How Well-Known Mainstream Evangelicals Are Aiding in Building the Revelation 18 Kingdom of Antichrist



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How Well-Known, Mainstream, Evangelicals Are Aiding in Building the Revelation 18 Kingdom of Antichrist (Marxianity Part 5)

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Brannon explains why Satan must use mainstream evangelicals to build his global system headquartered in Babylon as described in Revelation 18. Brannon further describes those that are promoting the three legged stool of government, corporations, and religion and how Alice Bailey and her demon predicted this would be what brings in the new world order. We should not be shocked the demonic world is aware of this plan because as Brannon Howse describes, Revelation 18 tells us that the three legged stool is the foundation for the Babylonian kingdom of Satan and his antichrist figure. What does it tell us about mainstream evangelicals that are promoting the three-legged stool and those men that are sharing the platform and giving theological cover to the cultural marxists that are promoting satan's three-legged stool of Revelation 18? What does 2 Corinthians 6:14-17 and Revelation 18:4 say should be our response to these Satanic system now under construction and why are well-respected Pastors and ministry leaders not listening to the Biblical warnings they and their staff have been given over many months and years?


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