Obama, Bush, Clinton Join Forces to Fly 3rd World Migrants into United States

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Brannon Howse: Good evening. Welcome to the program. Glad you are with us. We are going to be joined by Frankie Stokes here in just one second. Obama, Bush, and Clinton join forces to fly third-world migrants into the United States as our border collapses. Tonight, we have an invasion article by also by Frankie Stokes. Here we have an invasion. 700,000 illegal aliens prepare to storm the US border. There you go. There you go. It's happening. Then Leo Holman is going to join us. How are they going to force us all into getting our biometrics, our little ID? Did you know that World Health Organization? I've been warned since early 2020. I'll show you the PowerPoint presentation that I put together and presented right here on TV in early 2020, warning that illegal immigration, our border crisis, and border security would be used to try to convince people they need to get biometrics. What's happening right now in real time? You'll see it tonight, a brand new article by Leo Holman. What's Peters will join us to talk about the banks. More and more Americans are aware that their money is not safe. About half of Americans report about 50% of Americans say they're worried about the money in their bank. And we have more banks showing that they are stressed and vulnerable and some of them outright insolvent.


Brannon Howse: When you use traditional accounting, then we'll get a report tonight from Joe Hoft of joe.com in the Gateway and Gateway Pundit. He's down at President Donald Trump's Miami club and he's with General Michael Flynn. I think Mike Lindell will be there tomorrow and many others. We'll get an update from him, including an article he has over at Joe hoft.com. If you go there and you'll find it and the article is about the super majority of Americans, 69% believe the Biden gang's crimes related to foreign influence peddling and that that is indeed a big deal. We'll get to all that and more tonight, as well as some shocking video clips. I'll pull out of the vault, video clips I've been playing for several years. And now you're going to see why the border is collapsing because I have a clip from 2009. I've played many times. I said one of my documentaries, one guy named Melecio Adina Warning. Why Warning? Why he wanted so many illegals in America? I'll play that clip for you tonight. Played it last hour in The Lindell Report. Play it for you here tonight as well. Joining me now is Frankie Stokes. Frankie, welcome to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.


Frankie Stockes: Hey, Brannon. Thanks for having me.


Brannon Howse: Am I still saying your name wrong or right?


Frankie Stockes: It's stocked. Stocks.


Brannon Howse: You know, I'm just going to have to pretend there's a c K in there, right?


Frankie Stockes: Yeah. Yeah. Just like stocks and bonds. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Like I tell people, the E is silent. Yeah. There you.


Brannon Howse: Go. All right. Sorry about that, Frankie. No problem. I reached out to you today because I saw a great article over on your website or at the National File where you write and here it is, National file.com Obama, Bush Clinton joined forces to fly third-world migrants into the United States. The new non-governmental organization was founded with the help of international bankers. Why am I not shocked by that? Why would international bankers want to fly so many migrants into the US?


Frankie Stockes: You know, this is all part of the scheme that goes back decades, goes back really generations with the international corporate class, the international banking class looking to fly cheap labor into the United States. You know, this keeps labor low, the cost of labor low. They're flying in desperate people from third-world countries. They're flying in of, of course, Afghans and Ukrainians, you know, Haitians, folks from Central and South America, you know, Venezuela. So from hostile nations. And they're flying in desperate people. This is, you know, it's multi-pronged. They can not only deteriorate the United States with their woke capital and woke corporate programs, which this is a part of, but they can also fly in cheap labor. So they can keep wages low. They can keep desperate people on their payroll. I mean, it's a modern-day slave trade. When you get down to it, it's sickening. And this is exactly what we're seeing at the border as well. You know, they're bringing in their cheap labor. They're bringing in at times their their forced labor. And this is what they're bringing into the country. This is a 100%, you know, replacement population move and a replacement workforce that they're bringing into the country. Wow.


Brannon Howse: And, you know, you think about what they're doing here. Both of these guys, all three of these guys, I should say, apparently are also in favor of the idea of a North American Union. Jean Jean Monet, who is considered the father of the European Union, gave a five-step strategy for creating a supranational authority. And in his five-step plan, one of them was open borders. And we know that the George W Bush administration was working on a North American Union. Vicente Fox admitted that they were even working on something called the Amero, a common currency between the three nations. So here you have three presidents, two Democrats, one George W Bush, a Republican so-called, and they're all singing from the same songbook as your headline says, flying third-world migrants into the United States. Do you think some of this has to do with that North American agenda?


Frankie Stockes: Yeah, do. It's been a long-time goal of the Bush-Clinton crime syndicate. And that extends into Obama and Biden as well. It's been a long-time goal of theirs too, uh, to collapse the US borders, you know, especially to collapse the US border with Mexico, to create massive super highways stretching across the United States, deep into Mexico, deep into Central America, where all their cheap labor can, can produce goods, can produce, produce services that are going to be exported up. These superhighways into the United States know they collapse the border they get into Canada, but they collapse the border. They create a single currency, you know, a common currency between the nations. And then they just turn the United States into a flea market, a strip mall colony where.


Brannon Howse: Well, that's a new one. They turn the United States into a what?


Frankie Stockes: Into a flea market in a strip mall colony. You know, that's exactly what they're doing here. This is a flea market for elites and it's a strip mall plastic goods colony for the rest of us. You know, you can buy cheap plastic goods made in China and third-world countries and you're going to shut up and like it. There's going to be a five and below on every corner and you're going to sit at home with your universal basic income while all the goods are being produced down the superhighway in the Third World by slaves. You know, this is the agenda that they've been pushing for for decades, for generations. And it is all coming to fruition right now before our eyes.


Brannon Howse: Look at this headline, folks. Also by Frankie Stocks. Mr. Stocks got his name right. Invasion. 700,000 illegal aliens prepare to storm the US border. A mob of 700,000 illegal aliens is preparing to storm America's southern border when Title 42 expires on May 11th, an article you wrote a few days ago. But here we are. This is something we've been talking about here now with Todd Bensman of Sis. Org for a while. Two years a year. Well, we've been interviewing him for over two years. We've been talking about this expiring for probably a year. And here we are. He's down on the border. He was on the Mexican side. His. He reports that you've got 10,000 queued up in one area, and 15,000 Haitians queued up in another area. And tonight we're seeing that Governor Abbott has called out some of his National Guard to put up razor wire and try to stop them from continuing to cross. And they're even grabbing up old leftover parts from the Trump border wall that wasn't finished and trying to erect a border wall down there. Are you seeing these reports as well?


Frankie Stockes: I am. I saw some footage of the Texas Department of Safety of some officers, officers with them stopping, you know, sort of having a standoff with illegals who, you know, they got rather bad attitudes, the illegals did with the Texas authorities. And just kind of shows you it sends a message of how entitled these people are and how ridiculous this situation has become. You know, they're getting dejected, acting like they're being done wrong by being turned away from illegally entering the United States. But yeah, saw this footage, you know, that was encouraging. But you know, the sad thing is it's late in the game. You know, Title 42 expires tonight. Biden's invited these people basically into the country. You know, he said, hey, come on, you know, come to the border. We're going to let you in. When Title 42 expires, no permit.


Brannon Howse: Does it expire at midnight tonight or did it expire at midnight last night?


Speaker3: Yes. Yes, it did expire. I misspoke. Okay. So, yes. And Title 42 has expired.


Frankie Stockes: And it's they are massing at the US border, pouring into the United States. You know, it's everything that we were warned about. You know, it's everything that we were warned about for months and months and months. There were no preparations made. They had the phony the federal government had phony headlines about sending 1500 troops down to the border. And it turns out that they're all down there for data collection, for really expediting these people into the United States. It's a complete and total disaster. And it can only be compared to an invasion of the United States. So I applaud, you know, the Texas authorities for going down there and making some type of stand. But this is just hideous. This is you know, we all watch this coming for months and months.


Brannon Howse: Well, is it taking a stand or is this Greg Abbott posturing at the last minute because he had a year to know this was coming at least? I mean, we've been talking about it, this audience or this audience about Title 42 collapsing for months and months and months and months. So he had plenty of time to build whatever he wanted. Now, they rushed down there. I mean, isn't he thinking about running for president? So isn't this all just so he can bolster his more conservative voters to get behind him? I mean, I'm not sure Greg Abbott's really all that interested in anything Republican so much, is he?


Frankie Stockes: Yeah, no, I agree with you. And you know, Greg Abbott's the same guy that's been busing illegal aliens deep into the interior of the United States. So he's not serious about border security, about immigration security. He's serious about stunts that get him on TV.


Brannon Howse: So here's one of them here. Look at this. Here they are. I mean, at the last minute, they're finally making some razor wire. I mean, this is all great for the camera. But if he was serious, he would have been doing something long, long before this. Yep. There you go. So I want to share with you a video. I know Leo Holman can hear me now. He's going to he's going to identify with this as well. And by the way, these are the reports coming from our friend Todd Bensman on his Twitter feed tonight. He's actually in one of these talking about the Haitians that have lined up in one area, Reynosa. They are 15,000 Haitians are wondering whether to stay or go over the river after Title 42 ends. So there you go. That's just in one spot. He's got 10,000 in another spot. He's reported not only to us but also in this Twitter feed as well. This was just posted one minute ago. Here it is. Uh. Warning new and learning parents. Should not watch this video. Oh, boy. Here we go. This is not good. I am a. Assuming that we've got. What is going on here? I don't know what has to do with the new parents. Are they dragging kids through this?


Speaker3: There must be kids in there drowning. Yeah.


Frankie Stockes: It looks like a kid drowned in the red shirt there.


Brannon Howse: Oh.


Speaker3: Yeah. You know, this is this whole open borders. Open borders platform is created, you know, in and of itself it's own massive humanitarian.


Frankie Stockes: A crisis where these desperate.


Speaker3: People.


Frankie Stockes: And a lot.


Speaker3: Of cases have been goaded into coming.


Frankie Stockes: Here and their children are dying along the way. There are mass rapes. So this is blood on the.


Speaker3: Hands of the open borders.


Frankie Stockes: You know, globalists, it's it by design.


Speaker3: Creates carnage and chaos on both sides of the border.


Brannon Howse: Yeah, it does. Um. Here we go. After part two, after losing a Texan standoff, the immigrants swam back and got mired down in the super dangerous crossing. Warning not suitable watching for new parents. So again, we had some children drown here, I'm guessing, right?


Speaker3: That's how it looks.


Brannon Howse: This is fairly new footage put up by Todd Bensman on his Twitter feed. He's putting up. I know he spends a lot of time at night putting this up after he spent the day out in the hot sun reporting. He is working overtime to the phone conversations we have had. Yeah, this is. Heartbreaking to think that these young kids are being dragged through there and drowned. The other night when we were reporting. He was warning us that some folks were trying to tell those parents don't on the Mexican side, some of the Mexican migrant immigration workers, some of the Mexican immigrant workers were trying to tell them, don't bring you don't take your kids in. Don't take your kids in there because guess too many of them are drowning. There's the Red Cross. I think the Red Cross had been accused of providing maps to the illegals some time ago and how to get to America and where best to cross. You saw that, right? A few weeks ago.


Speaker3: Yeah. And you know, in addition to the.


Frankie Stockes: Red Cross, there are dozens, at least, of, you know, left-wing globalist NGOs that are camped out just south of the US border with Mexico. And they aid and abet these.


Speaker3: Massive caravans, these.


Frankie Stockes: Massive, you know, invading armies of illegal aliens and helping them get into the United States. They do the same thing. They distribute maps. They distribute food. You know, in some cases they're distributing condoms and abortion pills because the rapes are so prevalent in the sex trafficking is so prevalent on along the way to the border and all around the border. So, you know, it's the entire situation is disgusting. And it's being helped along the way by groups like the Red Cross and these supposedly humanitarian NGOs.


Brannon Howse: Victimizing these people, some of them who have already been victimized. And then our government is helping victimize them again by luring them along and luring them in, as they have done. You know, I understand why some of them long to come here. So we're not against immigration. We're opposed to his illegal immigration. Many, many people have come here. Most of our families have come here through some migration at some point. But the ones that have spent years and thousands of dollars doing it legally, get frustrated just as well. But then this creates this huge problem, including death and people raped and murdered along the way. It's very, very troubling. But, you know, a lot of people don't know why this is being done. I've been playing and I think Leo will want to hear this, too. I've been playing this clip here by Eliseo Medina well, since about 2009, 2010 when he said it and he was with the PSI PSI, which is this service, this service union that was helping. They were the ones, I think, wearing the purple shirts that were pushing Obamacare during the Obama administration. Listen to what he says. He's a Marxist progressive. From everything I've studied what I believe to be true about him. Listen to what he says about why they want so many illegals in America. Listen to this electorate.


To win, the progressive community needs to solidly be on the side of immigrants.


Speaker4: That will solidify.


And expand the progressive coalition for the future. And let me tell you, when you are in the middle of a fight for your life, you will remember who.


Speaker4: Was there with you.


And immigrants count on progressives to be able to do that. Number two, we reform the immigration laws. It puts 12 million people on the path.


Speaker4: To citizenship and eventually.


Voters. Can you imagine if we have even the same ratio, two out of three, if we have


Speaker4: 8 million.


New voters that care about our issues and will be voting, we will create a governing coalition for the long term, not just for an.


Speaker4: Election cycle.


Brannon Howse: If you can get 12 million legalized. He goes on to say two out of three would vote for the progressive, the socialist. So load them up, give them goodies, and get them over here. They won't forget who did this, and then they'll be ready to vote for us. They won't have to worry about election fraud. As I said before tonight and during the Lindell Report, they won't have to worry too much about trying to rig the elections with machines and vote fake voters or zombie voters. They pull off voter rolls, and dead people because pretty soon they're going to have put millions and millions in here, make them legal citizens, and give them voting rights. I have seen some states talking about some cities talking about giving illegals the right to vote in local elections. I even saw a town recently talking about making it so that non-US citizens who are here, illegal citizens, illegal immigrants, and non-US citizens could become police officers. So pretty soon they're going to just legalize millions and millions of the illegals, legalize them, and voila. Progressives, he said, will win every election.


Speaker3: Yeah. Now it's going to be instead of 12 million, it's.


Frankie Stockes: Going to be more than more like 30, 35, and 40 million who are going to be getting legalized. You know, this is this has.


Speaker3: Been for quite some time there.


Frankie Stockes: The long-term goal is just to wear down the general population of voters wear them down into accepting this mass amnesty program and they're getting in as many as they can before


Frankie Stockes: They do it. You know, they want the border to completely collapse before their mass.


Frankie Stockes: The amnesty program takes effect.


Frankie Stockes: I mean, this is you know, it's it.


Frankie Stockes: A permanent underclass of voters for the party elites and their corporate donor class.


Brannon Howse: And then this will push everybody into biometrics. E-verify, Again, groups I agree with on so many issues are now promoting E-Verify as the solution. And I was reading an article from another conservative group here on the air the other night saying, no, E-Verify is going to be used against the American people. It'll start out being used for illegal immigrants and verifying people for employment. But then the same system can be utilized and turned on by the American people as part of our social credit score. So pretty soon you're going to have even conservatives calling for all of these biometrics and they already are E-Verify. But I don't think they're stopping to realize it'll also incorporate us as well. Final thoughts from you?


Speaker3: Yeah, it's just like the Patriot Act. You know, there's a yep, there's a desperate situation created.


Frankie Stockes: The federal government stands down, lets a desperate situation be created and then they come in with the remedy to save the day and it ends up stealing civil liberties away from the American people. Our civil liberties are being chipped away and chipped away and chipped away by just this gradual surrender to the rest of the world. And it's reaching a breaking point.


Brannon Howse: Frankie Stocks, appreciate it, Frankie.


Speaker3: Thank you, Brannon. Thank you for having me.


Brannon Howse: Know we'll have you back. You're a great reporter. Nationalfile.com. Nationalfile.com.


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