Why Would Elon Musk Make Former WEF Official CEO of Twitter?



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Brannon Howse: Good evening and welcome to the broadcast. Glad you are with us. We're going to be joined tonight by Patrick Wood of Technocracy News. And we're going to be joined by Anne Van Der Steel, a report by Todd Bensman down on the border. Some of our topics tonight will include Take a look at this. Scientists can now read your mind. Scientists can now read your mind. Ai turns people's thoughts into text in real-time. That's right. They put somebody into an MRI machine. And in about 16 hours of doing this, I guess I doubt it. They were in there for the whole 16 hours straight. But over these 16 hours, the artificial intelligence could start reading their minds and printing out what they were thinking. Now, this is kind of scary and it's got about a 50% accuracy rate. Well, they're just starting. Imagine how it's going to get once they get proficient. This is scary. And you start hooking people to the Internet and now you're going to know what they think, kind of getting to be like Minority Report, right? Arrest people before they do anything because they thought the wrong things. Then we have the first three-parent baby born in the USA using DNA replacement technology and this is a big one tonight. It's official. You got a new CEO over at Twitter and this individual, well, very well tied to the World Economic Forum.


Brannon Howse: And then we have an explosive device found on the border. I've got a warning for you, one that fits very closely with what Gordon Chang has been saying is coming. And this seems to help confirm what's happening. So Patrick Wood and Van Der Steel, Todd Bensman. And if Time allows a little clip from one of my documentaries that is well came out in 2019, here we are in 2023, it's very, very relevant. All right. Before we get to Patrick Wood, we have, of course, available in our store many things. And one of them is bison. Bison feast, dog food. This is dog food that is not been shot up with vaccines, mRNA. This, you know, a lot of dogs die of cancer now. And I think a lot of it's contributed to the food. Well, this is, again, from a family that raises bison, grass-fed, not shot up, shot up with vaccines or mRNA. And then they use the entire bison. They don't let any of it go to waste. And they use some of the bison for dog food, for pet food. So we now have them. And this is on our website at WVWTVstore.com It's got vitamin B 12. It's got vitamin D and three other things that are great for dogs. Now it's well past our studio dog Delta.


Brannon Howse: Look here look what I got. It's well past her time to eat, but I wanted to show you how much she loves this. This is really. She does love this. Here, let me give somebody off-camera that here. Do you want to grab that? Yeah, I bet you do. Look, you want some of this? Yeah, I bet you do. Here, look at this. She loves this. You do not want to get well. She would never bite. I put my hand in there the other day to help her get it. Some of them get stuck to the bottom of the pan. She didn't do a thing. I said, my wife. Some dogs are a bit your hand off. Not this dog. She's too sweet. Anyway, she loves this. It does taste good. I mean, tastes good. I haven't tasted it. It's. It does smell good. I have to admit. It smells good. I have to admit, it smells really good. Thomas. You tried it, though, didn't you, buddy? Okay. Thomas says he eats a can every day. Oh, there you go. All right. Delta is going to love this. This is again available. You can get a can of try it for your dog or you can buy it by the case. Here, set this down so the camera gets. Oh, wait a minute. We don't want to have a dog fight.


Brannon Howse: Can you pick up that little? I don't know that she would do anything. But the last thing I want to have is to have it happen on camera. Here we go. All right. There we go. Now, pop that down there for her, would you, please? That's good right there. No, you're fine back here. That's fine, too. Back here is fine. All right. Just so the folks can see that she does like it and does eat it. All right. So we'll monitor that. That's available now in our store, because again, not only is it not shot up with mRNA or vaccines, but it also is something you can put away and save because some of you are saying, do you have anything for dogs? I got freeze-dried food and emergency supplies for my dog. I mean, for my family. What about my dog? Because the dog is part of the family, right? Delta. She is part of the family. She is serious about that. I'll tell you something. Well, again, it does smell good. It does. I don't know what it tastes like, and I'm not going to try and try it. But I'll tell you, it does smell good. I can see why she would like it and I'm happy they just got the B12 and the vitamin D3 and everything in there as well.


Brannon Howse: So there you go. W.va. Wdtv. Store.com. Something else we've added as well, and that is an emergency water bank. We just added these yesterday, an emergency water bank. I won't open it up, but what it is, is it's a big well, let me just show you. Go to WVU, Wdtv Store.com. We just added some of you that live down in the hurricane areas. Yeah, you know about this. I would think this is an emergency water bank. Okay, here's a picture of what you do. It's a big plastic. It's a gigantic plastic bag really what it is. And you put it in your tub and turn your water on to get water for either drinking or for bathing with or whatever you're going to need it for. Because, again, this is going to hold some serious water. It holds up to 65 gallons of water and keeps water fresh for up to 16 weeks. So if you would like to get the emergency water bank bag, we now have added that to our store at WVU TV Store.com. Are you done with it? No, you're not done with it. What's wrong? You're just taking a break or is it getting smashed down into the corner of the? Yeah, she needs help is what has happened. I usually have to put my hand down there.


Brannon Howse: Un un. Oh, the ball is moving around. That's because he's trying to get to it. Okay, well, you just keep working on it. That'll keep you entertained. Then we have the survival seed vault, 100% heirloom, 20 varieties, and 20 varieties of the various seeds. That's all available as well. We just added these two emergency ration bars. Emergency ration bars. Somebody come here and pull this dog food bowl out on the floor. She's moved her way back here and nobody can see her. She's our test product. Emergency ration bars, 24 2400 calories. Look at that screen there, 2400 calories for the emergency ration bar. Now, those some of you, not only would you want to add that because that's got like a whole day's worth of calories right there. Not only would you want to add that to maybe your emergency supplies, but some of you that are in areas where there's like snow. Blizzards. If you got stuck in your car somewhere, folks, you're going to need something. So we just added that as well yesterday. The emergency ration bars, of course, we also have the freeze-dried food and all that. Let's see, what else do we have here? I added these last night. Look, I found out how these worked. I didn't know how that worked. I'm like, how can I can't put more things on that? And there we go.


Brannon Howse: So we got the potassium tablets, the freeze-dried food, all the heaters, seeds, and alive. We got a lot in there. Wdw, TV, Store.com Look at that. Logan's now getting on the camera, giving you a close-up. I'm telling you, she's loving that. Bison. Bison feast, dog food. Wdw TV Store.com Well, there it is right there. You can buy it in the case of five cases. You can also get it under the sample. Get it? A sample, five cases. We got it. 12 pack. If you look around on there, I do have one where you can just buy one can. So but I don't think you have to worry about is your dog going to love it or not. Look at her. So there you go. You go to her, you go to Delta. There you go. Pushing that dog bowl all over the studio and she got to get every little last bit. That's Kyle. Thomas does the same thing when my wife feeds him dinner, puts it on the floor, and pushes it all over the get floor. Well, there you go. There you go. Delta approved, right? Delta. Do you like that? I love bison. All right. There you go. WVWTVstore.com. Joining me now are you guys all hungry now joining me is Patrick Wood. Patrick, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.


Patrick Wood: Hey Brandon, I'm glad to be here. We got some great stuff to talk about tonight, I realize.


Brannon Howse: Yes, we do. Glad to have you with us. All right. So let's start with this one. Well, let's go right to this one because this one is everywhere today. But most folks are not going to have the analysis. You're going to have its official top NBC University at Executive and World Economic Forum Task Force chair as Twitter's new CEO. Now, you have taught me a lot about Elon Musk, and maybe he's done some good things somewhere and maybe he's done some bad things somewhere. But I'm telling you, I am not on the Elon Musk train. He is his, you know, girlfriend. I think he had a child with who seems to be into the occult and other weird things. I think he's praised China. Of course. I think he gets a lot of his batteries and stuff from China. He's talked about mandatory minimum incomes or minimum incomes. I think if I remember reading correctly, there are a lot of things about Elon Musk that give me real red flags. Now, here's another one. He just hired a bigwig from the World Economic Forum to run Twitter. That's not a good sign.


Patrick Wood: Well, it isn't. And you know, it looks like good old Elon has been playing 4D chess along the way here. And we kind of expected this before. Like, what's he up to? I said early on that Elon Musk is one of the greatest grandstanders the world has ever seen. He's a master at it. He's his whole career has been based on his ability to grandstand, a situation, to get publicity, to get people excited about it, etcetera. And he did it again with Twitter. Now, we don't know the end of the story yet. Not totally. But this latest shoe that dropped with this by bringing in this new executive from NBC, one of the in fact, one of Forbes named this lady as one of the top 100 most powerful people, powerful women in the world. This woman is no slouch. She's tightly associated with the establishment, especially with the World Economic Forum. It's you know, and not just one organ, not just one thing at the WEF, but, three different things where she's in leadership roles and so on, especially when it comes to misinformation, disinformation, censorship, etcetera, which the WEF is very concerned about. So here she comes in a class one technocrat, as far as I'm concerned, marrying up or matching up now with Elon Musk, who is a class one technocrat. And for people who don't know this, I'm just going to say it again. His grandfather, Elon Musk grandfather, was in charge of the technocracy movement in Canada during the 1930, and 40s Elon was raised in a technocrat home. They migrated to South Africa. He was where he grew up and he grew up in a home that was steeped in technocracy doctrine, and he's exhibited those traits ever since, I have to say.


Patrick Wood: So now I say, and I've said this many times before when it comes to technocrats, birds of a feather flock together. Now we see, you know, the marriage being made. And I have to say this advertising executive is exactly what Elon needs right now to build back up his ad revenue. But she's a class one globalist. She's associated closely with the WEF, the World Economic Forum. And what can you say that, you know, we've been talking about Elon for a long time. You mentioned his girlfriend Grimes, the musician who is a self-declared pagan, which she is. You can go read up on her. And when you think, you know, if you had a girlfriend who sang, you might think at night maybe when you're getting kind of intimate and cozy, you'd ask her to sing a little song for you, you know, a little melody or something, just to kind of, you know, get ready to maybe have a good night's sleep. Well, listen to one of her greatest songs that that she likes called We Appreciate Power, which says we appreciate power. We appreciate power. What will it take to make you capitulate? We appreciate power. We appreciate power. Pray to the divinity, the keeper of the key. One day everyone will believe What does it take to make you capitulate? We appreciate power. This is Elon Musk. This is his girlfriend. This is his life. He's closely, closely tied in now, as we can see, with a very global elite that we have been worried about for so long now and talking about for so many years.


Brannon Howse: Absolutely. So is this going to mean I mean, can you see Twitter allowing you to be on Twitter criticizing the World Economic Forum and all these other things if she's going to be running this thing?


Patrick Wood: You know, there's a phrase that Steve Bannon uses a lot. It's like there are no conspiracies, but there are no coincidences either. Right. You know, and I'm looking at this right now scratching my head all over the place. If this is all dovetailing to a particular for a particular purpose, there's no way that this could have been just set up as a coincidental thing. I would not believe that whatsoever. But now we find independently that Tucker Carlson has decided to air his show on Twitter just, what, ten days ago he announced this. So he's going in full press into Twitter, going to bring tens of millions of people onto Twitter who are arch-conservatives, potentially. You just have to wonder, is he the super magnet now that will bring all of these conservative people into the orbit of Twitter so that they can be manhandled as controlled opposition? You have to ask that question. I'm not going to be dogmatic or definitive right now, but to me, it doesn't look good.


Brannon Howse: No, it doesn't look good at all. It doesn't look good. So we'll see where this goes. All right. So here is another story today that was out. Scientists can now read your mind. Ai turns people's thoughts into text in real-time. This is being done at the University of Texas. And what they were doing was they were putting people into an MRI machine. And I guess this was being done over like 16 hours. And throughout that, 16 hours were listening to podcasts and in an MRI machine for the computer model to finally understand their brain patterns that could then interpret what they were thinking. Now it has about a 50% success rate right now, but they're just starting. What are the implications of this?


Patrick Wood: Well, when you go back and look at the genesis of this whole technology area, it was Barack Obama during his administration who created this brand new initiative called Mapping the Human Brain. He said it was going to be as important as mapping the human genome during the late 90s, and he threw hundreds of millions of dollars at the project to universities all around our country. And some of the money ended up overseas as well. Map the human brain. Find out what makes the human brain tick. This has led to all this brain implant stuff like what Elon Musk is doing with Neuralink and other companies are doing the same thing, trying to, you know, stick things into the brain to get signals to come out so they can figure out how the brain works. Well, they figured out through this process using and using artificial intelligence to examine the signals coming out of the MRI unit. They figured out now that they can create or lift or extract text messages from your mind. You see, this is mapping. This is all about mapping the human brain. What makes every single synapse work? The scientists of the world, the neurotechnology people of the world that are studying this stuff are just hell-bent for, you know, what to get the human brain completely mapped. Understood to where you will not you will not be able to have a mind of your own anymore. They want to know everything that's in your mind. And boy, I'll tell you, this technology, it just shows you they're bearing fruit. Their research is bearing fruit. And it's just started. And they said and in this particular article, they said, we're just embryonic in this. You know, where if they can get 50% on day one, you can just see where this is going to go. Give it a couple more years, a few hundred million more dollars. You know, they're going to crack this nut wide open.


Brannon Howse: Yeah, indeed they are. And then you add in things like neural links, which. He's working on it. Elon Musk is. And other people he's not they're not the only ones. I mean, he's not the only one. I saw another company today that's put this into like 50 people. You've seen that, right? So, yes, obviously, if they start hooking this stuff to the Internet now we're off to reading people's minds. Kind of like Minority Report.


Patrick Wood: Well, you know, it is. You know, there's been so many science fiction movies that have kind of come to life recently. And it's not quite accurate to try and understand what's going on today by going back and listening to the Minority Report movie. But anybody that's seen the movie is going to see some obvious parallels in it, right? And now understanding, you know, mapping the human brain, finding out what every little synapse does, what every portion of the brain does, how to extract information from the brain, how to put information into the brain. This is what this is all about. And by the way, this is very clearly a branch. Of technology that is very closely related to transhumanism. We need to make that point. This is part of the transhuman scientific discipline to understand the human brain. They want to download the human brain one day into a computer so that they can live forever and escape death and, you know, travel the universe, who knows? And the nose of a rocket ship or something, but or as an avatar, whatever. But this is very closely related to transhumanism.


Brannon Howse: Tell me about the UK's first three-parent baby born using DNA replacement technology.


Patrick Wood: What are your thoughts? Nothing to see here. Move along. Okay, listen, this is not the first time that this has happened. There was one other time that there was genetic manipulation, and so on. But this is the first big one. They took genes from three people, and combined them so that a baby could be born without a certain genetic defect, they said. But, you know, this is genetic engineering of the human embryo. And, you know, the resulting human that would grow out of it. The ethical studies, you know, where were the ethics people on this protesting? Well, there is none. Basically. There's none. They think this is just the greatest thing that ever happened. And they're going to continue the research no matter what. We know that the genetic engineering of human beings is a fait accompli. They've already kind of cracked the nut. You know, Pandora's box has been opened however you want to express it. It's downhill from here. And it's more than a slippery slope. It's going to yield some very, very dangerous outcomes that nobody wants to deal with, I'm sure. But this is an example. This should horrify people with three genes, three different genes, or parts of the genetic structure taken from three different people to create a unified embryo that will grow in the woman, the surrogate to, you know, to make to bring it to birth. This is just frightening. Frightening.


Brannon Howse: So what other news are you covering that you're concerned about tonight? What else are you covering at technocracy news?


Patrick Wood: Oh, boy. You know, this is enough to make your head spin right here. I've been doing a lot of research now again on Elon Musk. I've studied Musk for many years and I've studied his relationship. His girlfriend, Grimes, who's a self-professed pagan witch, now trying to study who this new CEO is and what she's going to bring to the table, trying to kind of connect the dots. Brennan you know, as I said, there are no conspiracies, but there are no coincidences either trying to figure out, okay, where does she fit? And I'm just asking the question. I'm not trying to make I don't want to, you know, spin anybody up on a conspiracy theory here. But you have to ask the question, who knew what and when? Who suggested that Musk should hire this particular woman at this particular time? Was it a phone call that emanated perhaps from the World Economic Forum itself? Was it perhaps from NBC corporate, you know, deep state giant that gave her up and, you know, intentionally, or is she just a renegade figuring I'm done with NBC, whatever, I'm going to go over and make a bunch of money with Elon Musk. Can't answer those questions yet, but I think they're going to be important questions moving forward. I want to know I want to know who set this thing up this way.


Brannon Howse: Well, and if she's coming over from NBC, is she there more for is she there not just for ad revenue, but is he about to launch his television network?


Patrick Wood: Absolutely. He is. You know, he's moving he's morphing his company into X that's going to call it, you know, space X for SpaceX. But he wants to morph his company into much, much more than just a social media platform. He's got a lot of other things hanging in the balance here. He's got a cell phone company that potentially could sell millions of cell phones to Twitter users. He's got other media aspirations. If Elon Tucker Carlson thinks that he can broadcast this whole show through Twitter, that tells you right now we're talking about a new streaming platform, otherwise, Tucker wouldn't touch it. That's where he came from. So there's going to be a lot of new announcements that come out of this partnership. I am sure it also speaks to me that there's going to likely be another public offering at some point, maybe for.com, maybe not for twitter.com, but for x.com is a parent company. They're probably going to be a public offering someday. My guess is this new CEO is going to have a boatload of options, stock options, whatever. She probably will get very filthy, stinking rich out of this.


Speaker3: Wow.


Brannon Howse: All right. Technocracy news. Technocracy News now reminding our audience that Patrick had to have a little heart surgery. And so he is going to be coming back soon, but we're not pushing him to his daily 30-minute broadcast. The quickening report. But we want you to not rush back.


Patrick Wood: Well, I hear you on that. I'm on the one hand, I'm kind of chomping at the bit because there's so much stuff that is just I mean, we you know, it's like sometimes if I used to hunt when I was a kid, sometimes you can sit out in an in a in a duck blind or a field for hours and nothing happens. You just say, What am I doing out here? I must be crazy. And then all of a sudden the flight starts, you know, and the birds start flying in like crazy. And what you waited for is happening. I feel like that right now. There's so much stuff going on right this very second. Things like the new CEO of Twitter coming in this is just kind of exciting stuff. You know, I hate I don't want to be weird and say, oh, I get excited by this stuff. It's not that way, folks. I'm not a glutton for punishment. But when we've dealt with these things for so many years and then we see them start to come to pass, you have to get kind of worked up on it and worked up about this stuff. Right now there are so many things like that on the table.


Brannon Howse: Absolutely. It's running, running fast. Running fast, running fast. We need you back. But not too fast. Won't you take care of yourself? All right.


Patrick Wood: Thank you.


Brannon Howse: I certainly will. Thank you for the update. Have a great weekend. Get some rest. Thank you. You, too. TeWeekendsy news. Technocracy news. Patrick Wood. Patrick will be one of our keynote speakers at our Ozarks Worldview weekend coming up. October 19th is the banquet. October 19th Thursday night is the banquet. The conference itself gets underway on Friday night, October 20th, and then on Saturday, the 21st Sunday morning, worship the 22nd and then it's over. Now, we had I had hoped that I would have found time last week to get all that online for you to start buying tickets. That's my job tomorrow. I've cleared my calendar from a lot of things I have been doing tomorrow, and Saturday, by tomorrow night, and Saturday night, we're hoping that everybody can go there to WDW, TV, and Store.com by Saturday night and purchase their Ozark tickets. Now we only have seating for 1000 people. It'll be our 20th Ozarks Worldview weekend, our 20th Ozarks Worldview weekend. 20 years ago, I started an annual conference in the Ozarks. This is year number 20. It's the 33rd year. Of. Of my doing. Wait a minute. Is it? I started Worldview Weekends in 1993. So what is that? Is that our 30th? Is this our third? Yes, our 30th year? Yeah, it's our 30th year. So it's our 20th year of doing the Worldview weekend in the Ozarks. My 30th year of hosting Worldview. Weekends all around the country started in February of 93. So it's a big year.


Brannon Howse: We've only got seating for 1000 people. We've got confirmed now. Mike Lindell, General Michael Flynn, Patrick Wood, Alex Newman, Dr. Peter McCh. Last year he was booked, but he had to cancel because he got he double-booked his calendar. But he, he said, Look, I'll come back to you next year. So. Dr. Peter McCullough. Mike Lindell. General Flynn. Alex Newman. Patrick Wood. Colonel John Mills. I feel like I'm missing somebody. But that's a pretty good start right there. Oh, Dr. Andy Woods on Sunday morning. So that's the lineup right now. Right. So again, we should have available for people to start purchasing tickets tomorrow night, Saturday night, or Sunday at the very latest. All right. Some people have already been calling, trying to purchase them over the phone and everything. That will start on Monday. I hope you've been making your room reservations at the Ozarks. Well, you should wait till you get your tickets and then make your reservations at Tantara. It's also called Margaritaville. They changed their name. But anyway, it's Tentera Conference Centre. So we have our contract with the Tantra Resort or Margaritaville's new name and you'll need to get that and use the promo code. We'll let you know what that promo code is. I think it's WDW or whatever, but you're going to want to get that and get going because it's going to sell out. It will sell out. It has been the last couple of years in a row.


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