Worldview Report Transcript For February 18, 2022

Good evening, everyone and welcome to our newscast.

Annual shots for annual profits.

That’s the bombshell that came out of the latest video dropped by Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe.

O’Keefe interviewed Christopher Cole, a top officer within the FDA regulatory apparatus.

In the interview, Cole told O’Keefe point blank that “there’s no way they’re going to not approve it” – meaning vaccines for babies and toddlers.

He also told O’Keefe that its no secret within the agency that the Biden administration wants everyone in America to be forced to get annual Covid shots, which will provide a never-ending stream of profits for pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna.

“They just haven’t announced it yet because they don’t want to get everyone riled up,” Cole said.

Let’s take a listen to this bombshell interview that blows the whistle on the federal government’s plan to collude with Big Pharma to force a risky medical treatment on every American, even young children and babies, regardless of the risk of death from Covid, which in the age group under 18 is practically zero.


There you have it. Confirmation of everything the so-called “conspiracy theorists” have been saying for well over a year now, that the goal of the Covid hysteria all along was to get people to accept a controversial vaccine, and to take it on a regular basis, providing a “continuous stream” of revenue into Big Pharma’s coffers.


The CDC on Wednesday casually admitted some of the Covid nose swabs being taken from millions of Americans end up in a lab for genomic-sequencing studies.

But don’t worry, says the CDC, because only the virus will be used for the genomic sequencing analysis.

Gateway Pundit reports that many Americans were forced to take nose swabs processed with a PCR test in order to work, travel or get life-saving surgical procedures.

Now those swabs are being used by scientists to track Covid variants.

Watch what amounts to a CDC propaganda video explaining why some of the swabs containing your DNA end up in a sequencing lab and placed under a microscope.

WATCH VIDEO (clip at the 1:24 mark)

Then you have the CDC tweeting, don’t worry, nothing to see here. This is perfectly normal.


“Remember that COVID-19 nose swab test you took? What happened to the swab? If it was processed with a PCR test, there’s a 10% chance that it ended up in a lab for genomic sequencing analysis.” – the CDC said on Wednesday.


Moving to politics. The U.S. Senate is technically no longer under the control of the Democrats.

Why is that, you ask.

Because one of the Democrat Senators, Ben Ray Lujan of New Mexico, had a brain stroke and remains hospitalized and is recovering after surgery. Lujan is 49.

Dr. Robert Malone noted on War Room with Steve Bannon Wednesday, February 16, that the senator from New Mexico is fully vaxxed. He had the stroke more than two weeks ago and is still out of commission.

Take a listen.


Lujan himself posted a video message to Twitter on February 14. He appeared wearing a baseball cap saying he plans to be back on the floor of the US Senate “in a few weeks” to vote on Biden’s nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 2:06 of video)

That video went on for almost six minutes. Senator Lujan says “There’s a lot to learn from this story.” Yet, the Senator and his doctors didn’t sound like they really want to learn anything about what caused his stroke and they certainly don’t want people to know that it could have been caused by his Covid injection, one of the side effects of which the CDC admits has been blood clots and strokes. They have all been mum on why the senator would have had a stroke at such a young age. He is one of thousands who have suffered strokes after taking the Covid experimental gene therapy.


Pennsylvania school board voted to end mandatory streaming of CNN-affiliated programs in its middle school amid arguments that such broadcasts are biased.

The Norwin School Board voted 5-4 Monday to end requiring homeroom teachers to show students CNN 10, which is described as "compact on-demand news broadcasts ideal for explanation seekers on the go or in the classroom."

Teachers will now use their discretion on whether to keep TVs turned off, show the newscast, or show patriotic videos on events such as Veterans Day or the attack on Pearl Harbor, Trib Live reported

One mom, Ashley Egan of North Huntingdon, said broadcasting CNN-affiliated programs is "feeding [her son] every day that CNN is a label you can trust." 


Matt Margolis has an article up at PJ Media that proves the hypocrisy of the mainstream media.

He makes the case that the mainstream media can no longer pretend that Donald Trump was never spied on. But for the past five years, they unequivocally denied that any spying took place and ridiculed anyone who suggested otherwise.

Bill D’Agostino from Newsbusters said

“The media’s knee-jerk dismissal of Trump’s allegations has left them looking pretty foolish in this case. It’s not the first time their incurious attitude has come back to bite them, and it’s likely to happen again as Durham’s investigation continues.” 

Newsbusters, which tracks examples of media bias, has compiled a supercut of media clips that show the anti-Trump media carrying water for the Obama administration and the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2016.

Have a look. It’s actually pretty funny.



Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has awarded another $1 million in COVID-19 relief funds to the Planned Parenthood abortion business.

Empower Wisconsin reports Evers, a pro-abortion Democrat who vetoed a bill to protect newborns from infanticide, announced the taxpayer-funded grant last week as part of the Equitable Recovery Grants program.

The governor said the goal of the program is to help communities and families recover from the pandemic.

Evers said in a statement:

“From Beloit to Lac du Flambeau, the organizations receiving these grants have been on the frontlines of providing support to communities that have seen disparate outcomes throughout this pandemic, both in health and economic well-being. We must continue to work together to make sure that as our state is recovering, every community and every family is recovering with us.”

But Planned Parenthood does not help families; it’s an abortion business. Its annual reports show actual health services, such as cancer screenings and well-woman exams, are dropping, and its prenatal care and adoption referral numbers are so small that they are almost non-existent.

Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers continue to grow, and it now does about 40 percent of all abortions in the U.S., or more than 350,000 a year.


Despite Justin Trudeau’s threats to arrest them, shut down their bank accounts and strip them of their drivers’ licenses, the truckers’ convoy has not left Ottawa.

As of mid-week, they were holding the line against the tyrannical edicts of the man who has declared himself supreme dictator.

Take a look at this short video, shot Wednesday afternoon, two days after the Trudeau government invoked the Emergencies Act and declared the truckers as terrorists.


That doesn’t look like a group that is bowing to the government’s intimidation tactics, or is willing to accept defeat in their fight for freedom.


Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton finally broke her silence on the bombshell filing by Special Counsel John Durham and she sounds nervous. Hillary denied the story and tried to blame Trump and Fox News saying they are trying to distract from Trump’s “misdeeds,” according to a report by Slay News.

What Hillary will soon learn the hard way is that it doesn’t matter if what her team did was legal. The Durham filings and other evidence show a coordinated campaign meant to damage Trump politically. Whether the smear job extended into criminal behavior or whether official government resources were abused for it we will find out, but it doesn’t really matter.

What matters is that the veil has been lifted. Anyone can connect the dots between Durham’s filings, Hillary and Jake Sullivan’s texts, and the media reporting on the illegal Carter Page FISA warrant.

She would be better off admitting she is ruthless and orchestrated or played a small part in the mother of all political smear jobs. Because she’s caught, and the longer she waits to come clean, the easier this turns into not the political dirty trick of the century, which some may respect, but the scandal of the century, which all should denounce. 

Hillary said “Trump & Fox are desperately spinning up a fake scandal to distract from his real ones. So, it’s a day that ends in Y. The more his misdeeds are exposed, the more they lie.”

As usual, Hillary projects her own misdeeds onto others. And of course, her favorite straw man is Donald Trump. It’s becoming more and more obvious that Hillary needs Donald Trump in order to worm her way back into power.

Good luck with that strategy.


Since the beginning of the plandemic, the government-media complex has instructed us to "follow the science."

But, as conservative writer JD Rucker points out a new article, perhaps a better indicator of what's really happening would be to follow the money.

Rucker writes: “And if you really want to get an accurate view, the money to follow is in life insurance. They know about death better than anyone. It's what they do.”

We reported in January about the insurance executive caught admitting there had been an inexplicable 40% increase in mortalities in 2021. They tried to walk that back, but the cat was out of the bag and it has been verified as being true.

Now, Rucker reports that a former Blackrock portfolio manager has taken the insurance cover-up and blown it wide open.

During an interview with Kristi Leigh, Edward Dowd gave us multiple bombshells, Rucker says.

One that may have been missed came at around the 27-minute mark when he revealed plenty of evidence of mortality dramatically increasing.

“As the truth comes out it will get worse and they will triple down. You gotta think like a criminal. If you’re caught, and they’re getting caught, and they’re not going to be able to hide the number of injuries and deaths and mortuaries are filling up and we’re getting the insurance data.

“They’re caught, they know they’re caught. The general public doesn’t know they’re caught yet but they’re caught, so they have to triple down and they have to go deeper into this and it’s going to get worse, it’s going to get weird and ugly and messed up for the next several months. We will win, these criminals will be brought to justice but I expect full on chaos this year. It’s just the nature of how a criminal thinks.”

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 26-minute mark to 26:57)

He went on to say that, "Bottom line is, they saw an acceleration in mortality in the second half of 2021, okay. Given the 'miracle vaccines,' that should not have occurred."

He detailed how OneAmerica CEO Scott Davison revealed the facts during a Chamber of Commerce meeting. The information was not supposed to get out to the public, but it did and it blew up.

"In fact, he put some meat on the bones," Dowd said. "He said a 10% increase would be a three-standard deviation event. 40% is a once-in-200-year flood. And what you need to understand about insurance companies is they make their money giving whole life policies because they can predict death rates, which are pretty steady.

"They can retract it all they want. That doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what they say. Deaths are rising. Now, you can debate why. I know why. You know why."

He then went over some details that his team had collected regarding the increase in mortalities reported in the 4th quarter of 2021 by the insurance agencies. Here's a breakdown he posted to Twitter:



Nearly a quarter-million chickens owned by Tyson Foods tested positive for a lethal bird flu on Monday.

The infected birds will be killed and disposed of, instead of entering the food market, something bound to further raise the prices of chicken in the grocery stores.

According to a report by independent journalist Tim Pool of, Tyson Foods is working with authorities to contain the outbreak and prevent the Eurasian H5 virus from spreading to other farms.

A spokesperson for Tyson Foods said in a statement, “We are actively working with state and federal officials to prevent the spread of the virus, Although the origin of the infection is not known, avian influenza has been found in migratory wild birds which play a significant role in spreading the disease.”

Dozens of wild birds have tested positive for the bird flu on the East Coast in recent weeks. The avian flu can be spread to other birds through direct contact or contact with feathers or feces.

The USDA said in a statement about the outbreak among wild birds, “These findings are not unexpected, as wild birds can be infected with HPAI and show no signs of illness. They can carry the disease to new areas when migrating.”


As many of you know, the outspoken freedom advocate Pastor Artur Pawlowsky was arrested again about a week ago and thrown into solitary confinement in a dusty prison cell in Calgary, Canada.

His latest arrest was over a sermon he gave to truckers at a border crossing in southern Alberta, where he reportedly told them to hold the line.

He was denied bail at a court hearing on Wednesday.

Rebel News caught up with his son and he had this to say.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 3:15 of video)

That’s a great question and I think the young man answered it himself in that interview. This is a man the Canadian government clearly fears as it has now invoked the Emergencies Act for a situation that is not an emergency and yet gives it the pretext to clamp down on all aspects of freedom in that country.

A man like Artur Pawlowski, as his son told us, is dangerous to a government like that, which is becoming more authoritarian by the day.


James Bovard has an excellent column in the New York Post this week about the protest movement against vaccine mandates in Canada.

He explains how, since the start of the pandemic, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has acted like COVID entitled him to unlimited power in the name of public safety. Now he claims he is entitled to use an iron fist to crush the trucker protest movement against a vaccine mandate. 

Many Canadians are supporting the truckers’ protest because they believe the risks of the vaccine outweigh the benefit and, more important, that they have the right to control their own bodies. Trudeau responded by demonizing the peaceful protesters, saying, “There is no place in our country for threats, violence or hatred.” 

But any objective analysis of the events in Canada will lead to the ultimate conclusion that Trudeau is the one making threats and doing the hating. He denounced the protesters, baselessly, as “racist” and “misogynistic.” Then he took the extreme action of invoking the Emergencies Act, something that has never been done in the 40-year history of the law, effectively awarding himself martial-law powers to repress and criminalize the peaceful protesters. Trudeau said his edict will provide him “the ability to compel” tow-truck companies to remove protesters’ trucks. 

He’s designating anyone who supports the truckers Freedom Convoy a “terrorist” and his government has ordered banks to cut off their funding.

Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, who sits on the governing board of the World Economic Forum, announced Tuesday: “We are broadening the scope of Canada’s anti-money-laundering and terrorist-financing rules so that they cover Crowd Funding Platforms and the payment-service providers they use.” 

No court order will be necessary to strip people of their property. 

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association condemned Trudeau’s declaration, warning that it “threatens our democracy and our civil liberties.” 

That democracy is now visibly teetering on the edge of totalitarianism.

If people are afraid to speak their minds, to criticize their government, for fear of having their money and property stolen, then democracy in such a country is for all intents and purposes, a pipe dream.

It’s time to wake up and face the facts.

Canada has devolved into a dictatorship. The only question left to be answered is this: Is America, France, Australia or Italy any different? Are the banks and governments in these countries any less in cahoots against the people?

For all of us at the Worldview Report, thank you for watching, and good night.


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WVW Broadcast Network




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