Brannon Howse: April 10 Topic One: The May 2009 magazine Vanity Fair Reports that 2,500 of America's wealthiest and most powerful men get together every July for 16 days as p
Brannon Howse: April 9 Topic One: Brannon's first guest is Wallid Shoebat. Mr. Shoebat is a former Muslim terrorist who was involved in bombings overseas. Mr. Shoebat came t
Brannon Howse: April 8 Topic One: Google has taken down files and facts about Hitler and Germany because they resemble the things happening now in America? This is what two
Brannon Howse: April 6 After the April 2nd, 2009, G-20 Meeting it is a Whole New World Order and Americans Just Lost a Ton of Freedoms. Topic One: Prime Minister Gordon Br
Brannon Howse: April 3 Topic: Corporate Fascism Takes Over America. Topic One: Corporate fascism is the merging of big business and big government and it is happening big t
Brannon Howse: April 2 Topic One: Obama's The youth service bill also includes money for a 10 month service program. This is the advanced course for the liberal students tha
Brannon Howse: March 31 The Obama Two-Step: Step One: Obamas Administration covertly manufactures a problem. Step Two: Obamas union community organizers play the role of
Brannon Howse: March 25 Topic: Inside the Revolution and the Epicenter. Brannons guest is NY Times best-selling author Joel Rosenberg. Topic One: Why Iran is more dangero
Brannon Howse: March 24 Topic: Understanding Americas Worldview Crisis. This is a special episode featuring a keynote presentation that was delivered by Brannon Howse at
Brannon Howse: March 20 Topic: America is being destroyed from within by radicals that have made their plans public for years. Description: Brannon discusses Obama's Fabian s
Brannon Howse: March 19 Topic: Dr. Judith Reisman explains how the Rockefeller Foundation Funded Alfred Kinsey and the Destruction of the American Family. In our continued qu
Brannon Howse: March 18 Guest: Dr. David Noebel Description: Brannon and Dr. Nobel describe Obama's Fabian socialism that is destroying America. Fabian socialists are in fav
Brannon Howse: March 16 Topic: Uncovering Obama's Communist Ties and The Communist Organizations That Groomed and Backed Him. Description: Brannon has Trevor Loudon on his pr
Brannon Howse: March 13 Americans do not understand that the Federal Reserve is not a federal agency. Henry Ford said that if Americans really understood what the Federal Res
Brannon Howse: March 12 Topic One: Obama declares he wants education from "cradle to career". Brannon explains what this means and would you be shocked if it includes the ten
Brannon Howse: March 11 Topic One: Brannon uncovers another article by Frances Fox Piven, of Cloward-Piven Strategy. She is STILL at it even though she is an old gal. Piven w
Brannon Howse: March 10 Part II: Topic: Barack Obama is Destroying Our Economy on Purpose. Brannon has Jim Simpson back and we take your calls on what you think about Obama's
Brannon Howse: March 9 Topic: Barack Obama is Destroying Our Economy on Purpose. Description: A pair of radical Columbia University professors by the name of Richard Andrew
Brannon Howse: March 6 Topic One: The White House slammed Jim Crammer for what he said on his TV program. Crammer says we are watching the free enterprise system disappear b
Brannon Howse: March 5 Socialism is Here and Tyranny is to Follow If We Allow It. Topic One: Inflation (the creation of money)is growing government, funding socialism so say
Brannon Howse: March 3 Brannon re-airs an interview with Paul Williams. Paul is the journalist that has written the best-selling book: The Day of Islam: The Annihilation of
Brannon Howse: February 27 Topic: The Second Amendment is at risk. Why should every freedom loving American be concerned. Unless you love tyranny, you better listen up. Obama an
Brannon Howse: February 26 Topic One: The Ft. Worth columnist that did the yellow journalism piece on Brannon and the Biblical Worldview Code Blue Rally e-mails one of our liste
Brannon Howse: February 25 Topic: Liberal Columnist Seeks To Trash Brannon Howse, Worldview Weekend and Christians That Have a Biblical Worldview and Speak Truth. Description:
Brannon Howse: February 24 Topic One: Guest, Jan Markell. Christians need to realize that the liberal media got Obama elected, they embrace his worldview and those that speak ag
Brannon Howse: February 23 Brannon interviews Pastor Bob Pearle on the Vanishing Church. What is a Biblical New Testament church to look like? Why is it wrong to build the churc
Brannon Howse: February 20 Topic One: CNBC report calls for revolution on Chicago trading floor and the traders cheer as the mock Obama's plan. CNBC report says we are turning i
Brannon Howse: February 18 Topic One: Republicans now open to nationalizing banks. Socialist Party R is now helping Neo-Marxist Party D. Topic Two: Experts say major banks are i
Brannon Howse: February 16 Guest: Retired two star general Clyde Autio. What does Mr. Autio think about the Defense Department Directive that is creating a civilian military for
Brannon Howse: February 13 Topic One: It is becoming clear that the new U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was picked not because it is so smart but because he is part of
Brannon Howse: February 12 Topic: Obama's Revolutionary, Neo-Marxist, Worldview. Description: Have you ever heard of Saul Alinsky, do you know what he proclaimed? President Ob
Brannon Howse: February 11 Topic One: Stimulus bill passes U.S. Senate. Bill includes the creation of the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology. The government i
Brannon Howse: February 9 25 similarities between America and Nazi Germany. Brannon details this list from his most recent article published in the Worldview Weekend Digest. Th
Brannon Howse: February 6 Is a Revolution in the Making? Topic: Gerald Celente with the Trends Research Institute has been making spot on projections for years. Listen to The
Brannon Howse: February 4 Brannon's guest is Steve Camp for CAMPfire where we answer your questions. This weeks questions that you have e-mailed us include: Is there a sinner's
Brannon Howse: February 3 Topic One: Obama Gets His Civilian Military Force Under Way. During the campaign, Obama said, We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to
Brannon Howse: February 2 Topic One: Market Watch, a website belonging to the Wall Street Journal had article entitled: How Realistic is a North American Currency? The subtitle
Brannon Howse: Janaury 30 Guest Jan Markell. Topic: H.R. 645, A new bill introduced in Congress authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to set up a network of camp facil
Brannon Howse: January 29 Topic One: Obama thinks large window at the White House is door and tries to open it. What if that had been Bush? Topic Two: House passes stimulus bil
Brannon Howse: Janaury 28 Camp Fire with Steve Camp: Topic One: Is it Biblical for people to call themselves an apostle or prophet today? Topic Two: Do pastors have a calling t
Brannon Howse: Janaury 27 Topic One: New survey Reveals Americans' Feelings About Wicca. What is Wicca? Why are young people following Wicca? How most churches have failed acco
Brannon Howse: January 26 Topic One: Obama economic representative admits to Congress that he does not know if the one trillion dollar stimulus plan would create one job. Topic
Brannon Howse: January 23 Topic One: Obama's economic advisor Robert Reich, calls for federal infrastructure jobs to NOT go to white males. Congressman Rangel says the middle c
Brannon Howse: January 22 Kissinger talks about the rise of Babylon and a new world order. Listen to seven sound clips of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger from 2007, 2
Brannon Howse: January 21 Topic One: So much for change. Civil Rights leader Rev. Joseph Lowery "prays" at the inauguration. His "prayer" was the same old race-baiting, victimi
Brannon Howse: January 20 Topic One: Rick Warren praises Obama's choice of Gay Bishop to offer prayer at inauguration. Rick's written statement said that Obama "has again demon
Brannon Howse: Janaury 16 Topic: A Few Reasons Why America is the Late Great USA. Topic One: How America has committed national suicide. Topic Two: U.S. Senator Jim Bunning say
Brannon Howse: Janaury 15 Topic One: For the first time, Brannon publically admits that America is lost. We have lost the culture war, the courts, the congress, the white house
Brannon Howse: January 14 Topic One: I think Obama is going to be fair worse than we expected. He will have first openly gay clergy pray for his opening ceremonies. Topic Two:
Brannon Howse: January 13 Brannon's Guest: Dr. David Reagan. Topic One: How the financial crisis is being used to implement global governance. Topic Two: Hatred of Jews is incr