Baby Formula For Illegal Immigrants But Not American Moms? Worldview Report Transcript For May 16, 2022

Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse.

As anyone with an infant baby knows, it’s getting harder and harder to find baby formula, leading most grocery stores to slap a limit of one or two cans per shopper. This is rationing. It’s here. In America.

The reasons are likely many as to why we suddenly have a baby formula shortage in a First World country.

But one reason that has not been discussed until now, and one you probably hadn’t thought of, can be traced to America’s border crisis.

In short, the border has been wide open since Biden took office with an average of about 200,000 illegals crossing in per month.

Many of them are pregnant women and women with infants.

That number, 200,000, adds up quickly and is putting pressure on the manufacturers of baby formula to keep up with increased demand that they didn’t expect and didn’t account for.

But the story gets worse from there.

We now have evidence that illegals are getting first priority in the distribution of baby formula.

The Washington Examiner has the story. Hard to believe but it’s true.


Following is an excerpt from the Examiner’s story.

The nationwide shortage of baby formula that has sent mothers desperately rushing from store to store has evaded one lucky group: illegal immigrants detained by Border Patrol.

According to videos posted by a Florida lawmaker, the Biden administration has been shipping pallets of baby formula to migrant holding facilities.

“They are sending pallets, pallets of baby formula to the border,” said Republican Rep. Kat Cammack in one of two online postings yesterday. “Meanwhile, in our own district at home, we cannot find baby formula,” she added, holding a photo of empty shelves where the formula would be.

Cammack said that a border agent sent her photographs of the deliveries, and she posted one online.

Holding one of the photos showing both Advantage brand formula and Gogo Squeez applesauce, Cammack told the Examiner:

“They’re receiving pallets and more pallets of baby formula at the border. This was taken at Ursula processing facility [in McAllen, Texas] where thousands are being housed and processed and then released.”


The mark of a Rino, or Republican in name only, is that they can never be trusted. Even when they appear to be in your court, their support is only strategic, to get inside information that can somehow be leveraged against the true conservatives.

No one epitomizes that label, Rino, more than Lindsey Graham, the senior senator from South Carolina.

Graham appeared on Fox News constantly in the run-up to the 2020 elections and gave nothing but peddle-to-the-metal support to then-President Donald Trump.

Behind the scenes, Graham was working his devious magic for the other side. New audio obtained by CNN in the aftermath of the Capitol protests on Jan. 6 reveals how eager he was to turn on Trump. Listen:


“We will actually come out of this thing stronger,” Graham said. “Moments like this reset. It’ll take a while. People will calm down. People will [say] ‘I don’t want to be associated with that.’ This is a group within a group. What this does, it’ll be a rallying effect for a while, where the country says, ‘We’re better than this.’”

“And Biden will be better, right?” NY Times reporter Jonathan Martin asked him.

“Totally, he’ll be maybe the best person to have, right?” Graham replied. “I mean, how mad can you get at Joe Biden?”

Well, Senator Graham, now has his answer to that question. People are steaming mad. And getting madder as their wages evaporate before their eyes into the grim clutches of a rampant inflationary spiral.


The Biden Administration, failing to get its globalist green agenda passed through Congress, has resorted to using a regulatory backdoor to implement many of these insane policies.

According to the Daily Caller, this backdoor method involves using currently-existing environmental laws to implement further restrictions and regulations by using the ambiguous wording of the laws to draw broader interpretations in favor of their actions.

To this end, writes Eric Lendrum for American Greatness, regulations have since been implemented on many aspects of everyday life, including home appliances, building standards, the fuel economy, and infrastructure projects.

Brent Bennett, an energy expert at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, told the Daily Caller:

“They’re basically using environmental laws to create backdoor subsidies. The problem is that our laws are so broadly interpreted and defined that it makes this possible. It allows for this kind of abuse. So, that’s really the root of the problem. Congress didn’t pass good laws and now those laws are being abused.”

The cost to the U.S. taxpayers is more than $93 trillion over a 10-year period, which Lendrum points out would see each American family burdened with a cost of up to $65,300 per year to pay for the provisions of the bill.

Among other proposals, Lendrum reports that the Green New Deal would demand the country produce 100 percent of its power using zero-emission sources, as well as investing in electric vehicles, and upgrading infrastructure in order to achieve “maximum energy efficiency, water efficiency, safety, affordability, comfort, and durability, including through electrification.”

Since taking office, Biden has implemented many of the Green New Deal’s policies through executive orders. On his first day, he signed one such order ordering major revisions to appliance energy efficiency regulations, which directly led to the Department of Energy unveiling a laundry list of new regulatory rules covering everything from household appliances, washers and dryers, to shower heads, lamps, cooking products and water heaters.

The Biden regime, Lendrum notes, has also rolled out new regulations on proposed construction projects, ordering federal agencies to investigate potential environmental impacts of new projects before approving them. These regulations have been implemented through reinterpretation of a previously-passed federal law, the National Environmental Policy Act, first passed in 1969.


Conservative journalist J.D. Rucker is out with a new article that says “Trump Allies Are Falling on Their Swords to Save Him From an Embarrassing Loss by Dr. Oz.”

He writes that former acting-DNI Ric Grenell went on the warpath this week by posting blatantly false information about America First candidate for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania Kathy Barnette.

Rucker says:

“I came to the conclusion after looking at his and other attacks from people I generally like and admire that they’re coming to the defense of Donald Trump and his endorsement of Dr. Mehmet Oz. Losing in the primary would be a poor loss for the television doctor, but it would be devastating for Trump. The press will eat him alive, hammering for days or even weeks how Trump has lost power in the Republican Party and Dr. Oz losing would be their proof. It’s not true, at least the part about Trump losing power. He backed the wrong candidate, a Democrat pretending to be a Republican who is backed by the GOP Establishment and the globalist elites. Everyone makes mistakes.”

Rucker names names later in the piece when he writes:

“Grenell and others have come to his rescue, throwing out blatant lies in an effort to smear her at the last moment. Until a couple of weeks ago, she wasn’t even a factor in the race. Fellow globalist RINO David McCormick and Dr. Oz were spending a lot of money attacking each other and Barnette snuck in the back door to surge to a three-way tie. The RINOs and Trump allies joined forces to try to take her down at the last minute. Sean Hannity, a Dr. Oz supporter who some believe is the reason Trump backed the candidate in the first place, went scorched earth on her during his show Wednesday night.”


The biggest human biological experiment in world history is not over yet. There are more shots to come, and inevitably there will be many more deaths and injuries and people are still being denied informed consent, says Dr. Naomi Wolf in a new video podcast.

Wolf is poring over a new batch of documents made public about the Pfizer vaccine. These are the documents containing data that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration wanted to keep hidden from public view for 75 years. They only released them because they were forced to by a federal judge.

Here’s a segment from Dr. Wolf’s latest analysis of those documents.


Stunning news she broke there.

She said the internal documents from the CDC show that they had always planned six injections, so it's not over yet. From the beginning, they planned six injections.


Business Insider reports that the Russian ruble has become the world's best-performing currency this year, as its onshore rate is up more than 11% against the US dollar so far in 2022. 

The ruble is the biggest gainer among 31 major currencies, according to data tracked by Bloomberg, and has overtaken the Brazilian real, which is up 9% this year.

Russia has implemented capital controls in addition to demanding ruble-payments for its natural gas supplies from European nations, as well as forcing exporters to sell foreign-exchange holdings. 

The success of  Russia’s market maneuvers has outperformed those of other nations like Argentina and Turkey when they tried similar tactics, according to Business Insider. 

So, in other words, the U.S. and NATO’s economic sanctions have not hurt Russia at all.


A whistleblower within the Federal Bureau of Investigation has come forward to expose the FBI’s sinister strategy of targeting members of the conservative news media, including information about what the FBI calls a Special Investigative Matter or SIM, regarding their investigation into Project Veritas over Ashley Biden’s abandoned diary.

“The FBI appears to be the victim of political undertakings,” the whistleblower agent told Project Veritas editor James O’Keefe.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 2:46)

According to a document obtained by Project Veritas, the FBI opened an investigation into the organization knowing full well they were journalists as the document is classified under the label of “news media.” This contradicts the government’s court filing where they argued that actions taken by the government to surveil, raid and seize materials from Project Veritas journalists were appropriate. The government’s filing stated, “Project Veritas is not engaged in journalism within any traditional or accepted definition of that word,” because its reporting is “non-consensual.”

The whistleblower, who has several years of experience as an FBI Special Agent, came to Project Veritas because, “The direction that the agency has headed troubles a vast majority of the agents.”

Something else the whistleblower called “alerting” was the fact that the FBI categorized the investigation into Ashley Biden’s diary under Threat Band I, which is usually reserved for “threat issues that are likely to cause the greatest damage to national interests or public safety in the coming year.”


A New York City-based tech company called Actuate has developed a system in which artificial intelligence is used to allow surveillance cameras to detect whether someone is carrying a gun.

The company’s founder and CEO, Sonny Tae, told Fox 5 New York, “We initially built our company as a gun detection company in response to a lot of active shooter threats that happened over the years.”

After the Las Vegas shooting in 2017, Tai who is a former captain in the US Marine Corps, surveyed law enforcement agencies across the country asking what could be done.

“A common refrain heard from a lot of them was a wish for security cameras that could automatically identify threats,” he said.

Actuate connects existing surveillance cameras online with encryption, then runs its algorithms that are programmed to search for people with firearms.

As is the case with almost all new technology, there are privacy concerns. But nobody seems to be asking how this system could infringe upon Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

Tai told Fox 5:

“99% plus of cameras are used in a very forensic way. Which means that if something bad happens, they come back and review the footage hours or even days later and try to catch a bad guy. What we’re looking to do is in a non-privacy intrusive way, so we don’t track any facial recognition, or biometrics or PI, but be able to identify potential indicators of threats to safety and security, and send these alerts out in real-time to people who would need to respond.”

It could be at a used car lot or construction site at night with cameras programmed to notify when a suspicious person walks near a fence, Tai said.

If the assumption is that everyone carrying a gun must be a bad guy, this technology could also lead to violations of law-abiding Americans exercising their Second Amendment rights.


Americans might be moving past the COVID-19 pandemic and the mandates that did little to stop the spread of the virus. Still, many doctors, experts, and even military personnel are coming forward about the untold side effects of the COVID-19 drug. Since the controversial jab was announced, many, including Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology, have warned people all around the world about the dangers associated with the new drug. And while the FDA, CDC, and the WHO have criticized anyone who questions the vaccines as purveyors of disinformation, their own databases are proving the severe adverse reactions they claimed were fake news. 

The primary government database that has been used to criticize the Covid injections was the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System or VAERS. But now we have other, less filtered sources of data.

Army veteran Pam Long has presented data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database that’s even more disturbing that what is found in VAERS. She mentions some massive increases in catastrophic health conditions. 

Take a look.


Those are real numbers folks, from U.S. Army databases. They are methodically destroying the health of our U.S. military fighting force.


Joe Biden has canceled another oil and gas lease on federal land.

This article comes from mainstream news. CBS News and ABC News among others were all reporting it Thursday, May 12.

According to CBS, the Biden administration has canceled one of the most high-profile oil and gas lease opportunities pending before the Interior Department. The decision, which halts the potential to drill for oil on more than 1 million acres in Alaska’s Cook Inlet, “comes at a challenging political moment, when gas prices are hitting painful new highs.”

In a statement shared first with CBS News, the Department of the Interior cited a "lack of industry interest in leasing in the area" for the decision to not move forward with the Cook Inlet lease sale. The administration also halted two leases under consideration for the Gulf of Mexico because of "conflicting court rulings that impacted work on these proposed lease sales."

The Interior Department's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has previously canceled lease sales in Cook Inlet three times — in 2007, 2008, and 2011 — also citing lack of industry interest at the time as the reason for scrapping the sales.


Time now for our nightly Worldview Report commentary.

What the mainstream corporate media, like the one we just read from CBS News, doesn’t tell you is that the lease prices are going up and the federal regulations are piling up, making it unprofitable to drill in these areas. That’s why there is a lack of interest. It’s manufactured.

There is a common theme with every policy and decision issued by the Biden Regime; destruction. Destroy it all, root and branch. And it’s all being done right out in the open, in plain sight of every American.

But how many are watching?

This is a controlled demolition by stone-cold globalists. They have their Manchurian candidate in the White House and they are taking full advantage.

Now the same cabal that controls the White House is ratcheting up the rhetoric about the forever virus. Yeah, that one. Fauci, Walensky, they’re all talking about how it’s going to be really bad this fall. You can see where this is going.

But they can only lock us down, put us back in masks, if we let them. Unfortunately, we did let them the first time, so they think they can get away with it again. Let’s hope they’re wrong this time.

That’s our broadcast for tonight here at the Worldview Report. Thank you for watching. Good night and God bless.


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