WVW-TV Launches New, Free Roku Channel That Can Be Streamed by 10 Million

Worldview Weekend Foundation
1016 West Poplar Ave #106-228
Collierville, TN 38017


Dear Worldview Weekend Foundation Friends,

We are pleased to announce our new, free, Roku channel was launched June 26, 2015 after more than 220 hours of computer programming. After you see our extremely professional Roku channel, you will understand why a channel like this has a price tag by most programmers of around $20,000. A recent report reveals that 7 out of 10 Americans are now streaming all their programming instead of watching cable or broadcast television. We knew this was the trend and that is why we began in 2006 to develop the platform and technology for streaming our own Biblical programming. Tell your friends to go to www.wvwtv.com/roku for more details. 

Right now you can stream all six of the WVW-TV produced television programs over your television set if you have the ROKU box or USB, regardless of what country in which you reside. Whether you live in United States of America, Canada, the UK, Ireland, or anywhere else in the world, you will find the Worldview Weekend Broadcast Network channel in your respective, Roku channel store. This channel is available to you free of charge as a ministry of Worldview Weekend and Worldview Weekend Foundation. We are truly a global broadcast ministry thanks in part to your partnership through our Worldview Weekend Foundation.

If you do not have a Roku box, you can purchase one for about $30 at stores such as Target or Best Buy. That’s it! No monthly fee is required to watch our most recent programs. Simply hook your Roku box to your wireless internet and you are streaming Worldview Weekend Broadcast Network on your television.

To add the Worldview Weekend Broadcast Network channel to your Roku home screen you can simply go to https://my.roku.com/add/wvw and request that this channel be added to your Roku home page. You can also go into the Roku channel store using your Roku remote control and choose the free Worldview Weekend Broadcast Network to be added to your home screen. Once you install the channel and bring it up then choose “browse and watch free broadcasts.”

If you need further information we have full details at http://www.worldviewweekend.com/roku.

Our old channel had 9,007 subscribers and we have not even promoted the channel in months because our old channel needed to have the computer code completely rewritten. We believe that with this new channel we will see over 20,000 families streaming our free Biblical programs before the end of the year.

Remember WVW-TV is currently filming, producing, post-editing, and distributing six different television programs from our Memphis, Tennessee studio with more in pre-production. All six of these programs are distributed free of charge for several days as a ministry of Worldview Weekend and Worldview Weekend Foundation. As WVW-TV continues to produce Biblical programming, Worldview Weekend Foundation continues to develop and maintain outlets for the free distribution of these programs.

We are also pleased to announce another television station recently picked up the WVW-TV produced and distributed television program of Usama Dakdok and the television program of Mike Gendron. We continue to offer the programs we produce to television stations at no charge as a ministry of Worldview Weekend and Worldview Weekend Foundation.

Please tell your friends they can watch the free WVW-TV broadcast ministry television programs of Justin Peters, Tommy Ice, Jesse Johnson, Mike Abendroth, Usama Dakdok, Mike Gendron, as well as my program, the Worldview Weekend Hour, at wvwtv.com or with our free app they can download at www.wvwtv.com/app, or through our new Roku channel.

We also recently launched a Google Chromecast button on our TV player at www.wvwtv.com. This button will allow you to throw what is playing on the computer video player at wvwtv.com to your television if you have the Google Chromecast USB. The Chromecast USB can be purchased at stores such as Best Buy or Target for around $30.00. 

Whether it is through our website, our app, Roku channel or the Google Chromecast button embedded into our player, we are continually developing more distribution platforms by which we can distribute free Biblical radio and television programs to people all over the world. We would like to now begin developing a Kindle Fire channel. However, to continue with free ministry broadcast outlets, we must continue to have your faithful partnership through the Worldview Weekend Foundation at www.wvwfoundation.com

Don’t forget, our computer technicians tell us that people in up to 120 nations are regularly listening to the 14 different radio programs we produce and/or distribute, along with the different television programs we produce and distribute. WVW-TV and Worldview Radio is seeking to be the world’s premier online Biblical worldview radio and television network and the Worldview Weekend Foundation is pleased to assist in distributing this programming world-wide as a free broadcast ministry. 

When we were mainly a conference based ministry, we were thrilled to see 1,800 people attend a free Worldview Weekend rally in one city. Today, we are seeing tens of thousands of people in over 120 nations regularly streaming and benefiting from our Biblically sound programming. We are committed to using the technology to globally broadcast Biblical truth as we seek to defend and proclaim a Biblical worldview.

On June 6, 2006, Worldview Weekend began the media divisions that today you know as

In the nine years since June of 2006, we have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in servers, extra-server storage, bandwidth, computer programming, cameras, studio equipment, television and radio production, post-production, website development, building apps, our Roku channel, server administration, travel expenses for our broadcasters to come to our television studio in Memphis, virtual servers, emergency backup on a cloud, broadcast software, television editing software, switchers and live streaming equipment, computers, and graphic artists.

All of this equipment, technology, and infrastructure has allowed you to stream free of charge the radio and television programs you have come to depend upon for Biblical truth as well as the news and articles you use for Bible study, research, and information.

We strive each day to be the world’s premier Biblical worldview radio and television network, and with your partnership we believe we are accomplishing that goal. If you will continue to partner with us through the Worldview Weekend Foundation, I think you will be encouraged and excited about some of the broadcast projects we hope to unveil soon.

Will you please go to www.wvwfoundation.com right now and make a tax deductible contribution of any amount? I think you can testify to our faithfulness in ministry as well as excellence in production and broadcast. Your partnership will allow us to continue to reach an even larger global audience with Biblical truth.

We are a ministry that receives millions of page views and downloads a year as we are always available, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We never have a day that we are not monitoring, maintaining, updating, and securing the Biblical broadcast network of radio, television, information and articles. Christians all around the world are being equipped and edified by this ministry 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thus, we must oversee this broadcast ministry 365 days a year. Christmas Day, Fourth of July, New Year’s Day, and even on family vacation, we are required to work in order to maintain the constant presence of this global broadcast ministry.

If you appreciate this ministry and all the new ministry services we have and are providing, please let us hear from you today by going to www.wvwfoundation.com

I also want to let you know that we are busy making plans for Contend 2016, the free student Worldview Weekend in Memphis, TN. You can register and find full details at www.contend2016.com  I am pleased to report that the Contend 2015 student Worldview Weekend was attended by more students than in 2014. We had over 500 students from 26 states that were registered.

Thank you, again, for your continued support and partnership with us through the Worldview Weekend Foundation. Your continued support of the Worldview Weekend Foundation with your tax-deductible contribution is vital for the continuation of these ministry opportunities.

You are making a difference and impacting lives with the proclamation of the gospel and with Bible teaching programs that you help us distribute. The ministry opportunities we have are really only limited by the resources necessary for more radio and television production and distribution. Over the next year, we desire to produce and distribute even more Biblically based radio and television programs. For example, in March of this year, we began distributing the new television program, Proclaiming the Gospel TV with host Mike Gendron. Mike was a Catholic for 37 years and now runs a ministry seeking to train Christians in how to evangelize the 1.2 billion Catholics with the truth of the Gospel.

If you appreciate the radio and TV program I host, as well as the radio or TV programs of Justin Peters, Mike Abendroth, Jimmy DeYoung, Dr. Tommy Ice, Mike Gendron, Jesse Johnson, Chris Pinto, John Whitcomb, Usama Dakdok, Mike Riddle, T.A. McMahon, David Farnell, John Loeffler, and the ladies’ Bible study of Susan Heck, then please let us hear from you today.

Thank you again for your continued support of our work through the Worldview Weekend Foundation. Some have inquired about the ability to contribute automatically with a monthly contribution. You can set this up at www.worldviewweekendfoundation.com

You can still make a one-time or occasional contribution on our website as well. If you prefer to send a tax-deductible gift by check, our address is at the top of this letter. Thank you, again, for partnering with us in ministry.

Brannon Howse
Worldview Weekend
Worldview Weekend Foundation

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    PO BOX 1690
    Collierville, TN, 38027 USA

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