We Had No Idea WVW-TV Was Reaching This Many People


Worldview Weekend Foundation
P.O. Box 1690
Collierville, TN 38027



Dear Friends,


We now have 35,801 families who have chosen to put our free Roku TV Channel on their television home screen that features the 8 different television programs we produce from our Memphis, Tennessee television studio. In 2017 alone we had several million minutes watched just from our Roku TV channel. That does not count our free app, website, and other distribution broadcast outlets including terrestrial television. Remember we do not charge any of the television hosts for the television programs we produce. In fact, we cover all of their expenses as a listener-supported broadcast ministry. Many of their small ministries could not have a television or radio program if we did not underwrite the cost, production, and distribution.

When it comes to this ministry, you do not have to wonder what it is we accomplish each year and if your vital funds are accomplishing something God-honoring and worthwhile. A quick visit to wvwtv.com and worldviewradio.com reveals many of the more than 1,000 radio and television programs we produce and distribute each year.

At wvwtv.com you can scroll down the page and see the numerous television programs we filmed, post-produced, and distributed from our Memphis, TN studio. Here is just a small sampling of some of our 2017 television programs:

Former FBI Agent Explains How Jihadis Have Infiltrated Congress, Law Enforcement, & Protestant Groups

Exposing The Cultural Marxists & Their Tactics For Revolution & The Five Step Plan For Persecution of Conservatives

Discerning The True Gospel From a Fake Gospel (2 programs)

Dr. John Whitcomb: Author of Genesis Flood, Still Contending at 93

A Verse By Verse Study of Revelation (21 programs)

Islam's Assault on the U.S. Constitution (2 programs)

Babylon in Bible Prophecy (4 programs)

7 Signs of The Times (7 programs)

From the Hate of Nazism to the Love of Zionism: A German Family's Gospel Transformation

Exclusive Interview with Chris Gaubatz Who Went Undercover & Infiltrated Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)

Revealing the Truth About ISIS (4 programs)

Why Pastors Should Teach Interpretation & Application & The Consequences if They Do Not (James 1:22-25)

The Growing Civil War in Evangelicalism Over Truth (2 programs)

A Biblical Examination of Grace (2 Programs)

Trevor Loudon on The Communist Enemies From Within

Can The Word of Allah Ever Change? Did Allah Quote a Message From Satan?

Proof From The Quran That When Islam Takes Over You Will Only Survive if You Convert

Understanding The Three Types of Jihad

How Generations of Fake News & Fake History Has Been Used by America's Enemies To Destroy U.S. From Within

To Understand Islam You Have to Understand Abrogation

One Way Islamic Bridge of Interfaith Dialogue

Why is God Allowing the Marxists and Muslims to Bring Such Mayhem to America and the World?

Exposing the Lie of Chrislam

The Internal Contradictions in the Koran

Biblically Refuting Evangelicals Who Promote Social Justice By Twisting Scripture About The Poor

You can watch these program and lots more right now at wvwtv.com or through our free app at wvwtv.com/app or our free Roku channel with details at wvwtv.com/roku. Your ministry partnership with us makes these programs available to countless families all over the world through our numerous distribution outlets.

We are now producing the free television programs of Shahram Hadian, Usama Dakdok, Jason Pratt, Dr. Andy Woods, Dr. Tommy Ice, Mike Gendron, and of course, the Worldview Weekend Hour and WVW Broadcast Network News. That’s 8 television programs that are filmed in our Memphis, Tennessee studio, and we do not charge one dime to these hosts. We fly them in, cover their lodging and meals, and film and produce their programs and then distribute them as our ministry.  As you know we also have 20 different radio programs we distribute on a daily or weekly basis. In 2017, we are planning to add a new television program by a former FBI agent who is an expert on Islam and counter-terrorism.

In November of 2017, we added a new, live, television broadcast on Sunday nights at 8pm that we call The Situation Room Briefing. I have the privilege of interviewing a wide range of experts on a wide-range of topics from law, science, economics, history, national security, Islam, terrorism, globalism, theology, and social issues. We make these live programs available to everyone free before they roll into the Situation Room. In fact, you can text WVW to 88202 to get a text reminder each Sunday evening with a link to the live stream broadcast. You can also watch at wvwtv.com/briefing.

 You can also watch on the free Livestream app available here for iPhone and iPad https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/livestream/id493086499?mt=8

You can also watch on the free Livestream app available here for Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.livestream.livestream

You can also watch on Roku by choosing the free Livestream channel in the Roku Channel store. Open the Livestream channel in Roku and go to search event and type in: Situation Room and it will bring up the most current upcoming broadcast so you can watch live on your TV. You can also follow us on Livestream at livestream.com/wvwtv

In 2017 we held 5 Worldview Weekend Rallies in 5 cities in 5 nights. In 2018 we have booked ballrooms in 5 cities in which to host the free Worldview Weekend Rallies. Full details at wvwtv.com/conferences.

At our 15th Annual Ozarks Worldview Weekend, we are adding a student track with special topics and speakers on the issues young people are facing today. Full details at wvwtv.com/ozarks.

As we come to the end of the year, please know that broadcasting the free radio & television programs really requires your ongoing partnership to maintain and expand. We must continue to cover the cost of updates on our free radio & television app, as well as our free Roku TV channel and on all of our websites. Computer code must regularly be updated to maintain compliance with the standards of each distribution platform. We also have increasing tech needs as we fight off cyber attacks that seek to bring down our websites, apps, and Roku Channel. This sadly is becoming an ever increasing issue as people who clearly hate Christians and Biblical truth launch almost non-stop attacks on our broadcast platforms.

We also must continue to cover the bandwidth cost that comes with offering the free streaming of our radio and television programs to people all over the world through the various distributions platforms that we maintain. We are close to completing the addition of new servers and server storage as we continue to grow.

Almost 40% of our budget comes in the last month of the year. Can we please hear from you today? Please let us hear from you now before you get distracted at this busy time of the year. Thank you for partnering with us now in these many ministry projects by making a tax deductible contribution now online, by phone, or by check. All the details are at www.wvwfoundation.com  

If you prefer to give over our secure donation line, the number is 901-853-8792. Please be sure to leave your name, address, phone number, credit card number, cvs number from the back of your card and the amount of the donation. If you want us to call you back, please leave your name and number and my wife will call you back to take your contribution over the phone. If you prefer to send a check please use our address above. If you prefer to give online on our secure website, then please go to www.wvwfoundation.com

Thank you for your support.

Brannon Howse
Worldview Weekend
Worldview Weekend Foundation

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    Worldview Weekend Foundation
    PO BOX 1690
    Collierville, TN, 38027 USA

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