Israel: Iran is Equal to Fifty North Koreas
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Brannon Howse: All right. Good evening and welcome to the program. Glad you are with us tonight. I'm going to be joined by Dr. Rob Linstead. We're going to be joined by Frankie Stocks. We're going to be joined by Joe Hoft. We're going to be joined by Mark McCloskey. Mark McCloskey. Remember Mark? Mark and his wife were defending their house in Saint Louis from all of those Antifa types, Black Lives Matter types, cultural Marxists, and street agitators. Remember that? Well, the lady that went after them, just resigned today as a DA. Why? Oh, you'll find out. Mark will join us. I also want to play a little bit of Mark's keynote presentation at my Ozarks Worldview weekend. Last year, he got a standing ovation. He did a marvelous job. So we're going to hear from him. So, by the way, before we're going on the air tonight, I'm looking at some of the news. And there we go. Check this out. Deer Park chemical plant fire. Eight workers were treated at the hospital as a precaution. Officials say the fire started around 2:54 p.m. And this is in Deer Park, Texas.
Brannon Howse: Do you guys want to show that or not? There we go. There we go. Deer Park. Chemical plant. Fire. Um. Have you guys ever remembered a time when there were so many food facilities and chemical plants and train derailments? Remember a couple of months ago I was pontificating on the fact that this might be what is called gray terror. Gray terror. That's what one of the former KGB officers wrote about. He came to America, defected, and he wrote about that period known as the Gray terror or the overture period before an enemy state would go to war against their enemy. They would carry out gray terror. They would go after critical infrastructures. Again, I have to ask the question, is all of this prelude to World War three, all this prelude to the coming World War? Critical infrastructures are under attack. Gray terror. Interesting. Joining me first tonight is Dr. Rob Linstead of Bible Tip He's coming back tonight because we've got some interesting topics and things we need to talk about. Dr. Linstead. Thanks for joining us. Appreciate it.
Rob Linsted: Glad to be with you again tonight. Yeah.
Brannon Howse: What's on your mind tonight? You sent me a few stories. Somebody took off with my phone. I don't know where it's at, but someone took off my phone. You texted me some stories. Um, what's. What's on the agenda tonight? Okay, well.
Rob Linsted: Last night we were talking about the fact that we're really on a heightened alert for nuclear war. And. And guess the thing that's that is concerning me is to see on how many fronts that war is based. We've been talking about the fact that you know, Russia has made inferences to it. They've threatened to do nuclear war. And you know what? Putin is crazy enough to do it. He has nothing to lose. He doesn't love his people. He could care less. He sees them as expendable if he has to. He'll use it in Ukraine. I think we live under that threat. But I think it goes way beyond that because it was on May the 4th. So we're talking a day ago and the defense minister of Israel went to Greece because together Israel and Greece sniffed out the fact that Iran had planted a terrorist attack. In a particular area and through Israel's security. Israel warned Greece of this. In Athens. And it was foiled. Then we found out that it wasn't the first time this has happened. They also alerted of a nuclear blast in Cyprus, another one in Germany, and one in the United Kingdom. Here's the concern. Uh, the article, and again, it came out just today, to reinforce this. It says that a nuclear Iran could blackmail the US any city in the US. Why? Because they see so many people crossing the southern border. We have no idea about the terrorists that are in this country. You know, it's almost a mockery because, as you know, I travel internationally, so when I come in, if I come in from Canada, I'm put in a long line. We're asked questions and so on like that. I go to Israel where why, why in the world do we why in the world do I even carry a passport? Because thousands of people are streaming across the southern border and almost every friend of America is warning, Wow, do you know who's coming in? Our answer is, no, we don't.
Rob Linsted: Matter of fact, at this point, we don't even care. But here's what we know. They've wrecked Texas. El Paso. Gone. The border countries are gone. So we're looking at this take place. And our best friend, Israel, who's the master at sniffing these things out, tells us that we could expect a nuclear-type attack from Iranians. Iranian. They've been stopped four times in the last couple of weeks. Do you think that they would rather set a bomb on the United States than any other country other than Israel? And your answer is yes, they sure would. Then Netanyahu goes to our Congress and here's he didn't get invited to go. He gives he delivers a message to him. He says this. You all are talking about the nuclear capability of North Korea. He said Iran's capability is 50 North Korea's. So look at the height to which this has been built. And again, the shocking thing is that it's not the story that the major news outlets want the American people to be thinking about. It would scare them to death. It would probably cut off the southern in a flood of tourists and tourists and whatever you want to call these people, illegal aliens. We're living in one of the most critical, dangerous times that you could ever imagine. And I just think it's time for us to wake up and see, you know what? We may be on the brink of a nuclear holocaust in our own country, let alone in the world. Yeah.
Brannon Howse: Here's that headline from a Jewish news syndicate I ran 50 North Korea. Netanyahu tells bipartisan congressional delegation Iran is 50. North Korea's. And, you know, think about Iran. Most Americans don't know is that the folks running that country, not everybody in Iran is Muslim. We dealt with that earlier this week. You know, the Muslims have taken over countries. Iran before the revolution was a secular government. You look at pictures online of Iran in the 1960s. It looks like you would think it was New York, you would think it was Los Angeles. The women are wearing the same clothes, the skirts, the fashions. They're wearing two-piece, two-piece bathing suits on the beach under Sharia. They're not going to do that unless you want to get your head chopped off or beaten or whipped. Right. Thrown into Sharia jail. So Iran was not a Muslim nation in the sense it was not under Islamic rule. It was a secular government. Many people don't know that about Iran. That's why it's very important. And many people are practicing different religions other than Islam, although there are some Islamists there. Before the revolution. But Islam has taken over Egypt. Egypt was not a Muslim nation. But when you think about Iran, most Americans don't know these facts about Iran. And one of the things they don't know is that the leaders of Iran are Islamists, their whole eschatology, their whole belief is based on conflict, chaos, and death. That's how they think they're going to usher in the 12th imam. Right. Dr. Rob?
Rob Linsted: Yeah, that's exactly right. Their view of the future and eschatology is it's one of destruction. And so the more chaos, the better it is for them. You couldn't write a script. For them to make inroads in this country any better than what we've just given to them. We've given them a script. I'm talking about corruption in the cities. I'm talking about people being discouraged. And, you know, I'm concerned because, you know, at the same time, all this is taking place. You know, we just found out that the White House is now saying that if we have an outbreak of monkeypox, they have the power to declare an emergency and they don't need Congress. They could go into emergency mode almost immediately. I just see that we're losing our country in about 5 or 6 ways. We're losing it financially. It's a disaster. We're losing in terms of fuel and food and getting products to people. Now we're losing in terms of security. We're set up for failure and I've got to I got to say this. You know, it used to be that people didn't want the Lord to come because they said, you know, things are going so well. Wow. You know what? I think people might soon be relieved if they thought the Lord was coming, because how are we going to claim back America? You know, think most people in America, think that this thing is a is it's a picnic. It's a parade. It's you know, the whole thing is, you know, just see how much you can get.
Rob Linsted: And other nations aren't looking at it that way. Iran sees this as their opportunity and they've aggressively sought a way to destroy us. And with that is the Islamic belief, you know, they want to take over the world. We've handed them. They're not they're not fired a single shot at us right now. And they're making inroads. It seems like we would want to protect ourselves. We'd be concerned with national security, national security is not even on the minds of most Americans. Instead, it's the idea that we're at a party, we're at a picnic, we're at a parade. And the truth is, we're at a war, a spiritual battle, but also think a battle for our country because our values, our style of living, our belief system, I think is under serious challenge. And I'm thankful that Israel is our friend. Because you know what? I don't think anyone in this country will be able to detect the inroads that the Iranians are making. But I think Israel is warning us. Here's why. Because Israel has already told us and this is another discussion, it's this The United States has been told by Israel saying don't be surprised if we act against Iran because we must protect our borders. And so they've already told us, we we we we're just going to tell you we have the freedom to attack Iran if we feel like our freedom is being attacked by them and the nuclear threat.
Brannon Howse: And you know, what I saw in the Jerusalem Post tonight, look at this headline, Israel has the freedom to Act against Iran's Nuclear threat. That's the US. Yeah, the headline again. Washington allows Israel Freedom of action against Iran's nuclear threat. Us National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said. Well, thank you, Washington, Thank you, Washington, for allowing Israel to have their freedom. Mother, may I? You know, Israel, you don't need our permission. These people hate you. And many of them have Jewish names in the government, they're no more committed to the nation of Israel than the radical average leftist. I'm more Jewish than most Jews because I care more about Israel than most Jews in America. Would you agree with that?
Rob Linsted: Oh, yeah. You know, I feel so strongly about Israel in the place that God has placed him in. It's a special one. You know, God says in Zechariah chapter two, verse eight, You know, you're the apple of my eye. And whoever harms Israel. Harms harm me. You know, the thing that makes you wonder is this The Bible says that all nations are going to turn against Israel. And I can see Israel doing something to Iran and the world saying, okay, Israel, you shouldn't have done that, even though Israel is such a small little space to protect them right now. Brannon, They have a war going on on all four sides. And I think I mentioned this in our talk last night. One of the leaders said we're used to two fronts. We've become accustomed to two fronts. Now we find ourselves on four fronts, even on the sea. We have. We have an enemy there so surrounded, being so small. And so I know for a fact that Israel has said this. The best defense is an offense. And so I believe that there is that possibility that Israel might say, you know what if Iran is bragging that they have enough nuclear material for five bombs and that within two weeks we could make it so that these are five deadly bombs and they've threatened already Israel They threatened us. I can see Israel taking them out. And if so, what's the world turning against them and saying, wow, you shouldn't have done that? But you know what I'm going to say? I'm going to say thank you, Israel. Because by you doing that, you probably have spared America as well as yourself.
Brannon Howse: Absolutely. Bible Tip Bible Tip Dr. Rob, thank you as always for checking in. And I think we're going to have a big announcement soon. You've been to Israel 70, 71 times, is that right?
Rob Linsted: Yeah. 72.
Brannon Howse: How would you guys like to take a trip to Israel? A VW TV-sponsored trip to Israel. I can't go. I've got to hold down the fort here. But we'll sponsor a trip to Israel and we'll have Dr. Rob Linstead lead the tour. How many of you would like to go on a tour of Israel led by our friend here, Dr. Rob Linstead? Well, you might have that chance because Dr. Rob and I are talking about putting together for next May that kind of tour, right?
Rob Linsted: Dr. Rob Yeah, I love going there. And, and one of my great memories of being on this program is one night when I was, I was at the Western Wall and, had in the background several people that were there praying and they were watching the show on the little monitor I had. And your cat came walking across the desk and they were laughing.
Brannon Howse: I remember that the folks on the Temple Mount were watching your screen and laughing at the cat walking across the desk.
Rob Linsted: But yeah, you know, it's such a thrill to go there because first of all, you know, often people that go are familiar with the Bible, and all of a sudden they see the geological proof of the Bible, the reality of the Bible. I can promise this, you'll never read the Bible the same. And all of a sudden the geography begins to make sense. And so a lot of times people say they go into Israel's like the fifth gospel. It allows you to understand that. And so, boy, get excited when I get a chance to go to Israel and I'd love to show people what's taking place there. We look at the past. The historical is what we look at in the present, what's going on right now. And then we try to understand the prophetic, the future part of Israel. So the tour combines all three of those. It's a wonderful time. So we look forward to maybe some of these folks going with us. Absolutely.
Brannon Howse: We'll get we're going to get that organized, let you guys know about that soon. So we have a full year to promote it. Dr. Linstead, as always, thanks for being with us.
Rob Linsted: My pleasure. Have a good weekend. You too.
Brannon Howse: A lot of free downloads over there as well. And don't forget, he has a daily show that airs on my channel. Dr. Rob Linstead every day teaches Bible prophecy on my channel over at You can check it out over there.
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