Disgraceful and Ignorant SD Commissioner Joey Kippley Calls Citizens Useful Idiots and Aliens From Another Planet For Exposing Documented Voter Fraud in South Dakota
Live Panel Commentary During Trump-Harris Debate From Only Network That Did on the Spot Continual Fact Checking of False Claims By Harris with Screen Shots Throughout Debate
RFK Jr. on The U.S. Military Creating The Covid Death Shot and Pharmaceutical Companies Stamped Their Name on it and What This Really Reveals About Where the U.S. is Headed
Catholics and Protestants Are Both Fighting The Cultural Marxists Within Their Respective Camps and if Kamala Wins in 2024 We Can Expect Massive Destruction of Freedom of Religion and Free Speech
Gordon Chang on The Numerous U.S. Officials That Are Compromised by CCP Agents and China's Worsening Economy Will Speed Up China's Military War Strategies
Former Federal Agent Warns Islamic and Marxist Gangs Are Working in Concert in the U.S. and Have Documented Terrorist Training Camps in the U.S. and Could Use a Dirty Bomb or Worse
Huge Gang Wars Are Likely to Erupt in the U.S. as Part of the CCP and Globalist Planned Take Down of The U.S. and What Happens in the Fog of War is Horrific
Harris Admits She Will Shut Down Free Speech Outlets and Christian and Conservative Radio and Television and Law Enforcement Officials Declare Spike in Violent Crime is by Design
Michael Yon on Massive Deadly Conflict Coming For U.S. as Gangs From Venezuela, South America and Islamic Nations Are Brought into U.S. to Bring About Chaos and Acceptance of Globalist "Solutions"
Listen to Audio From January 2008 Brannon Howse Radio Show with Brad Thor Warning About What Just Happened in August of 2024 as Illegal Invaders Board 2 School Buses Filled with Minors in CA
France Just Arrested The CEO of Telegram For Rejecting Their Fascists Censorship Demands and New Migrant Wave Heading to U.S. Includes Many Chinese, South Americans, Middle Easterners
Dr. James Thorpe on The 112,000 Percent Increase in Brain Clots Since the Covid Shot That the Federal Government's Own Data Confirms and Yet They Rolled Out Booster Number TEN
Proponent of the Abortion Abolitionist Movement Requests Time on Brannon's Program to Explain Their Goals and Objectives After Brannon Expressed Concerns About Some in the Movement
President Trump's Former Secretary of the Interior on What a Harris Administration Would Mean For Energy Prices and The Second Amendment and What Dems Did to Harass Trump Cabinet Members
Seminary Professor of 35 Years Warns of “Pastors” That Meet The Criteria of Being Narcissistic, Psychopathic, and Cult Like and Why This is a Growing Problem
Why RFK Jr's Endorsement of Donald Trump is a Massively Historic Event and Should Have the CIA and Criminals in the Intelligence Arena Shaking in Their Boots
How did the handcuffs of the bill of rights that were placed on the federal government get removed and placed on the states and how do we reassert the 10th amendment of the US Constitution?
What is the abortion abolitionist movement, how is it being used by the Marxists to damage the pro-life movement and what are its connections to the cult of dominion theology and their goal of a theocracy?
Breaking News: US BioPharma Companies Have Been Partnering with the Chinese Military to Conduct FDA Clinical Trials for Over 10 Years and What it Means For The Lives and Health of Americans
Neo-Confederates, Neo-Calvinist Nationlists, and The Abortion Abolitionists That Want to Imprison Women But Not Men Are Setting Up Real Christians to Be Persecuted and Prosecuted As "Domestic Terrorists"