New, Free Roku Channel for WVW-TV Coming Soon & Radio Program For Teens

Worldview Weekend Foundation
1016 West Poplar Ave #106-228
Collierville, TN 38017

Dear Worldview Weekend Foundation Friends,

This is my first letter to you in 2015 and I am pleased to report that the Contend 2015 student Worldview Weekend was attended by more students than in 2014. We had over 500 students from 26 states that were registered. We are already working on Contend 2016. At the end of the letter we have included some testimonials from those that attended in hopes you will be encouraged. Thank you for the part you had in making these testimonials possible.

Because of the successful Contend 2014 and 2015 conferences, we are working to launch a live, Sunday night radio program later this fall that will be directed specifically to answering the Biblical questions of high school and college students. We will be taking student questions live via social media and text.

During the question and answer time at the Contend conference, the students were lined up to ask questions of the speakers. We had more questions than our allotted time for Q&A would allow. This fact is a major reason we desire to launch a Biblical radio ministry that is specifically geared toward answering the Biblical questions of high school and college students.

Contend has taught us that these young people want and need a source for Biblical worldview teaching and training that is available to them year round. We also believe this special radio ministry will assist in bringing more students to the Contend conference. Please join us in praying about this new ministry opportunity that we hope to launch in the fall of 2015.

In March of this year we began distributing the new television program Proclaiming the Gospel TV with host Mike Gendron. Mike was a Catholic for 37 years and now runs a ministry seeking to train Christians in how to evangelize the 1.2 billion Catholics with the truth of the Gospel. You can watch this program free as a ministry of Worldview Weekend Foundation at as well as through our free app at

A recent report reveals that 7 out of 10 Americans are now streaming all their programming instead of watching cable or broadcast television. We knew this was the trend and that is why we began in 2006 to develop the platform and technology for streaming our own Biblical programming.

Remember WVW-TV is filming, producing, post-editing, and distributing six different television programs from our Memphis, Tennessee studio. All six of these programs are distributed free of charge for several days as a ministry of Worldview Weekend and Worldview Weekend Foundation. As WVW-TV continues to produce Biblical programming, Worldview Weekend Foundation continues to develop and maintain outlets for the free distribution of these programs.

Please tell your friends they can watch the free WVW-TV broadcast ministry television programs of Justin Peters, Tommy Ice, Mike Abendroth, Usama Dakdok, Mike Gendron, as well as my program, the Worldview Weekend Hour, at or with our free app they can download at

We just launched a Google Chromecast button on our TV player at This button will allow you to throw what is playing on the player at to your television if you have the Google Chromecast USB. The Chromecast USB can be purchased at stores such as Best Buy or Target for around $30.00.

We also have a new Roku channel that will we launch by the end of April that will allow you to stream all six of our television programs over your television set if you have the ROKU box or USB. This device is also about $30 and can be purchased at Target or Best Buy.

Don’t forget, our computer technicians tell us that people in up to 120 nations are regularly listening to the 14 different radio programs we produce and/or distribute, along with the six different television programs we produce and distribute. WVW-TV and Worldview Radio is seeking to be the world’s premier online Biblical worldview radio and television network and the Worldview Weekend Foundation is pleased to assist in distributing this programming world-wide as a free broadcast ministry. 

Thank you, again, for your continued support and partnership with us through the Worldview Weekend Foundation. Your continued support of the Worldview Weekend Foundation with your tax-deductible contribution is vital for the continuation of these new ministry opportunities.

You are making a difference and impacting lives with the proclamation of the gospel and with Bible teaching programs that you help us distribute. The ministry opportunities we have are really only limited by the resources necessary for more radio and television production and distribution. Over the next year, we desire to produce and distribute even more Biblically based radio and television programs.

If you appreciate the radio and TV program I host as well as the radio or TV programs of Justin Peters, Mike Abendroth, Jimmy DeYoung, Dr. Tommy Ice, Mike Gendron, Jesse Johnson, Chris Pinto, John Whitcomb, Usama Dakdok, Mike Riddle, T.A. McMahon, David Farnell, John Loeffler, and the ladies’ Bible study of Susan Heck, then please let us hear from you today.

Thank you again for your continued support of our work through the Worldview Weekend Foundation. Some have inquired about the ability to contribute automatically with a monthly contribution. You can set this up at

You can still make a one-time or occasional contribution on our website as well. If you prefer to send a tax-deductible gift by check, our address is at the top of this letter. Thank you, again, for partnering with us in ministry.

Brannon Howse
Worldview Weekend
Worldview Weekend Foundation

Your partnership with us made the free, Contend 2015 student Worldview Weekend possible, and thus I want you to be encouraged by the testimonies from some of the students or youth leaders that attended. Please join us in praying that 2016 will be attended by even more students.

I came to the Contend conference last year as an unbeliever. I was a sophomore college student majoring in psychology. After, and during the conference, I began to see how messed up my major was, and the foundations of psychology, among many other topics. I began to see the truth and the truth was not secular psychological theory but God’s Word. My mind was imploding and I felt my whole life was a lie. I decided to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and never looked back. I went back to college with a new worldview, searching and seeking the truth, not speculation.

I saw my major for what it was– a lie. Psychology doesn’t truly help people. I also had an eating disorder when I was 12, and struggled with it for many years, despite psychiatrists and hospital treatment. After the conference, and seeking truth, I realized my eating disorder came from my sinful, selfish heart, not my parent’s divorce, and not TV shows.

This conference is amazing. It speaks about truth and real current issues. The information is not sugar-coated. The speakers tell you how it is. I would recommend this conference to anyone and everyone. I am truly grateful for this conference.

In my neuroscience class, they don’t even know how psychiatric drugs work for sure; it is all speculation and a money game with pharmacy companies. My prof admitted this!
Student from Indiana

I am blessed to have been here. I wouldn’t have been able to come if it was not for everyone who organized this event, everyone who donated to make it free to attend, and my parents for the money and support to get me here. I traveled nearly 1200 miles by myself in a car to come and I’m so glad I did! I met many amazing people and was able to have an experience with all my brothers and sisters in Christ that I will carry with me. If I am able to come back next year, there is no doubt in my mind that I will make the journey again. Thanks again for this learning experience! I have taken much more away from this than I thought I would.
North Dakota

Contend is not like most youth conferences. It is not interested in giving you a “good time” or a “spiritual high.” Contend has one fundamental purpose: teaching teens and college students to see the world through the light of God’s Word…My family drove from California [to Memphis, TN] to be here and I would gladly do it again next year to attend. Why? Not because it was easy. We sat for hours upon hours being bombarded by the issues most churches avoid. I would gladly return because Contend 2015 has changed me. Contend 2015 has affirmed my faith and given me the knowledge to approach those every day discussions from a Biblical worldview. I think it was Mr. Pratt who said that the Bible is a weapon and indeed it is! And you have sharpened my sword and taught me how to use that weapon. Thank you all very much!

Brannon, I have been involved in some sort of youth ministry for around 20 years, and have attended a lot of camps/conferences. Contend was the hands-down very best student conference that I have ever been to. What a blessing for our young adults! They loved the tables/chairs, meaty material, available speakers, like-minded students and the list goes on. I honestly do not know of anything that you could have done to improve it. Thank you, sir, for all of the work. Keep it up.
Cambridge Baptist Church Youth Pastor
Cambridge, KS,

The teaching was outstanding. My favorite speaker was whoever was speaking at the moment. Each of them engaged the youth in their own way while teaching on such critical topics…So worth the drive from Connecticut [to Memphis, TN].
West Harford, CT

I am a student at UW Platteville…I had one month break when I heard about this conference. I was floored by how amazing this conference was and how much it refreshed and equipped me for the life ahead of me. I cannot recommend it highly enough and plan to bring a large number of friends next time I come.
UW-Platteville Engineering Student

I came last year to Contend and was so encouraged and blessed beyond what I imagined would happen. Since then, I have been looking forward to Contend 2015. At Contend, we are all treated like adults, like we are able to handle truth. At home, I feel like I’ve been starving for spiritual food. Contend 2015 is like feasting at a banquet. Thank you all who have been involved in making this possible for all of us students! I can’t wait to come back next year!
Kenzie, 19
Northern Indiana

I appreciated the honesty and direct teachings of Contend 2015. Our young adults need information like this to help them defend their Biblical beliefs and to stay grounded in their relationship with Jesus Christ as they go into the world living their lives! All speakers did a great job of keeping the attention of our students as the conference flowed through. Great job, Thank you!
Rodney Bryant, 35
Youth Pastor, AL.

Last year we brought a group of 10 and all 10 returned this year plus we brought 7 more. We have been greatly blessed by the time, topics, challenges and new relationships with the speakers. Thank you for all the behind the scenes work that takes place to make this all come together. We plan on returning next year and are prayerfully considering whom the Lord might want us to bring with us—hopefully many more!

Thank you so much for putting on the Contend 2015 student Worldview Weekend. We came to the conference not knowing what to expect and we were so impressed by the quality of each presentation. Everyday our son was up and ready to go before we were. The time passed so quickly that the three days seemed to fly by. We were only disappointed in that it was over before we knew it. It was obvious that much time and effort was put into each aspect of the conference. Two words come to mind to sum up the conference–Well Done! We are going home encouraged and informed by the Biblical truth and godly men who made the conference possible.
Atlanta, Georgia

Earlier this week, my church group attended a “youth conference” in Branson. The contrast between the Branson conference and Contend was unbelievable. The Branson conference “teachers” didn’t really teach the gospel. Any true teaching was distorted by goofy attempts to keep the students’ attention. Contend was filled with truth teaching and the gospel. The speakers were captivating. You really cannot get this teaching anywhere else. Thank you!
15 year old student
Jonesboro, Arkansas

I loved Contend 2015. The speakers were knowledgeable of Scripture and gave interesting talks. The thing I appreciated the most was how the Bible was at the center of everything that was discussed. I know that it can be silly to be grateful to Christian speakers for using the Bible, but I am. It’s refreshing to see.
Farmington, Minnesota


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