Exclusive: 3-Star General McInerney Calls for Partial Martial Law, Military Tribunals Over Voting Cyberwar Against America

This transcript is made possible as a public service of The Worldview Weekend Foundation. If you appreciate this service and desire to see more of Brannon's radio programs transcribed then please make a tax deductible contribution to The Worldview Weekend Foundation at www.wvwfoundation.com

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Source: Transcription of Brannon's radios show monologue on Sunday night November 29, 2020. 

Brannon Howse: General McInerney, our topics tonight really must be cyber warfare, treason, national emergency, habeas corpus, the lack of support from some Republican leaders and then the breaking news related to voting machines out of Georgia, as well as the fact we're about to lose the country if we lose a free and fair election in Georgia. And Lin wood, the attorney, tonight, is warning Americans that it looks like the same mess that gave us what we have now – voter fraud, cyber warfare and treason and a stolen election – could very easily be repeated in Georgia. Which means the end of the Republic as we know it. 

Well, let's start with why today you reached out to me with the need to educate the American people on understanding that there's more going on here than just voter fraud. You're very adamant, as you were the other night with General Flynn, that this is treason, but it's cyber warfare; we are at war. General, I'm going to give you the floor to speak to the American people. So please go right ahead.

General McInerney: Thank you, Brannon. And what really promoted me to call you on this was listening to President Trump talk on Maria Bartiromo today, this morning and his comments that he must've been on, oh, almost 45 minutes with Maria. But what startled me was, he kept talking about fraudulent votes. Then I heard Rudy Giuliani talking about fraudulent votes, etc. It's not fraudulent votes. The American people must understand we are talking about treason. And why do I say that? Well, when you coordinate six to ten states using using cyber warfare, it changes the outcome of the election in favor of whomever you want. 

These are treasonous acts. These are not just fraudulent acts, they are treasonous acts. 'Cause it means changing the government. 'Cause then when you add Russia, China and Iran, foreigners in it, you've complicated it and made it even more treasonous. So cyber warfare and the Dominion voting system – which we're talking about in Georgia and Michigan and all the other states, Pennsylvania as well...as the CIA rogue systems which the Democrats stole; Brennan, Clapper,  HAMMER and Scorecard. Plus, has anyone seen or heard about the FBI or the DOJ – the Department of Justice, investigating prior to this of where we are? And we are three private citizens talking to you tonight, Brannon, and alerting you. 

And you haven't heard from any of the Department of Justice people, FBI, etc.? That is very worrisome. So that's why I found it was extremely important to get to you and get to the American people to talk about this. As a matter of fact, we had the CISA – which is the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency, Chris Krebs – who was fired two weeks ago by President Trump – who says this was the perfect election. Please. This was the worst election in history of any democracy. And he comes out and says, "It was the perfect election?" So you can see the deep state; the complicity to terrorism and – the complicity to treason, rather. Treason is what these people are doing.

This has driven me to get to the American people so they know what they've got to do and what we've got to tell the President to do. The President has got to declare a national emergency. And that emergency needs to be based upon his executive order, dated September 12th, 2018 – a little over two years ago – in which he declared a national emergency if there was foreign influence in our elections. And he also should use the Insurrection Act, because we have an insurrection building in this country right now when you look at BLM and Antifa, plus other groups. 

So it's important – when the President declares this emergency, he must extend habeas corpus, as President Lincoln did in 1861, and FDR did in 1942, when World War II started. The Democratic perpetrators of this, plus the Russians, Chinese and Iran have not disguised this cyber warfare un-American. As a matter of fact, they have been blatant about it and open on it; cocky about it. And all the things they've done and all the people they've employed, truckloads of people driving up and unloading. I saw pictures today of unloading mail-in ballots that haven't even been folded and put in an envelope. It's a printing press operation. Yet we have judges that are challenging that and saying that's not enough. And so, that's why it's so important that this national emergency be declared and that the President starts arresting these people right away in this national emergency. I would declare martial law.

Brannon Howse: Let me just have you pause right there. Because, again, I want you to explain to the American people. And I want to make sure that they understand. This is a three-star General, retired. This is a patriot. Okay? He flew 400 missions – over 400 missions – fighting the Communists in Vietnam. He has served our country with distinction and honor. Look, you heard – those of you that watched it – General Flynn on here with General McInerney. Okay? Doesn’t that tell you what General Flynn thinks of General McInerney and what General McInerney thinks of General Flynn? These are patriots. 

So it might be a little startling to hear this coming from a patriot about habeas corpus and suspending that and arresting people and a national emergency. And as shocking as that is, there is the historical precedent dealing with President Abraham Lincoln, as General McInerney has said. But, General, the reason this is so urgent in your message is because you are talking about foreign actors. And you've named them as you did the other night with General Flynn; Russia, China, Iran. And now, you bring up ballots. We know that North Korea prints money and uses our American dollars that they counterfeit. How do we know that a foreign actor has not printed these ballots?

General McInerney: Well, Brannon, we don't know that. We know their involvement through certain intel sources. We do know that these ballots – that the information has been secured properly. As I said, many of them didn't even fold their mail-in ballots. We know that the decisions made to allow this massive number of mail-in ballots was made by secretaries of state and judges of state Supreme Courts – which was illegal. It wasn't done by their legislature. And then, they ran these things through. And then on election night, they stopped midnight in the morning at 2:30 AM, for instance, in the five states. 

And they said they decided to cease voting and counting operations. And this was a unanimous decision by five states. Right there, you can see the treasonous activity. This has never happened before. It's unprecedented. And so, it shows that there was pre-planning with these states to do this; to do these treasonous acts. That's why it's treason and it's not fraudulent voting. It's treason. They are trying to overturn this government. And the President put out an executive order in 2018 that I believe covers this, plus the Insurrection Act. Because we know when Biden and his cult of bandits are turned down, they are going to unleash Antifa and Black Lives Matter. 

That's why we have a new secretary of defense, Chris Miller. 'Cause the military active duty is going to have to suppress this as well as the national guard. This is insurrection, and it's the implementation of the Insurrection Act. And so, that means I believe till this is cleared out, until we are satisfied we have all the facts, that the President should suspend the electoral college meeting on the 14th of December and the inauguration of 20 January until this emergency is ceased. So that's why martial law is so important and why we must have the American people – the 85 million in my personal estimate – that we have supporting this President. 

We need to set up military tribunals because the judiciary has shown us they're not capable of figuring that out. As I mentioned in Pennsylvania, the local judges couldn’t figure out because they put out 1.8 million… distributed 1.8 million votes to the citizens of Pennsylvania, and they got back 2.5 million. My goodness. Someone had to have a printing press that was printing all these votes. Yet the judicial system couldn't figure it out and stop them. So that's why I believe we need military tribunals to run this thing. And once these people are arrested and charged, then the evidence should be presented there. Look. America's got to wake up. 

The President has got to start having rallies, talking to the people in these primaries, in these six states. He's got to demand the American people, you and I – all of us here tonight have got to demand a thorough investigation of the 2020 elections using the executive order that was promulgated, as I said, in September of 2018, and suspend all action until this is thoroughly investigated. What I mean by that is, the electoral college and the inauguration. America must demand you, Mr. President, that you clean this up and the 85 million-plus Americans supporting you, the balance of people in this nation. We demand it; make it happen. 

Brannon Howse: Okay, folks. You need to go, I believe, to whitehouse.gov/contact. Because right now, if you call, they're not taking the calls. We tried that, and then people were being told that the switchboard's not taking those like they were and they're being rerouted, I guess. So whitehouse.gov/contact. And you can email the President what you're hearing from General McInerney tonight. But of course, I think many of you can tweet at him, @realDonaldTrump. Right? You can tweet at his handle. And again. We don't know that those will not be blocked by the tech companies. We don’t know. 

So you can try both. Whitehouse.gov/contact as well as tweeting at him. And let him know what is the will of the American people. Now again. This is kind of surreal and shocking because I've known General McInerney for a while. We've had many conversations on the air, off the air. And I know many people that have immense respect for him. And it's surreal to be sitting in America tonight, here...what is the date today? November 29th, 2020. And here's something I thought I would never hear in my lifetime; a general of the caliber of General McInerney calling for what he's calling for; suspension of habeas corpus; calling for these measures to stop what is really literally a coup. He has said that from the beginning. So it's a little shocking. But if we don't, General, what becomes of our Constitutional Republic?

General McInerney: This is the last free election we will have. And as we were talking about and you alluded to in your introductory remarks, about in Georgia, they're going to win that election in Georgia just like I predicted this the day before the election on the Steve Bannon show. They're going to win using HAMMER and Scorecard and the Dominion voting machines. So why even have people go out and vote? I heard it from the Republican state. We really need a large get-out. It doesn't matter what your get-out is when you're using cyber warfare. They always beat it by 3 percent. 

And so, that's why it's important to the American people that we suspend even those votes down in Georgia till this is cleared up. There is huge amounts of corruption in the Democratic Party. The scale of this cyber warfare was massive. Let's see. Analog; people driving; people counting ballots; people, you know, miscounting ballots. All the things that they were doing in these six states primarily that was a difference and that hasn’t been called yet. This corruption cannot be accepted. It's treasonous, and we must have a thorough investigation of it and not let a timeline that the forefathers who wrote the Constitution had no idea of cyber warfare. 

But they did have, in the oath, that the President, and all people like myself took to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. These are domestic enemies, and they must be treated – and this is hybrid warfare in the 21st century. That's how it's done. That's how you destabilize them. They don't have to have combat troops. You do it through their own democratic processes. Like Stalin said. "It doesn’t matter who votes. It matters who counts the votes." I rest my case.

Brannon Howse: I was on the phone yesterday with a friend of mine who is in the intelligence arena and has 600 officers answering to him. I've known him for 12-plus years. He's been in my home. I know his family. I know his kids. I know his wife. He's someone I've vetted, and he's vetted me, and we're close friends. He said to me yesterday...he said, "I want you to understand, Brannon" – 'cause he deals with SAP programs, these special access programs. He's not been read in on HAMMER or Scorecard. 

So if he had, he wouldn't be able to talk about them. But he hadn't been, so he's been talking to me about things like this. And he said, "I want you to understand that something like  HAMMER or Scorecard, this software, what they're doing or what they did or what they can do – the American people need to understand while the software can be very, very, very powerful and do an awful lot, the American people don't understand that this isn't a really super complicated piece of software; that this kind of technology is something that is used in the intelligence arena and has been for a long, long time overseas." So I want to reiterate and maybe have you confirm what my friend was saying; that the American people think this is all so complicated – ‘it would never be done. It can't be done.’ These are tools that have been used for a long, long time. It's not that difficult. Correct?

General McInerney: Absolutely. You are spot-on. It’s true the American people and the judicial system do not understand this. And the perpetrators of this – the people that did this to the United States – knew that it would confuse the country. And when they got a buy-in by Fox News – who's got to be complicit in this treasonous act. The ownership and leadership of Fox News is complicit in a treasonous act because of what they did on that voting night. They were edging towards this, but immediately made the declaration of Virginia, declarations on Arizona. And today, Arizona's still not called I don't think. 

So they were complicit because they were representing the Right before. And now, they've flipped. And they knew that there wasn’t any mainstream media large group of television networks that would support – that would support that this isn't correct. And so, now American people are depended upon you, Brannon, and groups like you to get out in the network and communicate to them. That's what we've got to do today. 

Brannon Howse: All right. My friend, Dr. Woods, has just sent me what we need to say. And so, I just tweeted it. And if you want to go my Twitter handle, @WVWOnline, you can grab the same wording. @WVWOnline is my Twitter handle. Dr. Woods, who's a trained attorney – also a pastor – he wrote this and just texted it to me. He said, "This is what people should be tweeting." So I just tweeted it. You can go to my Twitter feed, @WVWOnline. You can tweet this at President Trump. You can grab it, and you can email it to the White House at whitehouse.gov/contact. But here's what Dr. Woods has written, which I think is excellent. “Mr. President. 80 million of us want you to use the Insurrection Act and to suspend the January Georgia Senate runoff and the December meeting of the Electoral College so military tribunals first be set up to properly investigate and resolve the cyber warfare 11/3/20 election issue," @RealDonaldTrump. What do you think about that, General?

General McInerney: I love that. Spot-on. 

Mary Fanning: Absolutely. I couldn't agree more. Are we going to let Russia, China and Iran decide our elections? I think not. 

Brannon Howse: You can go and just copy it and tweet it yourself. I don't care. I mean, they're probably going to shut my Twitter account down anyway. That's why we, again, started our own text alert list several months ago; because we don't want to rely on Facebook and YouTube and Twitter to reach you. So I don't care about having Twitter followers. I actually don’t care for Twitter. But we'll use it until they shut us down. So again. It's not about me promoting a Twitter handle. I could care less how many follow me. 

But if you want to re-tweet it, it's @WVWOnline as my Twitter handle. If you want to copy and paste it and do it yourself, fine. Have at it. Email it, whatever. But there you go. But I would urge you, however, to join our text alert list. I really could care less if you follow me on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. By the way. We did move the General McInerney, General Flynn interview to YouTube today for the sake of ease. Some of you wanted that. We have spent, I would have to estimate, somewhere around $4 million or more since June of 2006 building this media division of our organization that has been around since 1993. 

But in June of 2006, I was watching the trade publications and the technology papers. And I knew what technology was coming. And I remember when I wrote that plan for what we're doing today sitting in my office in June of 2006 saying, "Maybe one day people won't be on dial-up. One day, there'll be a lot of people on high-speed cable." Which wasn't the case in June of 2006. "And when that happens, I want to be in place to be an alternative outlet." So in June of 2006, I began to build WVW Broadcast Network, having been on terrestrial radio for so many years, still to this day. 

But I knew that this needed to be a backup plan for what I felt coming with hate crime legislation and other things. So we began to build this. So we don't really care about Twitter and Facebook and YouTube and stuff. But we do care about our text alert list 'cause that's how I can reach you directly to tell you we went live tonight. So you should text WVW to 88202. 

At the end of the day, this has been a huge psychological operation. This audience, the regulars, know I did 20 one-hour TV shows – 20 one-hour TV shows – on brainwashing. and I'm working on a documentary that was supposed to have been out next month. But it'll be delayed till the Spring 'cause all of the last several weeks has been about this. So I've been working on a documentary on brainwashing for a long time. And this has been a psychological operation; a brainwashing operation. Disinformation campaign. And the optics are so important. Would you agree with that, General? With your background...I mean, you had men. They went through the training. They went through SERE school. They knew how to behave and how to respond to disinformation. And that's why these optics are so important. Are they not?

General McInerney: They're extremely important, Brannon. And it's important to every American citizen; that you are now facing, for the first time, 21st Century hybrid warfare; a war that you are experienced in fighting in, whether you know it or not. And the enemy is unseen, It's stealthy, but it means our future success. And be aware, America. Be afraid. Be concerned. Rise up. We cannot let this election, this treasonous act in this election – this coup d'etat – stand. We as the individual Americans – 80-plus-million, and I believe it's well over 100-plus because I believe Democrats don't want crooked elections either. 

And so, we all must rise up and get the accurate understanding of what went on in perhaps the largest cyber warfare campaign in history. And it was flawed because it was so large, and there is so much compelling evidence. That's why we're here tonight, America. Mr. President. Take charge. Do what we told you to do or asked you to do. Make things happen. It's a national emergency. Suspend the electoral college and the inauguration until we get all the facts laid out and we're all satisfied. God bless you and God bless America.

Brannon Howse: And by the way. The Transition Integrity Project, they predicted all this. They ran scenarios. They're going to be saying that Donald Trump is the one that's carrying out a coup on the President-elect. You know that. And we got to be ready to counter that if he actually does this, General. 'Cause they're going to say, "It's Trump now carrying out a coup." Right? 

General McInerney: Exactly. Just like I said when this happened, people are going to say if Trump didn't agree with it he had sour grapes. But fortunately, they said it before the election. We laid this out before the election, thanks to Dennis Montgomery and others, Mary, etc. They laid it out for us. So it's imperative that we take these actions now. 

Brannon Howse: And I don't know what our streaming numbers are tonight, but that tweet that I just put out – what, eight minutes ago – is now at 1,276. Okay? So we're headed toward 1,300 re-tweets in eight minutes and over 1,400 Likes. Again. The point I'm making is… I think even our numbers are being suppressed on our livestreams. Based on the text, emails, phone calls and other things that come in, we don't even believe the numbers of our streams are accurate. We don't believe the numbers on some of our videos are accurate. 

So what I'm saying, again, is there's a suppression of the American people. There's a suppression to make you think, "this is not a popular message. This isn’t a message of consensus that the American people have. Their numbers aren't anywhere near what they should be if the American people were really for this." So what I'm going to tell you is, I think there's a suppression going on even on some of the streaming numbers and viewing numbers after the show is over on some of these platforms. But I'm getting more evidence that that's probably an accurate statement just on watching what's happening on Twitter tonight with now 1,391 re-tweets in nine minutes. So don't let the optics discourage you. Do you want to say something, Mary?

Mary Fanning: Yes. Your listeners should keep in mind that we had a cyber security expert for the CIA, NSA and FBI, Dr. Najib Nassar came forward. And he gave his foreign declaration that they stole the election using Scorecard and HAMMER. So that is the NSA, CIA, FBI's own expert – the man that the New York Times calls the smartest man in any room. He testified in his sworn affidavit that they stole the election. So the American people have every reason to stand up. 

Brannon Howse: I have no plans to go live tomorrow night, but maybe something comes up and we have to. You want to get a text and a reminder? Simply text WVW to 88202. Just text WVW to 88202. You can stop it at any point by texting back the word "stop," and it stops. 

And we never let it out to anyone, we don’t spam you. We're not interested in that. We only send you stuff that's important. 

If you appreciate what we're doing, we spend thousands of dollars a month in streaming to give away programming. So I will just say it quickly and move on. If you want to support what we're doing and growing this network, you may make a tax-deductible contribution now at wvwfoundation.com. That's wvwfoundation.com. Thank you for your tax-deductible support so we can keep streaming and keep giving away free programming. 

Now also, make sure you understand that our home base is wvwtv.com. All the shows I've done with General McInerney, with Mary Fanning and others are there at wvwtv.com. We don't put a lot on YouTube. I don't like YouTube. Okay? Why? Because I don't want you to get in the habit of going there, and then all-of-a-sudden we're gone. So we train our audience to go to our website, wvwtv.com where you have all the other shows, radio, TV and articles and all the resources you need in one place. 

We also started in June, the Conservative worldview alternative to the Drudge Report; the Conservative worldview alternative to the Drudge report. It's worldviewreport.com. I hope you'll make it a favorite. Worldviewreport.com. The Conservative worldview alternative to the Drudge report. All right? Been a great broadcast. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for telling your friends. And thank you for stepping up and taking some action tonight. It may seem simple, but it's important. Let's see what our President does. And certainly pray for him as well as for America. Thank you so much for watching. Until next time, I'm Brannon Howse. Take care. 

This transcript is made possible as a public service of The Worldview Weekend Foundation. If you appreciate this service and desire to see more of Brannon's radio programs transcribed then please make a tax deductible contribution to The Worldview Weekend Foundation at www.wvwfoundation.com

You can also donate by mail to:

WVW Foundation
P.O. Box 1690 
Collierville, TN 38027 

Source: Transcription of Brannon's radios show monologue on Sunday night November 29, 2020. 

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