Scary 2019 Predictions Now Coming into Clear Focus in 2023



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Brannon Howse: We're going to go next to Leah Holman. Before we do watch spot number two again, we're trying to put out informative and educational spots about our resources that are available. But again, we're trying to educate people, not just simply say, Hey, this is what you need, but understand why what's happening. So over the holiday, over the break, we produce several of these cutting-edge spots. Here's spot number two. Watch this.

Dr. Peter Pry (In video): What happens if the electrical grid goes down? Brought in the best way I can think of Doctor Peter PRI. How are you, sir? Thank you for having me, sir. My honor, I consider you the foremost expert on this subject. I think World War three has already started, frankly. Why? When? Because when you're putting cyber bugs into utilities, that's an act of war. Or it should be regarded as such.

Brannon Howse: Tell me quickly about Vostok 18. You said on our radio show last week that this was perhaps one of the largest military exercises in world history. Yeah, it may.

Dr. Peter Pry (In video): Be the largest military exercise ever, ever executed in military history with.

Brannon Howse: Russia and China.

Dr. Peter Pry (In video): Russia and China cooperated in a joint military exercise that involved 300,000 troops, 36,000 tanks and other vehicles, and 36,000, thousand aircraft in 80 ships. And that's just the publicly advertised part. This exercise involved a thermonuclear war against the United States. In fact, in the.

Brannon Howse: That was what they were practicing.

Dr. Peter Pry (In video): Yeah. In the course of one in the it was probably practicing an invasion of NATO Europe and and a thermonuclear war against the United States because in the course of one week, they practiced two nuclear strikes against the United States. And so they were probably simulating a massive invasion of NATO involving tactical nuclear weapons and using strategic nuclear strikes, including EMP attack, to take the United States out. Russia and China working together to basically conquer the world. Just a couple of months before Vostok 18 happened, the Department of Homeland Security discovered that the US electric grid had been attacked and penetrated by by Russian cyber weapons. What it seems likely is that these things have logic bombs in them so that at a point when Russia decides they could throw a switch and black out the US electric grid using those cyber bugs.

Brannon Howse: Well, there you go. That was 2018. Clips from 2018, my documentary, Siege. Joining me now is Leo Holman. Leo, welcome to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us. Isn't it ironic, back in 2018, then late Doctor Peter Vincent Pry he's passed away now? Sadly, it'll be a year this August, but back there in 2018, he's saying Russia and China have just carried out the largest exercise, perhaps in world history. Striking NATO and carrying out a nuclear attack on America. You know, back in 2018, that was like that's concerning. But now here we are in July of 2023. We are now seeing NATO at war with Russia. So now it's plausible that you could actually see Russia make a nuclear attack against NATO and the United States, just as China and Russia practiced as described by Peter Pry back then in 2018. And we look at your headline tonight over at Leo Let's go to that Biden administration child killing cluster bombs are only used by war criminals until they're used by us. The Biden regime has approved cluster bombs for Ukraine under the justification of that quote. But Russia used them first in quote. Well, if you're doing anything that is going to likely site nuclear action by Russia onto NATO or the US. This is the kind of trash and dumb moves you would do. Of course, this, when they're finally sent and shipped and used, would make Biden not only, I think, a criminal at many, many levels, it would make him a war criminal. True or false?

Leo Hohmann: Absolutely true. You know, when you look at that clip from Dr. PRI from 2018, you know, anybody watching it at the time would have thought when they heard that that, oh, he's talking about Russia and China. Russia particularly is going to attack NATO out of the blue and try to conquer it. That's what I would have thought as I watched that clip. But now with all that's happened over the last year, year and a half, we can see that the US and NATO are actually provoking Russia, provoking them with adding new countries to the NATO alliance, moving more and more and more sophisticated weapons into Ukraine. They talked about moving in the fighter jets a few weeks ago. Then it was the depleted uranium shells which are armor piercing shells that release radiological poison into the ground every time one explodes. Now, this week, it's the cluster bombs, Brandon, that are very controversial. And I found that interview with Colonel Mills interesting because, you know, the excuse that they give for sending cluster bombs now to Ukraine is, oh, we're just about out of all other types of munitions. So we need to send them cluster bombs. You know, that's the only thing. Apparently we have a large stockpile that's still left. So send those to Ukraine, too. And you know, if they kill some a few hundred or a few thousand children, who cares?

Brannon Howse: And why do we have so many of these just sitting on the shelf? Because they've been outlawed. They've been banned by how many countries with with an international agreement. So no wonder we have a bunch of them sitting on a shelf. More than a.

Leo Hohmann: More than 120 countries have absolutely banned the use of cluster bombs. And the United States is not a signatory to that bill. But, you know, apparently they are not concerned about being declared war criminals because it's coming right out of their own mouths that they are sending them to Ukraine and they want Ukraine to use them. And even though they're not exactly the most proficient way to kill Russians, if that's the objective. They will kill, however, a lot of civilians. Yeah.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, absolutely. You know that documentary? It's like 8.5 hour documentary Siege that came out December of 2019. December 2019. Has so much in it that now. Is now mainstream. Whereas before people were like, I don't even know what this guy is talking about. Nato, Russia, China, military. Now we have the context. We understood some of it because this is what we do. But even us who do this for a living now, look at this through a different set of glasses, under a different microscope, if you will, as we as we study this. Here's another clip. This is will be clip number three, Thomas. This is another clip I produced over the weekend that comes from my documentary Siege, which came out in December of 2019, which shows us something completely different as to the technology available to Russia. That's not at the time and still not, as I last checked, available to us members of the US military, people with four stars. Admitting we don't have an answer to that. And now this. Technology is more in the news now than it was back then.

Narrator (In video): from a Moscow command center. Putin watched the hypersonic missile leave its launch tube and according to the Russians, strike, a target 3007 hundred miles away. The Pentagon has acknowledged that America is vulnerable.

General John Hyten (In video): We don't have any defense that could deny the employment of such a weapon against us.

Narrator (In video): Russia first touted their hypersonic missile in March with an animation showing warheads flying towards Florida.

General John Hyten (In video): And the impulse is a very dangerous threat and it's a realistic threat. It's something that would basically, if you're not nuclear hardened, it will basically shut down any digital computer that is operating in the in the range of the EMP. But our nation as a whole has not really looked at EMP. We've not looked at the critical infrastructure that could be damaged by EMP.

Brannon Howse: Well, to those who want to discount all this, there is now he's retired, but a four star general at the time, the Air Force saying this is a real deal. Your car won't start. He goes into greater detail in that video clip. But now, isn't that that technology with these missiles that can skip on the atmosphere, you know that again that was back in 2019 again has a whole lot different context as we're on the verge of World War three with Russia. Many would say we're already at World War three. We heard we heard Peter Pry back then saying, well, we really are already at World War three. I mean, that's an act of war. When Russia and China are hacking on your grid, at least that's an act of war should be considered such. We're already involved in a proxy war with Russia through Ukraine. But now, again, whole new reason to be concerned about these weapons that Russia has that we don't have an answer to.

Leo Hohmann: Leo Right. They've got the hypersonics, which thanks to the Ukraine war, they've now been able to test them out, even Brandon, and find that they do work and they are very accurate. And we would have literally minutes, minutes notice, maybe 15 minutes, 20 minutes from the time one was launched to the time that it would strike a target here in the United States. Then they have the Poseidon missile, which you're also familiar with, because I know Doctor Pry, Peter Pry talked about that one as well, that can be launched from an underground submarine and cause a nuclear tsunami on US coastlines. So, yeah, there's a lot going on in that realm. And Americans have been told since World War Two ended, Brandon, that we are by far and away the most military, militarily advanced country in the world. We have the best weapons. We have the most devastating weapons and weapon systems. I think that that's been a lot of propaganda and not necessarily truth. Yes. Well, isn't that interesting?

Brannon Howse: Isn't that interesting? Because we have you know, we have a great audience and we have some great people that offer feedback to the show and they offer intelligence analysis and and they offer commentary and they offer links to articles and they help us. They bring us new information. Sometimes we don't know, you know, we're all helping each other learn. So I don't want this to be perceived by those people as a comment against them. But we have one we have 1 or 2 of these people who I think are probably just, you know, pounding away on their keyboard, in their mother's basement, in their underwear that come on and want to offer feedback like they're so smart about America's military. And tell us how when you and I talk about America and our vulnerabilities, we don't know we're talking about because America has all these secret weapons. And yet there's a four star general right there telling the US Congress, we don't have an answer to that yet. Now we're if you go on and study this, we're developing it, but it's not ready yet. But don't believe the four star general telling Congress, believe the the moron sitting in his underwear in his mother's basement, pounding away on the keyboard, offering feedback to these shows, telling us how you and I are fools and we don't know what we're talking about. So in other words, the guy in his underwear and his mother's basement is smarter than the four star general briefing Congress, apparently.

Leo Hohmann: Yeah, right. He's also smarter than Doctor Peter PRI, which who was the foremost authority on these weapons systems.

Brannon Howse: Exactly right. Blows my mind. It absolutely blows my mind when I see some of this stuff that comes in. I'm like, who are these people? But yes, I mean, we can tell you how many.

Leo Hohmann: I was just going to say that we see people just now catching up with what Peter Pry was saying a year and two years ago. That's how far ahead of time he was on his research.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, absolutely. You know, I have had Americans that I that have, you know, I've talked to that that are trying to keep up. You know, they don't mean to be dismissive or or. Believe false things. They just believe what they've been told, like you say. And some of them say, well, we don't have to worry about all that. We have the biggest and baddest military in the world. You don't have to worry about China and Russia. Brandon. We have the biggest and baddest military in the world, and I try to explain to them, no, you don't understand. We signed treaties with Russia and we kept the treaties and we stopped developing nuclear weapons and we stopped testing and they broke every treaty we signed with them. And Dr. Pryor went into great detail on how far behind we are and how aged so many of our nuclear weapons are. I mean, at one time, 60 Minutes was did a piece on how they were overnighting and our fedexing a wrench around to various nuclear silos. They had to Fedex it around. You know, you got to be kidding me.

Brannon Howse: Some of these missiles, we don't even know if they'll get out of their silos. They're so old, they computer, you know, they they do computer testing and analysis and say, if we do this, this and this, this thing should fire. We don't know because some of them are so old. We have stopped advancing in so many areas because of these treaties that we signed, thanks to people like Biden, who was put into power as a US senator by John, by Al Gore, Al Gore Junior's parents, who are running a communist front organization with Arm and Hammer called the Council for a Livable World. They helped put in guys like Kerry and Biden as US senators who would sign us and push us into treaties and ratification of treaties that had us stopping our advancement of our military while Russia broke all of these agreements. But again, I talk to Americans. They want to tell me how big and bad the US military is and we don't have to worry about it. They're going to be shocked one day, unfortunately.

Leo Hohmann: Yes. And at the same time, they were putting those treaties into play, limiting our capability and our ability to continue the keeping up with the Russians. The US defense companies continue to sell and technology companies continue to sell technological components to the Russians so that they could go ahead and update theirs. While we're abiding by a treaty that bans us from updating ours. So yeah, they were working it from both ends there. Brandon And now the Russians have a defense industry of their own that's pretty capable in its own right. But for many, many years they were buying the technology from Western companies at the same time that those Western companies were not able to sell that technology to the US government.

Brannon Howse: Mm. Now we've got over Worldview tonight that the BRICs, the BRICs meeting they're going to have their big meeting coming up in August. And Russia is is working with these, you know, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Looks like they're going to add in Argentina and Iran and Saudi Arabia and they're going to back it by a percentage of gold. Well, also in that documentary siege that came out in December of 2019, we had this clip where Kevin Freeman was warning about this war, this economic war. And now we see it in the headlines as they're trying to destroy America without firing a shot by destroying the American dollar. Watch this.

Kevin Freeman (In video): Most Americans are blissfully unaware that we've already entered a Third World war. It's a different type of war. It's worse than the Cold War in some ways because we're in an economic war. Most Americans believe that the global economy is something that we all share in and and it's an opportunity for investment and growth, not our adversaries. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, radical jihadists. They all recognize that America's vulnerability is our economy. And they've been attacking it. They attacked it in 2008 when we saw the stock market crash hidden behind there. And I did the Pentagon research on this was clear evidence Russia and some radical elements in the Middle East wanted to take our economy down once and for all. The Chinese have gotten in on the act as well. China has written a book in 1999 titled Unrestricted Warfare, where they talk about attacking our currency would be more powerful than a nuclear weapon. They talk about hacking our systems more powerful than a nuclear weapon. We know that China has been hacking everything they can and stealing our intellectual property. They want to take down America's economy. They want to take down our morale. They understand that if they can destroy our economy, they can destroy our future. We're at war. The currency is under attack. We have cyber attacks on a daily basis. We have all sorts of enemies looking, and very few in the American government even have any idea of what to do about it.

Brannon Howse: Quick comment, Leo, because I've saved the most compelling clip for last. But that again, 2019, how relevant is that now in 2023?

Leo Hohmann: Well, I have to part ways with Mr. Freeman in that clip. Brandon, none of that could have been done. He says that the American governmental leaders don't have any idea what to do about it. The American government leaders helped China do this, and none of this could have been done without our without our own corrupt leaders running up $33 trillion in debt, economic warfare against the United States, I'd say we've done a pretty good job of waging economic warfare against ourselves.

Brannon Howse: Enemies, foreign and domestic.

Leo Hohmann: Yes. Yes. Because if we had a solid fiscal policy, balanced budgets, gold standard and all that, China and Russia would not be able to phase us in any economic warfare against this country. I say 90% of it has been conducted by the leaders of our own country.

Brannon Howse: Hmm. Let's go to this final clip. This is the one you and I talked about on radio today with Patrick Wood. Many have seen it. It's gone viral. It's shocking. I want to save the most compelling clip for last. Watch this.

Col. Douglas Macgregor (In video): I don't think we'll ever get to the 2024 election. I think things are going to implode in Washington before then. I think our economic financial condition is fragile. It's going to come home to roost and ugly ways. I will tell you, I don't know exactly how it will happen. I think we're going to end up in a situation where we find out the banks are closed for 2 or 3 weeks and nobody can get into them. You think so? I think we're going to end run into something like that. Yeah. I also think that the levels of violence and criminality in our cities is so high that it's going to spill over into other places in society. People that normally think they can live remote from the problem are now beginning to be touched by the problem. Then I look at this thing in Ukraine. I think Ukraine is going to lose catastrophically. It's going to be a complete collapse and that, too, is going to have an effect here at home because people are going to say, well, wait a minute, Everybody told us Ukraine was winning. Everybody told us X, Y and Z. I mean, it's sort of the the Russian hoax on steroids. All of those things are going to come together or converge in some way that's going to prevent us from reaching, you know, the status quo. Oh, another election. Oh, another set of campaigns and so forth. I also know that you get revolutionary change when people can't eat, when the supply chains break down and you can't deliver food when they can't afford to buy the food, when they can't afford to buy the gasoline. These things are the catalysts for real change. And everyone's betting that the left in charge in Washington can keep all of this going without any interruption. Maybe they're right. I don't think so.

Brannon Howse: Leo, what are your thoughts on that? That's that's just shocking, isn't it?

Leo Hohmann: Powerful, Powerful clip there, Brandon. I agree with what he said. Starting with the election. I'd be surprised if we see 1 in 2024, at least not anything any semblance of a normal election, even if we do have one, you know. And then he talks about what food, money, energy. If the globalists can control your elections, your food, your money and your energy, what's left? Yeah, they can bring about any radical change that they desire. And I think that's what Colonel MacGregor was trying the point he was trying to make there. If you control the essentials of the economic machine, which is food, money and energy, and then throw corrupt elections on top of it, you're in a world of hurt.

Brannon Howse: Yeah. You are in a world of hurt. You know, on radio today, we talked about the fact that the IMF is looking to have their their conference in October. And I'm going to try to see if I can find the. The website again to show the screen because. They're there. They're promoting it right on their website, right on their website. They're promoting their event. I think I just found it. Here we go. Look at this. Here we go. This is their event coming up, their IMF annual meeting, October 20th, 23, the International Monetary Fund. This is the group the IMF started by John Maynard Keynes and others, John Maynard Keynes, a Keynesian economist who said, by the continuous process of inflation, we can steal the majority of the people's wealth and not one man in a million will know what we're doing. John Maynard Keynes helped found the IMF. They had the first basic beginning of a world reserve currency since 1969 with the special drawing rights. But we have the leader of the IMF now saying they need to get their central bank digital currency up and off the ground maybe as soon as this October. Have you seen the video clip of her saying that?

Leo Hohmann: I have not.

Brannon Howse: Well, here they have their meeting coming up in October. So how interesting as we have the BRICs system doing what they're doing and now IMF is saying we need to get going. And remember, they're the one that came out with their coin. They've already named their coin. The what is it? The unicorn. The unicorn. Unicorn. Unicorn. Unicorn coin. Right.

Leo Hohmann: Right. And but they've yet to tell us what is it going to be backed by? You know, the BRICs have said the BRICs nations have said that theirs will be backed by gold. 40 more than 40 countries have now applied for membership in BRICs. That is going to be a sizable bloc of nations trading in this new digital currency. They're going to announce it in August. I don't know when it will be actually issued, but, you know, this is a currency that will actually be backed by something as opposed to one that's backed by nothing more than illusions, which is the US paper fiat dollar. And if the digital dollar that the Fed puts out is the same type of currency, then I think it's going to be laughed at and mocked. Brandon And people are going to we're going to see more nations flocking to this BRICs currency that's actually backed by something. The entire reason for a reserve currency can be traced to two things guns and gold. Who's got the guns and who's got the gold? Well, the BRICs has got the gold, and it's yet to be determined who has the most guns. But if we listen to what Colonel Mills said and the other people are saying, the the United States is running out of ammunition as well, So maybe we don't have ammunition for our guns and we have nothing but paper paper to back up our currency.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, very, very startling. And now we wonder why Colonel McGregor is saying we may not have an election, we may have banking collapses, banking failures and food crises. Sounds like the Great Reset because, after all, it's build back better, which means destroy it, burn it to the ground like the Prairie Fire Manifesto of the Weather Underground, burn it to the ground and then build it back. Well, apparently that's exactly what they're planning to do, which may be why we're getting so many reports the last few years of the elite buying up bunkers and getting ready for something. Leo Tons of great articles over there. Leo Leo thanks for being with us.

Leo Hohmann: Thanks Brandon, as always. My pleasure.

Brannon Howse: All right, folks, that's it. If you appreciate what we're doing, support us Use that promo code B 66 promo code B66 and do some shopping at Thanks for watching. May God save America. Take care.

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