Was There an Attempted Coup in Russia or Was It a Russian Psyop?



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Brannon Howse: Joining me now is Colonel John Mills. A lot has happened over the weekend, but I don't really fully understand it, to be honest. And in this day and age, I don't know what's theater and what's reality, what has maybe been complete theater. And yet here we are finding out about. Well, now all of a sudden, voila, a few billion dollars in the Pentagon. What does all that have to do with what happened in Russia this weekend? Joining me now is Colonel John Mills. He served with the National Security Council staff for two presidents, and he's going to be a keynote speaker at our Ozarks Worldview weekend, coming up in the middle of October with Mike Lindell. General Michael Flynn, Todd Bensman, Rebecca Walzer, Alex Newman, Patrick Wood, Andy Woods and more. Full details at w w tv.com. It is filling up and selling out fast w v w TV store.com or you can call 901 4689357 to get your tickets over the phone. It sold out the last two years we anticipate it doing that again this year. Colonel welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.

John Mills: Yeah. Thank you, Brannon. I'm looking forward to that show. That is just going to be awesome. Thank you so much.

Brannon Howse: Thank you. It is.

John Mills: And previous guest.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

John Mills: Well, your previous guest, you know, so I'm with my legal team. We're, we're working on our legal our legal filings here on being I'm number 862 on the Twitter censor list. And so with your previous guest, I would encourage them to seek legal counsel and seek there's class action lawsuits that are going on, etcetera, like with America First legal think. Harmeet Dhillon But we got to go after. We cannot let the Deep Staters and big government get away with this, this unlawful spying, this unlawful censorship. And I'm the more I've been studying this, the more I'm convinced it relates to the 2012 Smith-mundt modern Ization Act that was in the National Defense Authorization in the NDAA. And I think that's where the wheels really came off and we're full blown. The US government was going to use its power to tell a story and also go after those who did not like or agree with or oppose that story. So I think we've got to we cannot let up on this and hold them accountable. So I'd encourage your previous speaker to really start start getting ready to go after them. That's what my legal team is doing right now.

Brannon Howse: Excellent. Excellent. All right. So tell me tell me what happened this weekend in Russia. I don't really fully understand these people and the players. Can you can you lay all this out for us?

John Mills: Yeah. And don't think anybody has a good story. There's a lot of a lot of people are shouting this or shouting that. Let's just, uh. I think there's far more unknown that is known at this time. And again, you know, I don't I don't take anything. I mean, some of the some of the people have been shouting certain things. I don't discount that or take it off the table at all. Okay. But let's just we got to kind of let you know let let the dust settle a little bit and kind of figure out what happened. And all of the above could be true. These are fast moving events. And when you have a potential regime change, believe me, all the power players, immediately the pucker factor goes up because they have to make decisions quick. They have to check their, uh, they have to check their bank accounts in the on Cyprus, on Malta, on Panama. That's the new Swiss people don't put their people hiding money. Don't put it in Switzerland anymore. They put it in Cyprus, Malta, Panama. So I'm sure all the Russian generals and admirals were freaking out and saying counting up how much money they had in the bank and whose side they were going to be on when we were calling. And part of the overall plan and the small group of people who work regime change in Iraq, we were calling Iraqi generals before our invasion. We put it to them right there on the phone. Are you are you with us or are you against us? Can we count on you or we can't count on you? And believe me, those generals, Iraqi generals were their lives were flashing before their eyes.

John Mills: And frankly, within about five years, I don't think a single one of those generals was left alive because all the violence and the mayhem. But yeah, I mean, so what appears to have happened was the leader of. Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner Group. Always call them Wagner. Some people call him Wagner. I call him Bogner. So he had gotten fed up and he had been attacked by Russian military. And I think that's pretty factual. Some people say that's not true. I think it's true because there has been long running bad feelings between Prigozhin and Shoygu, the defense minister. So he he's the secretary, Lloyd Austin equivalent, and also Gerasimov, who is the General Milley equivalent because they were demanding they were demanding that Prigozhin subordinate the Wagner group to the Russian military. And this goes back about a couple of weeks. They were demanding that he sign and commit that they were no longer a free wheeling, independent group. Wagner Prigozhin was declining that. No, by the way, this pop up of a lot of other paramilitaries like the Wagner group in Russia suddenly. So, you know, you're beginning to see the beginning of essentially warlords in Russia. But so Wagner had it. He he went to Rostov, a major Russian city just across the border from Ukraine, essentially with almost Aleksey Yoffe was the general, the three star he was meeting with with almost no problem.

John Mills: He took Rostov. But then next thing you know, elements, whether under his direction, under his control, because there's breakaway elements of Wagner group that are now saying that they're disavowing Prigozhin and Wagner. So it is a it is a mess. But groups elements started heading toward Moscow and Moscow, 600 miles away from Rostov, that is. And with the you know don't ever people say 600 miles in America. Well can do that in a day. Yeah right. You're not going to do that especially when you're driving army poor quality Russian army trucks and the very poor quality of the Russian roads. And oh, by the way, we're getting all the fuel. So but elements started heading and then about vranesh about halfway there, about 300 miles out from Moscow, they were attacked. And I think this is true. Some people say, oh, this didn't happen. I think it did happen. And it actually appeared to be because one of the trucks that I noticed right away, I spotted it right away on the one of the Wagner trucks was a surface to air missiles that were far more than just your shoulder fired. Those are pretty powerful. And and so it was like multiple Russian aircraft attack the column and multiple aircraft, Russian aircraft were shot down. It was like 39, 40 aviators. The greatest single day loss in Russian history, probably since the Second World War. So are you.

Brannon Howse: Saying they were headed to Moscow? Was there how many troops were there? Was there about 25,000 of them.

John Mills: We don't have straight numbers on this. The column was certain. Some people are attributing 50,000 to Prigozhin and Wagner. It gets a very high number. There definitely was not 25,000in the column, but I think there was probably several thousand. There's probably multiple columns. But now, on a blink of an eye, Prigozhin a Lukashenko, the leader of Belarus, that's a small country that is under essentially under total control of Russia. That leader had had some phone calls and next thing you know, Wagner is calling it off. It's Wagner, really. So it was never really about a coup. From what I could tell, Prigozhin was always very unhappy with showing Shoygu and Gerasimov his the defense minister and the senior Russian general. He was always very unhappy with them. He was always making statements or always making it clear this was not about Putin, but it started it. It seemed to be getting momentum. Nobody seemed to be stopping this column when the Russian air force tried to. It was disaster. But and some reports said they got 120 miles out of Moscow. Again, I think that's a little a little generous knowing the conditions of Russian roads.

John Mills: But now it's off. But now there's now Putin is coming out saying he will hunt down parts of the Wagner group that did this. And like like, oh, like maybe it wasn't Prigozhin that did this. It was it was breakaway elements. And there is this is chaos. This is total chaos. But also, you got this I think it was the Gateway Pundit report about was this essentially did prigozhin and Putin hoodwinked the. Cia. Did the CIA transfer roughly 6 billion, I think was the report to try and foment hate and discontent and foment this rebellion and then prigozhin. And then once the money was in the account, Prigozhin Prigozhin turned. And, you know, it was all a trick. I don't know, but I wouldn't put it past the CIA trying something like this. So again, don't, don't throw anything. You know, I rarely do I throw anything off the table right now. It's still too chaotic and we don't know. And anybody some people have some strong opinions and go, you know what? We just don't know at this point in time.

Brannon Howse: Here's the headline you're talking about the gateway. Kim Dotcom. Did Putin and Prigozhin play the CIA to the tune of $6 billion, which last week was when we were hearing that the CIA all of a sudden I mean, excuse me, that the Pentagon all of a sudden found a lot more money. Right? Remember that?

John Mills: Yeah. And it was, you know, so coincidentally, it was roughly $6 billion. And believe me, I've been involved in a lot of these high level. And it's it's totally lawful as long as you have the president director of the Office of Management Budget, the Congressional Budget Office, congressional staff, all agreeing to these bookkeeping adjustments. And you know what? What Biden and his crew were going crazy on were called excess defense article declarations. And it's like kids in a candy store who just you could just take out just the president signs something you just take it off the shelf and you know that for the Pacific. Hello. Hello. We need that for other places. Hello. But you just start declaring all this stuff excess. And that's why we're signing contracts with South Korea and Japan to backfill our ammunition stocks. I mean, this is crazy, but I this this Kim Dotcom story, I want to take that off the table either, because what is very interesting is I've read, studied and read that is so 6 billion. Okay. That's roughly the amount the DOD suddenly the controller suddenly found. Now these accents, defense articles, statements, these declarations, there's lag time in the financial reporting. There are wild swings at the value of these. And I and having done some of these these moves with the blessings of all involved, I said this is not unrealistic because what's beautiful beautiful about this is if they have an agreement with all these parties, OMB, president, Congress, and this would have to take the Gang of Eight. So Republicans are involved in this to the Gang of Eight. The the you know, the four key Democrats and the four key Republicans on the Intel Committee, that they're right onto everything.

John Mills: They'd have to give their blessing in this. But they 6 billion they say okay, so if this was the case they could do a financial housecleaning, housekeeping move and just say, well, hey, intelligence community, we're just going to give you the blessing of that $6 billion DOD, Title ten found, and we're going to transfer to Title 50. And that way we don't have to do any new appropriations. And that way we can convert all of this into cash that the CIA can wire to someplace to pay for. Believe me, I've done I've done moves like this, and it's like this is totally within the realm of the possible. So I don't discount that report. Now, I have I'm not going to name a well-known CIA friend who said, Oh, that's absolutely not true. Uh, boy, uh, um, with all due respect to that guy, I don't think he has. Uh, his world is more in the intelligence analyst world and not in either the operations directorate or in the financial world and move like that. Very clever said, You know what that's totally within the realm of possibility. So did we get did we get hoodwinked? Did think that they were pulling a fast one? I don't take that off the table either. So who knows? Who knows At this point in time, I think it has damaged Putin regardless. I think it has affected now people are shouting Ukraine is losing, and Ukraine is losing 10 to 1. We don't know that. Don't know where people are coming up with these numbers. And and for what it appears, it appears that the Ukrainians are advancing now.

John Mills: It's not it's not dramatic. Uh, and but, you know, I think, believe me, the Russian troops on the front line one way or another heard about this chaos and it sure probably, uh, you know, it didn't break them. They didn't break from the battlefield or run away, but it probably did not have good effect on morale. I just. I would expect to see a shotgun just showed up just like, like today, uh, in some new videos. And so. Some of the hints. Well, maybe Shoygu, who's the defense minister again, but Lloyd Austin equivalent. Maybe he isn't getting replaced. I just can't believe that Putin would not replace Shoigu and Gerasimov because overall their conduct of the war at the again, you know, everybody was saying back in February of 22 and for 72 hours our intelligence community. 72 hours. Russia's going to take everything. Well, here we are a year and a half later. And what a what a God awful mess. And so I'd be I'd be careful. I know people have some really strong opinions. And then if you if you have any other other other opinion than theirs, they go they go bananas accusing you of being part of this side or that side. I mean, come on. Yeah. Let's get know let's let's leave that to the Bidens and let's let Biden Hunter act like that on on our side of the House. Let's be a little more. Let's let's we don't know. We don't know anybody who says they know for sure. I don't I question that.

Brannon Howse: The nation will follow.com the nation will follow.com. General Mills General Colonel John Mills Colonel John Mills the nation will follow.com that's the book and the website and how can they follow you on different social media platforms? What's your handle?

John Mills: Colonel Rhett John on Substack Gettr and truth. Colonel on Substack Gettr and truth. I've been gone in the Florida, Southern Florida, and the Florida Keys. Everybody was screaming. It was vacation. Yeah, it was a little bit of vacation, but it was also a lot of fact finding on what is going on with the Chinese and Cuba. And it's bad. It's bad. And we got to.

Brannon Howse: Well, wait a minute. You got to tell us. I know you sent me a video. We didn't have time to play it the other night. Logan, I don't know if you still have it in there, but you sent me a video of you pointing out some big, big radio towers. What were you pointing at?

John Mills: Yeah, that's Radio Marti, and that's run by our favorite US government institution, the Global.

Brannon Howse: In fact, we got the video. Let's play that video. The guys in the control room found it. Roll that video, please.

John Mills: Colonel Rhett. John here, Colonel Rhett, John. And I'm down in the Florida Keys, and I just want to turn around and I want to point to you right there. That is Radio Marti, run by the US Agency for Global Media. We're not crazy about the AGM because they possibly have their finger in censoring Americans with the 2013 Smith-mundt Modernization Act. But that is an important right over there. Again, that's Radio Marti Broadcasting to Cuba and probably going to have to change that a little bit to not just speak in Spanish, but probably have Radio Free Asia also broadcast with the arrival of the China spy base and China trainers.

Brannon Howse: Wow. Very powerful. Closing comment.

John Mills: Yeah. Thank you, Brannon. This is. This is getting hot. We got a hardened Florida kick the. We got to kick the Chinese out of the Bahamas. Out of the Cuba. Out of the Gulf oil platforms. And we got to really but first and foremost, we got to make life difficult for Biden and Hunter and make them accountable for this mess. Blinken's trip was a mess. So make them accountable. This is dangerous. Very dangerous. I was I was over.

Brannon Howse: I was over at our brand new warehouse over the weekend. We were putting in some more shelving and getting products organized. And I mean, we've got everything over there indoor stoves, outdoor stoves, EMT bags, blood clot powder. We have water purifiers. We have the filters themselves, we have solar lights and we have the potassium iodine tablets. I mean, you just, of course, have the freeze-dried food. We have so much inventory there for emergencies. And I started that store with these emergency supplies in 2016, kind of knowing where things were going. And of course, it's just gone straight up. And the American people are waking up. They even have gotten emails from some folks and the staff has read some of these to me that people sometimes they tell us they don't really know what they're preparing for. Their gut is just telling them, they better be independent. You want to speak to that before I let you go?

John Mills: Yeah, absolutely. We've talked about this before, Brannon. I think it's wise for all Americans. Do the best you can. The goal is 90 days, 90 days of food, water, of basic medicines that you're allowed to stock up, and paper products. Now, people automatically assume guns and ammunition. Yeah, I do have some do have some firearms. And you should be you should be very, very proficient so that you are a trained professional in them so that you only use them when necessary. And be ready here because you don't want to be say this. You do not want to be in that first 30 days of chaos. You do not want to be part of the mob that shows up at Costco because you have no toilet paper or you want to jump on the road and you have no plan. You have no no provisions and you don't know where you're going, you know, So I think I think probably the wise thing in the next in the first 30 days is just to be prepared. And then I would say it's wise to have 90 days of the basics. I know people have you know, I'm I'm a person of modest means. This is expensive. Yes, it is. All this stuff is expensive. But do your best over time to set aside a little bit set aside a little bit Anything that is non-perishable or has a long shelf life, I know it.

John Mills: It can be expensive. Don't go overboard. You know, people are stocking up years worth of food. Well, that's really kind of overkill. People are digging bunkers now. Okay. But, you know, I think being agile and mobile and having a plan is better than just, you know, spending enormous resources on an enormous bunker. You know, Saddam loved a bunker. And how did that work out? So, you know, be you know, say, you know, do if you can harden a part of your house, you know, if you can in the basement where you have 2 or 3 essentially underground sides. Yeah. You know, kind of semi fortify that, use that as your fallback position inside your house. But you know, you know, I think instead of just bunkering and tunneling, make sure you have food, water, paper products, medicine, things like that and some arms and ammunition. I think I think that's that that really is incumbent because you don't want to be part of that. People remember the first crazy days of the totally of of the fake virus. I mean it was chaos at Costco. It was absolute. And this could be.

Brannon Howse: This could be far worse because you could be talking about the grid going down and so much else.

John Mills: Absolutely. If you can if you can get a backup generator, backup generators aren't perfect. You know what? Ours. We have ours. It's hooked up to the gas line. People say, well, what happens if the gas line goes down? But if you look at all the infrastructure, you know, that the thethe gas is probably going to be the most resilient to any kind of any kind of explosions, natural disasters. You know, the gas line, if the gas line is going down, yeah, it's it's it's pretty bad. But keep some propane. We have propane on hand, you know, keep a stove, things like that. So, again, I think the best policy until we know what's going on, you know, don't run to Costco, don't get on the freeway. Just just shelter in place. Shelter in place until we have better information.

Brannon Howse: Colonel John Mills. Thank you, Colonel.

John Mills: Brannon and honor. Thank you so much. We'll see you next week and looking forward to October.

Brannon Howse: Absolutely. Thank you. Colonel John Mills checking in. And folks, don't forget, you can check out all of these resources. We have a lot of them. W.va. Wdtv. Store.com. Wv TV Store.com. There's the store and you'll find all kinds of supplies available. Just go at the top of the page, type in, click that button there, emergency supplies, the seed vaults, the 100 hour candle, the EMT bags, indoor stove, outdoor stoves, water filter, water filter systems, blood clot, all kinds of stuff. And of course, we have the six hour canned heat, which you can use with one of these indoor stoves, the solar radio and batteries and lights. And then of course, you click on emergency freeze dried food right there, emergency food, all emergency supplies. And then you start seeing everything from coffee to sprouts to breakfast, gluten free meat, vegetables and. Fruit and so much more. All the details. Tv Store.com W-v w wptv Store.com. Or you can place your order over the phone. (901) 468-9357.

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