Mockingbird media dishes up a load of (half) truth, 50 years too late

The story I’m about to share is not terribly shocking, at least not to those of us who are awake, but I find the timing, along with the source, a bit ominous.

It comes from a mainstream corporate media outlet, NBC News, and it tells us that the modern military machine owned by the Chinese Communist Party is basically a creation of the United States.

Now why is the source and the timing of this story important?


Along with Facebook, Twitter, CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times, NBC is at the epicenter of the CIA-led mockingbird media, totally under the thumb of the globalist deep state, shilling for the technocratic beast system that’s being erected before our very eyes. 

If you aren’t familiar with the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, look it up and study it. 

Well-paid, professional propagandists, posing as journalists, are working hand-in-glove with the government, education system and large corporations to destroy the U.S. as we know it and merge what’s left into a technocratic one-world authoritarian system. The model system for the Communist States of America is China, where everyone is surveilled, tracked, monitored, assessed and socially scored 24/7 in real time. These ministers of propaganda use every manner of false reasoning and errors of omission to nudge you into their false narrative. Whether it’s climate change, vaccines, gun control, abortion, transgenderism, the pandemic of the month or the next big war, it’s all professionally served up in holy, self-righteous style. Eat this, don’t eat that, drive this, don’t drive that, inject this, live here, don’t live there, cover your face, stand on the X, sign up for your digital ID, etc. Obey and get promoted. Disobey and get demoted, canceled, disbarred, reviewed, revoked.

Let’ be clear: NBC News doesn’t report anything that the military-intelligence-biomedical-Big Pharma industrial complex doesn’t want the American people to know. On the flip side, it reports everything this beast system wants us to know, whether it’s true or not, as part of their mind-controlling operation.

So it was with great interest that I read the article from NBC this week reporting that at least 154 Chinese scientists who worked on U.S. government-sponsored research at America’s foremost national security laboratory over the last 20-plus years have been recruited to do scientific work that helped build China’s military, and that U.S. national security is now “threatened,” according to NBC.

NBC sourced the story to a new private intelligence report authored by Strider Technologies.

The report describes what it calls “a systemic effort by the government of China to place Chinese scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where nuclear weapons were first developed.”

Imagine that. A communist government having a strategy to systematically steal U.S. military technology. Who would have ever thought such an indignity as this could come from the plotters of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the mass murder of millions of its own citizens, and the brutal one-child policy augmented by forced abortions and forced organ harvesting? No. Impossible!

But NBC News seems shocked by this revelation.

So let’s pick up with the story as reported by NBC.

“Many of the scientists were later lured back to China to help make advances in such technologies as deep-earth-penetrating warheads, hypersonic missiles, quiet submarines and drones,” according to the report.

“Scientists were paid as much as $1 million through participation in Chinese government ‘talent programs,’ which are designed to recruit Chinese scientists to return to China,” (after they’ve acquired the necessary technical training and valuable state secrets from the stupid Americans).

What? You mean Chinese communists paid Chinese scientists to perform research for them here in the U.S. that would give China a military advantage over the U.S.? The shock value of this story just keeps getting more unbelievable by the moment!

But that’s not all. Let’s continue because there’s more to come from the stellar journalists at NBC. 

“Such talent programs have long been identified as a source of concern, but U.S. officials said they had not previously seen an unclassified report that described the phenomenon in such detail, naming specific scientists and the projects they have worked on.”

At about this point in the story, you start to wonder, isn’t this what we have the FBI for? Where were they when all of this was going on? I mean, it says in the article that it has “long been a source of concern,” that the Chinese were doing this. I guess NBC gives them a pass since they’ve been so busy hunting down January 6 “insurrectionists” and investigating those moms who attend school board meetings.

But, I digress. Back to the story.

The talent transfer “poses a direct threat to U.S. national security,” said Greg Levesque, a co-founder of Strider and the lead author of the report. “China is playing a game that we are not prepared for, and we need to really begin to mobilize.” 

Really? Mobilize? Now? After 50 years of cooperating with, coddling, favoring, and enriching the Chinese communists, now we suddenly want to “mobilize” against what should have been known all along?

And who are these “U.S. officials” who feign ignorance and let this happen right under their noses? Perhaps they’re out there with the FBI tracking and monitoring moms at school board meetings and all those other “rightwing extremists” working to “undermine our democracy.”

NBC reports that “although a former Los Alamos scientist pleaded guilty in 2020 to lying about his involvement in a China recruitment program, most of the conduct described in the report appears to have been legal.”

Ah, now I get it. The FBI didn’t investigate because pillaging U.S. military secrets is legal in the United States. If that’s true, it’s only because it was made legal by treasonous lawmakers from both major political parties, compromised individuals like Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Biden crime family and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, all of whom have profited off of business deals in China.

Lest anyone starts to get nervous at this point in the story, NBC assures us that, “U.S. officials and experts say most Chinese scientists who immigrate to the U.S. remain here — and many have made significant contributions to U.S. defense technology.” 

There are those mysterious, anonymous “U.S. officials” again, joined by nameless “experts,” telling us that the Chinese aren’t all bad. Heck, we should thank them. While they were busy transferring all that advanced weapons technology back to Beijing, they actually found time to provide a helping hand to our American military. Wow, these guys are talented.

What a disgrace. These corporate-media CIA hacks really do think we’re stupid.

But current and former U.S. intelligence officials said the Strider report shows how the Chinese government has been using talent recruitment programs to acquire insights into U.S. technology to help build a military that poses a significant threat to U.S. national security. The officials added that, according to NBC, “China’s hard-line turn under President Xi Jinping is sparking a re-evaluation of the long history of scientific exchange between the two countries.”

I don’t know about you, but I feel comforted that this U.S.-Chinese cooperation program is being “re-evaluated” after China’s built its military from almost nothing 40 to 50 years ago into a high-tech powerhouse capable of challenging the U.S. on the seas, land and air.

This has been going on, mind you, since the 1970s, when Henry Kissinger convinced the U.S. government to give communist China access to Western trade and capital.

“We have benefited enormously from the inflow of Chinese talent,” Robert Daly, a China expert at the Wilson Center, a congressionally chartered nonpartisan research institute, told NBC. “And I hope that we can continue to do that — it’s essential to the United States. But China is now developing weapons systems, capabilities, doctrines and, frankly, attitudes toward its own power that means we have to go back to the drawing board in some of these areas.”

Robert Daly is a globalist. As is usually the case with globalists, Daly speaks out of both sides of his mouth. China has been good for America but now China is also a danger to America. Both of those statements cannot be true. Which is it, Mr. Daly?

The truth is that China used the post-World War II liberal world order to enrich and empower itself with Western technology and know-how. Now that it has matched the U.S. in power and wealth, and has in many ways surpassed its senior partner, like all communist regimes it will turn on the very partner that helped it gain power.

The U.S.-led global order has been built upon lies and deceptions from the very beginning. They told us that by trading and doing business with China, that China would become more like us and learn to appreciate individual freedom. That was a lie. But those who set this world order and profited from it, the U.S. military-industrial complex, can never admit that, so they pull their punches and try to confuse the American public in order to protect their own interests.

In 2019, a bipartisan Senate report said China’s Thousand Talents Program and similar arrangements were a vector for China to exploit U.S. research. 

So, after the damage is done, 50 years too late, we get a faux report that’s brought to us by a faux news agency. But hey, a year or two or three from now, when we are occupied by Chinese communist thugs wearing blue helmets, raping our women and shooting our men, they can say they warned us.

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