Unlocking the Mysterious of Genesis (Branson 2015)

Targeted to the Millennial Generation, Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis supports a biblical worldview with empirical scientific evidence and offers defensible answers to some of the most provocative and controversial questions of faith and science.

The mystery of all time is the omnipotent and omniscient creation of the “heavens and the earth.” That event and the on-going evidence of God’s creation is the foundational display of God’s very nature and power (Romans 1:20). That body of evidence is so important and so clear that it confirms the accuracy and authority of the work of God during the early centuries from the creation through the tower of Babel (Genesis 1 through 12).

This presentation answers this big question: Does science AFFIRM the Bible? What are the false assertions of Evolution? What are the Biblical descriptions of the creation account? What does science tell us? What makes “life” alive? What about the DINOSAURS?!



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