Lyndale TV and at,, and on demand. And of course, our art is at life is at. Well, it's is the website. So the studio where she has her art is where she has much of her handmade art. Ani as always thank you for all you do and for being with us.

Anni Cyrus: Thank you so much, Brannon. Please stay safe.

Brannon Howse: You too, my friend. Anni Cyrus checking in.

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