Do You Want to Understand The Times Through a Biblical Worldview?

Special Offer: Join the Worldview Weekend Situation Room at and we will send you 20 Worldview Weekend DVDs that have a retail value of $300. These are sent to you free of charge as our way of saying thank you for joining the Worldview Weekend Situation Room: The World’s Premier Online Biblical Worldview Radio and Television Network. You can join now

Do You Want to Understand The Times Through a Biblical Worldview? The Worldview Weekend Situation Room is Where Members Understand The Times Through a Biblical Gain Access To Nearly $50,000 in Biblical resources online and on demand now at for Just $74.99Sample some of the contents of the Situation Room now at www.worldviewtube.comThis Week’s WVW Situation Room AdditionsWVW-TV Exclusive Programing Now in the WVW Situation Room We just added the new weekly television programs of Justin Peters, Usama Dakdok, and Dr. Tommy Ice and next week we will be adding the new television program No-Compromise TV with Pastor Mike Abendroth. If you cannot keep up and watch the programs when we put them out for free as a ministry, then we have good news, they are all archived after that first week at www.situationroom.netNearly 50 New Mp3 Recordings Added In Past 10 Days AloneWith More Added WeeklyIn the last few days we have added the following mp3 recordings to the Worldview Weekend Situation Room with more being added each week. Many of you have requested that we take all our tv programs and conference DVDs and turn them into mp3 recordings. We have heard your request and have done so with more to come each week. Here are some of the one hour presentations that are now in an mp3 format inside the  Religious Trojan Exposed (Part One)Religious Trojan Horse Exposed (Part Two)Religous Trojan Horse Exposed (Part Three)Religious Trojan Horse Exposed (Part Four)Similarities Between the False Church in Nazi Germany & Global False Church (Part One)Similarities Between the False Church in Nazi Germany & Global False Church (Part Two)The False Teaching of Jesus Culture (Part One)The False Teaching of Jesus Culture (Part Two)When Pastors Twist Scripture & Arms for Money: Why The Tithe is Not For Today (Part One)When Pastors Twist Scripture & Arms for Money: Why The Tithe is Not For Today (Part Two)The First Jesuit PopeThe Sovereign Providence and Will of God (Part One)The Sovereign Providence and Will of God (Part Two)The Sovereign Providence and Will of God (Part Three)Should Christians Be Proud of America (Part One)Should Christians Be Proud of America (Part Two)Hirelings Vs. Shepherds (Part One)Hirelings Vs. Shepherds (Part Two)Biblically Defeating Anxiety and FearThe Biblical Fruit of a Spiritually Mature Believer (Part One)The Biblical Fruit of a Spiritually Mature Believer (Part Two)The Biblical Fruit of a Spiritually Mature Believer (Part Three)Why The Word of Faith and Church of Rome Can Merge (Part One)Why The Word of Faith and Church of Rome Can Merge (Part Two)Why The Word of Faith and Church of Rome Can Merge (Part Three)Why The Word of Faith and Church of Rome Can Merge (Part Four)The Jesuit Order Exposed (Part One)The Jesuit Order Exposed (Part Two)The Jesuit Order Exposed (Part Three)The Jesuit Order Exposed (Part Four)Pride, Pragmatism & Profit: The Three Snares That Have Compromised Evangelicalism (Part One)Pride, Pragmatism & Profit: The Three Snares That Have Compromised Evangelicalism (Part Two)Pride, Pragmatism & Profit: The Three Snares That Have Compromised Evangelicalism (Part Three)The Worldview War on America's BorderThe Dangerous Worldview Behind White Privilege EducationWhat Would Jesus Say to Today's Religious LeadersThe Danger of Pastor RuleThe Biblical Model of The New Testament Church (Part One)The Biblical Model of The New Testament Church (Part Two)Money and a Biblical WorldviewIs Repentance Required for Salvation?The Fallacy of the Sinner's PrayerAre Christians To Do The Same or Greater Works that Jesus Did?A Biblical Response to Bill O'Reilly's Book "The Killing of Jesus"

Special Offer: Join the Worldview Weekend Situation Room at and we will send you 20 Worldview Weekend DVDs that have a retail value of $300. These are sent to you free of charge as our way of saying thank you for joining the Worldview Weekend Situation Room: The World’s Premier Online Biblical Worldview Radio and Television Network. You can join now

Worldview Weekend Situation Room now has nearly $50,000 in mp3 radio program, keynote presentations, DVDs, television programs, EBooks, transcripts, and audio books. Additional resources are added daily. If your membership has expired, be sure to renew your membership right away at If you would like to join just go to of free resources is for US residents only due to shipping outside the U.S.)Digital Theological, Apologetic, Worldview Library Being Created in the WVW Situation RoomOver the next few months you are going to see a flood of transcripts being added to the that you can search for Biblical research, education, Bible study, and teaching preparation.We are taking the nearly 70, one hour radio programs; we have conducted with 90 year old theologian, Dr. John Whitcomb and transcribing them as part of our digital theological library.We are also transcribing many of the Worldview Weekend Hour Television programs that will be added to this digital theological, apologetic, worldview library.  Over the next few months you are going to be amazed at how much Bible study, research, and teaching preparation you can accomplish with our powerful WVW Situation Room search engine that will allow you to search our growing digital theological, apologetic, worldview Library. The Worldview Weekend Situation Room would make a great gift for your Pastor, Sunday School teacher or Bible Study leader. www.situationroom.netSpecial Offer: Join the Worldview Weekend Situation Room at and we will send you 20 Worldview Weekend DVDs that have a retail value of $300. These are sent to you free of charge as our way of saying thank you for joining the Worldview Weekend Situation Room: The World’s Premier Online Biblical Worldview Radio and Television Network. You can join now at www.situationroom.netWorldview Weekend Situation Room now has nearly $50,000 in mp3 radio program, keynote presentations, DVDs, television programs, EBooks, transcripts, and audio books. Additional resources are added daily. If your membership has expired, be sure to renew your membership right away at If you would like to join just go to of free resources is for US residents only due to shipping outside the U.S.) 

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